The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I just posted what at the website link I provided, can go read the original.

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Just because they don’t consider themselves as High Elves, doesn’t mean they are not High Elves, as said many times by many different people.

That is what I just said to you. It does not state they are politically or culturely different.

From the old forums:

13: "All the reasons Ion gives for not allowing High Elves could be used to exclude Void Elves!"

I’m seeing this one echoed quite a lot, probably because of Taliesin and Evitel’s two videos (which, by the way, end up with the result that High Elves probably don’t make sense).

To reiterate Ion’s main points of reasoning for why High Elves weren’t going to work, taken from the two live interviews:
-Too similar to Blood Elf in aesthetic (Fair-skinned, tall, majestic, blond-haired)
-Blurs the lines between the factions (Both visually, and by population numbers)
-No clear idea of who/what High Elves are as a larger faction (Splintered groups)
-No hub where High Elves would pull from (Sort of related to the above point)

See, you just verified not only everything I have said, but everything else the other Anti-Helfers have said.

“Opinions”. Still is the same thing today. If you could the timeline in years between the Third War to now, it has only been what? 30 years? Give or take a few years.


Like i said i used your own source, People can judge for themselves
Again the Website is:

Its all there i will also advise all this information here is outdated and has be surpassed in game and whats going on in the story now to.

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Where does it say that Blood Elves and High Elves are politically different then?

So your saying Sin’dorei and High elves all have the same politics then. I will disagree with you if you say yes.

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I am not saying anything, because there is nothing official about them having same politics. But there is also nothing official saying they have different politics.


There we have it.:+1:

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As quoted from what you said here:

Back up your claim. Where does it say they have different politics?

again taken from, for your source

The Third War: Loss of the Sunwell

They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals.

Again this source you proclaim the all knowing knowledge is about 8 years behind game and current story. Also you have to read the whole paragraph which i wont paste here since people accuse others others changing pastes.



As a hordie, visit any one of the High Elf settlement and see if no one attacks you


They follow the leaders on these post they have no clue in game or current storyline. imho

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Not sharing the same opinions or goals doesn’t make them different politically.


Like this one she wont admit the silver covenant an Alliance Allie, Is Politically Different in game, even though they shoot her or kick her out as a horde if she goes nears them. No to say no. is all.


If there was an option in game to allowed to be a blood elf as Alliance in game, does that make me politically different from the rest of the Blood Elves who are Horde?

Where does it say they are different politically?

Whatever makes you feel better, if you dont know after everything provided in this thread then you wont know. Show me in your source (The Warcraft Encyclopedia) where the Silver Covenant Exists.


Lets count up how many times I have asked the question:

3 times, and the question has not been answered once. Why, because it is a well known that that they are not politically different. While they may share different opinions and ideas or fight for different factions, or what ever, none of that makes then different in any political manner.

I gave you my answer you didn’t see it, that’s where I have to use your outdated source, You even quoted me

So quit lying I showed what I had from your outdated source.

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Translation: “Quit showing me your outdated source. It is outdated, it is not official, it is not true anymore.”

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So the Silver Covenant don’t exist in your world?