The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So you think the Silver Covenant is the only small group of High Elves left in game? Did you forget about Dalaran High Elves as well? They “aren’t” Alliance.

I did. In Surumar. Guess what? Nothing happened.

DO the Silver Covenant have the same politics as the Sin’dorei?
Are they Allied with the Alliance?
Are they High Elves?


I did the same thing in Dalaran. Crazy right?


They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals.

I really like the paragraph that you took this out of:

“In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.”

High Elves are not even worthy of being considered a race! There’s so few of them that are so dispersed that they have no meaning, purpose, and have no impact on the world. Their past and present political affiliations do not matter. Hurray!


Does the Defias gang become politically different considering they do not share the same opinions and ideas as Stormwind, and don’t fight for the Alliance?

You read the entire coversation bro , you way behind i posted already up above you didnt expose anything.


Why’d you edit that part out, though?

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development already confirmed there are no alliance high elf hubs. anyway the SC do not appear to be attacking me in these 2 different spots. the case is also the same in the city they are based out of, dalaran

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Thats what i though cant answer them truthfully have to change to subject.


Go to Windrunners Outlook I guarantee they will attack you on a Horde Character. They attack my Horde sin’dorei even though we suppose to be politically the same and we look the same by what some peeps say.


I am using the same example, with the same race to each other, and that is now changing the subject?

Still did’nt answer my Silver Covenant Questions.


What the hell are those demon eyes?

Man, you haven’t answered 1 question at all.

“Where does it say that Blood Elves and High Elves are politically different?”
No where. Having different opinions, different ideas, and fighting on different factions does not mean they are politicially different. Then I used a prime example, and yet, that is changing the subject.

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Are using wowpedia or wikkiwow for the for your source on the Defias Brotherhood


its a work in progress from ptr. fixing eye glows

but i believe they are separating eye colors from faces to allow them to be selected independently, it is very promising for those of us hoping to see a blue eyed option for blood elves (reflective of the cleansing effects of the arcane/holy sunwell and the fact a lot of blood elves would be using arcane magic which is where the blue eyes came from in the first place) :+1:

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I gave you my answer if you dont think its fits what you think it means, or what I think, that’s ok but don’t lie and say I didn’t give you a answer.


Have you not played the game prior to Cataclysm? Have you not done the Westfall storyline.

That is not saying they are pollitically different.

Oh, I can’t wait to see my mage with Blue Eyes. It will look like a true mage then :slight_smile:

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Super rude.

BTW the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant don’t attack you in Dalaran thats not their purpose there, they are just to stop your entrance in the opposing factions areas nothing more. So its not unbelievable anyone not attacked there and dont mean anything.