The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Well, when you see:

followed by:

isn’t the context kind of obvious? :thinking:


So, you’re implying that Blood Elves/High Elves are like Chinese/Taiwanese?

A different culture from a different country?

Go on. Please, make my argument for me.


So, where does it say that Blood Elves are a different culture after a name change?

If you read my post, I said they were culturally similar. The Taiwanese speak Chinese, their cuisine is very similar to what you can find in Mainland China, and they hold many old Chinese traditions. However, they politically align more with democratic countries like America, Korea, and Japan.

Likewise, High Elves are physiologically and culturally similar to Blood Elves, except (sorry if this sounds familiar) they politically align more with Stormwind than with Orgrimmar. Any argument that alludes to Blood Elves being High Elves is no different than saying Taiwanese people are Chinese.


Well, not official, but from Wowpedia we have:

The term “blood elf” itself is a cultural identity

At this point, however, there are many cultural differences between the high elves and the blood elves, and there are probably only a handful of blood elves who would even choose to revert.


Man, any arguement saying Blood Elves are not High Elves, and we’ll might of well start saying Kul Tiran are no longer humans.

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Easier to just say we are all part of the Human Race but were called and recognized as different countries of the Human race. From the Largest countries China, Iran or United States or to the smallest Vatican City, Malta, Nauru, We all have different continues and different Politics and recognized as different same as game recognizes the difference between Alliance High elves, and Horde Sindorei


With the exception of course that there have been native Taiwanese people there for centuries who make up the majority of the population and are culturally distinct from the mainland and the separation between them policially occurred three or four generations ago. Not even one generstion of high elves has passed and they live thousands of years.

It’s nothing alike.

No citations, some guy’s fanfic means literally nothing.


So your saying the Wowpedia and wowwiki wowhead should never be used when debating this topic, If so what source do you recommend to support your opinion on the matter.


According to the Taiwanese census, the aboriginals in Taiwan only consist of 2.28% of the island’s population as of 2014. So yes, they were there for centuries but they now constitute a very small part of the population due to unfortunate events in the last century.

Even among the aboriginals, they’ve assimilated (whether voluntarily or forced, but that’s neither here nor there) and have adopted the predominantly chinese culture of Taiwan.

Whatever the case, I repeat that Taiwanese people have a similar culture to the Chinese, but call them Chinese and you run a very high risk of getting your butt kicked


WoWPedia and WoWWiki is something along the lines of Wikipedia. Anyone can edit anything within that to suit to there tasting.

Again what is the source you use then to support your opinions.


I didn’t say that. I said wiki quotes that aren’t sourced should never be used.

Sorry I got confused between the Old Taiwanese and the Aboriginals, some 75% of the population are descended from settles that moved to Taiwan in the 1600s. I think they’re called the Hoklo?

They’ve been separated for centuries. Not millennia.

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And the quote posted isn’t sourced. What’s your point?

Ok, anyway again what do you use for your information sources please.


I use either primary sources or wiki articles that provide citations.


I mean really if you don’t accept what is considered lore by wowpeadia on Sin’dorei Lore they give and feel its it is fanfic, then where is your source for the real story to educate us.


What source is there to say that nobody can edit WoWWiki or WoWPedia?


Considering that the Warcraft Encyclopedia was officially from the Blizzard site some many years ago.

Also, from here:
After the Second War, the high elves seceded from the Alliance, and their departure triggered further deterioration in the faltering Alliance. Later, during the Third War, the Alliance extended membership to the night elves, who saw it as their duty to warn their new allies against the high elves. The Highborne’s part in bringing about the War of the Ancients figured heavily in the night elves’ retelling of elven history. It should come as no surprise that humans came to regard the high elves (and, by association, the blood elves) with resentment and suspicion.

There is the official source that the High Elves left the Alliance after the second war.

Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred. Unlike high elves, blood elves have decided that in the absence of the Sunwell, they will feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources.

However, some basic similarities remain between blood elves and high elves, for both groups belong to the same race. As with high elves, most blood elves are not spellcasters. Blood elves do not drain magic in order to engage in spellcasting, but simply to feed their addiction to arcane magic. Gaining this magic on a reasonably regular basis has not given immortality to the blood elves, who are just as prone to illness, injury, and age as their high elf brethren. To date, there have been no observations of a significant difference between blood elf and high elf lifespans.

And there you go. They have different priorities and behaviors, not a different culture.

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