The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Google primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources (such as wikis) only matter if they can cite a primary source. They do not hold intrinsic value since they can be edited by anyone.

The quote posted was from a section that cites no primary sources, therefore it is worthless. Other sections of that same article do cite primary sources correctly and therefore do have relevance.

Your failure to understand correct sourcing or fact checking is a you problem and I will not waste any more time trying to explain it to you.

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Think your fighting an argument we all already agree to, they are the same race but different politically .

Where i think we disagree is that you think its not enough to make a difference, but game and lore and people for Playable Alliance High Elves disagree with you.

Is that correct??


I think perhaps you mean the nation of Silvermoon probably withdrew their membership, as did many other human nations shortly before Warcraft 3.

Also, Kael’thas and his Blood Elves were serving under Garithos’ holdouts during the beginning of the human campaign. Racist jerk yes, and the developers did cite him as a reason why the Blood Elves threw their lot in with the Horde.

If you’re still not convinced that High Elves were never part of the Alliance, then read this quote from Taela Everstride:

" No, don’t feel bad. I get that a lot.

<Taela looks both amused and annoyed.>

I’m a HIGH elf, not a blood elf. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suck all of the magic out of you."


Where is the official source that they are politically different?

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Wheres the Official Site that says they are not Politically Different, in fact show me any site that says they are not politically different and don’t despise the horde.

In game There are many examples where you as a Horde can not go because of Alliance Quel’dorei being there without getting flagged or attacked.


You don’t have to prove a negative, fam. :^)

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I proved my point on many occasion “Fam”. If you doubt me just fly into Windrunners Outlook Sometime as a Horde.


Dude, I just post an official source to where it says they’re not politically different:

That was officially from the Warcraft Encyclopedia, which used to be here on the World of Warcraft site before the site changes.

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That’s not an official source.

You haven’t proved anything until you can provide that.

No to say no all you have Fam.


you havent proven jack. your side cant cite lore or development commentary

the pro high elf argument can be summarized as

‘alliance high elves are possible as long as we completely ignore what the devs have said because they might have changed their mind since they said it and havent gotten around to telling us’


Here to show my love for the High elves that never betrayed the Alliance. I hope they become playable soon. And no, I’m not taking about blood elves or void elves, I’m talking about high elves, the same people you see in the Silver covenant.


Here to show my distaste for the high elves that betrayed their kinsmen. I hope they never become playable. And no, I’m not talking about blood elves or void elves, I’m talking about high elves, the same people who never showed up to help Quel’thalas against the Scourge.


Aww, you copied my post. I’m flattered.


Just for you bby :kissing_heart:

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And they call us trolls because we’re going by what is in the lore and what the devs has stated.

Also From The
The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves

Prince Kael’thas returned home and rallied all the survivors he could find: approximately 90% of the surviving high elves. He declared that these survivors would now bear a new name–the blood elves in honor of their fallen people. The blood elves no longer consider themselves high elves, and they have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.

In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.

Like blood elves, high elves can use arcane magic, but most do not because most high elves are not spellcasters. Whether or not they are spellcasters, all high elves are suffering acute pangs of withdrawal in the absence of the Sunwell’s energies. A few high elves here and there have realized the cause of their distress; others have not. A crucial difference between high elves and blood elves is that no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources now that the Sunwell is useless. Even today, though, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

Again allot of people wonder if this is all still conical since its all out dated and hasn’t caught up with current Lore or game, Alleria was presumed dead in this lore also has Veressa just giving birth to the twins, this source is way outdated.

Which we know the story has progressed from this Source of information


Just used your own source to prove you wrong I was not trolling.

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i didnt even get past the heavily edited first paragraph you ‘cited’