The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Nobody has said that.

Then you cant compare the two.


Then you can’t compare High Elves or Blood Elves.

Since I have tried the best to answer all your questions you failed to answer mine, so we are at a impasse no matter what is said you will change topics and bounce around. The evidence by both sides is in the thread let people figure it out on their own.


Do you know what a source is? Are you legitimately playing dumb?

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Whatever make you feel good bro ill let you decide.

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Defias brotherhood lore, which can be seen most of the way in the first 20 levels in WoW classic as a human player. They are stone masons that rebuilt Stormwind, went to get payment afterwards from the royals/nobles but was told that they where not going to be payed (through onyxia’s manipulation in SW politics) So they decided to get revenge, by being bandits to raise money to build a battleship and bombard SW.

The defias brotherhood is a story of revenge. It is different but almost the same as the story between blood elves and high elves, with high elves being loyalists and blood elves seeking vengeance against the alliance/scourge at the beginning of the blood elf story.


Who betrayed their nation and didn’t come to its aid first when it was under invasion and again when it was reclaimed.

I think we know who the loyalists actually are.


You mean the nation that abandoned it’s neighboring nation to the plague threat thinking it won’t effect them only to get it thrown in they’re faces? hmmmm

Also said nation that is between qualthalas and dalaran at the time


I think you’ll find this is the full reason to why the High Elves actually left the Alliance after the second war:

At last Anasterian rescinded the high elves’ allegiance to the Alliance. He stated that the humans’ poor leadership had been directly responsible for the burned forests in the borderlands of Quel’Thalas. King Terenas Menethil argued that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have survived if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who gave their lives to defend it. Despite his attempts at reestablishing diplomatic relations, however, the elves opted to remain independent of the crumbling Alliance. Their departure triggered the additional secession of the Gilneas and Stromgarde nations.

It is virtually a debate between both kingdoms that lead to a split.


“Yeah we ditched Quel’thalas to defend Lordaeron during the second war, what do you mean they’re not sending their forces to defend us from a plague that was clearly heading in their direction? Yes I know they’re not our allies any more! What filthy traitors!”

Yeah totally makes sense.


But that doesn’t explain the high elves that was at other settlements/dalaran. If they are not in the nation at the time do they need to follow they’re laws? Can said nation enforce said laws if they’re citizens are not in it? How did they received the message at the time if they where not there? What about the families they made while gone? Not all high elves lived in qualthalas and it’s lands.


No one’s saying they’re criminals.

They’re just gutless traitors.

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What is worse? betraying family, or betraying a nation you no longer live in, whom did not listen to a call of help?


So you’re admitting to that most of the High Elves that call themselves High Elves abandoned there own people in a time of need?


You also admit that most blood elves abandoned they’re pact from humans that gave them they’re land?


Betraying family? You mean their homeland where all their family lives? Or do you mean the people they served in an army with for a couple of years? An army that abandoned their people in the second war?

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So your dismissing the high elves that lived in dalaran for hundreds of years then?


No, of course not. It’s a good thing a good chunk of them had the stones to return to Quel’thalas even though they missed the initial invasion to help reclaim their home.

Unlike the cowards who were too busy enjoying an easy and safe life getting their problems solved by humans.

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It wasn’t the humans that gave the High Elves Quel’Thalas. The only reason why the High Elves joined the Alliance in the first place was because of the troll threat, which also pushed to a threat within the Human Kingdom of Lordaeron as well.

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