The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Point out where I have made a false accusation.

Did you, or did you not admit to bumping a thread? Yes
Is bumping against the CoC? Yes

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Just posting here to say that we, high elves that honor their fallen and follow the Horde with loyalty, really appreciate all the love.

Down with the traitors!

(This is not spam, right?)


Again show where the OP asked for this

We dont report your when anti show how they dont want Alliance Playable Quel’Dorei or how it not what the OP asked for

Again we don’t report you when you go off topic with your opinion against Playable Alliance Quel’dorei, In fact we try to show you reasons why.

Information i gave before this lie was a example of why Playable Alliance Quel Dorei should be allowed

Another opinion/accusation and not fact

Again show me where the OP asked for your discussion or debate on the matter against playable Alliance Quel’dorei, so this wasnt a lie like you said


Not spam, everyone has right to speak even though it dont fall in line with OP wishes, But i would never tell you that was spam or dont have nothing to do with the discussion or accuse of bumping a post or to shut up.


Per the Code of Conduct, if it is related to the topic, it is allowed. THis includes disagreeing views.

That’s a lie

That’s another lie as well.

The information you gave was a copy and paste about a settlement in WoW. THis is not contributing to why they should be playable.

CoC says dont spam, that includes bumping.

Code of Conduct.

Question. Why do you think the megathread keeps getting locked?

Excuse me, this is not what the OP asked for.

Click the arrow, nowhere it says it’s about Alliance Quel’dorei.

Bumping it’s indeed against the CoC, though.

No, but I’m sure some will display their dislike for that post in more silent ways.

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Report it bro then if you feel i did anything, I wont stop posting because you this i should,


So you won’t stop spamming? Got it. Thanks.

Ill keep posting what i feel is appropriate not what you think.


you don’t care about the rules because its about your feelings.
No one cares about your feelings dude. Follow the rules like everyone else. If you dislike it then
that sucks.

Gotta love those Alliance High elves supporting and fighting with the Alliance.

Did you guys know that the Alliance High eleves also have a Arcane Sanctum at
Wintergarde Keep which is the main Alliance base in Dragonblight, serving as the headquarters for the 7th Legion which also has many High Elves in it.

The fortress is under siege by the Scourge forces that had taken surrounding village, while Naxxramas defiantly hovers in the skies outside of the keep. The keep is well-protected behind strong walls and cannon towers. It is made up of barracks and an arcane sanctum. Thin game scale would account for the number actually there in game though.


Cause most of the time conversation goes off topic mostly by anties then the off topic stuff gets flagged

Ill remind you again the portion that sates this

The part and Why they should be playable, “and not why they should be played”

This is Part you left out.

Do what you got to do.


 an interesting interpretation of the fact that people are massflagging dissenting opinions
 it almost sounds as if you’re justifying it too, interesting.

First, again, it says nothing specifically about them being playable for Alliance.
Second, if it’s in topic, dissenting opinions are not against the rules.

No, that’s the part you’re adding yourself, because it doesn’t mention the Alliance in all of the OP. And I didn’t “leave it out” I said “click the arrow” because when you click the arrow pointing down, it shows the entirety of the quoted post, I did it to sve space.

I didn’t say I would do anything, just that other would, and possibly cause the same they’ve caused in other threads: getting it lockec.

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Your opinion is interesting to

Again ill remind you what the OP asked for

Like I said do what you got to do.
Mods see all in the the end they will make the decisions not bullies.


I don’t know man, I’m not sneakily defending mass flagging disagreement

High elves as an allied race.

You added Alliance there, not the OP. This has nothing to do with blue eyed elves in the Alliance.


I posted it again just for you, even though you accused me of posting what i said, really dude you honestly cant see where the op says right above here or at the beginning.


Opinions, opinions. I am glad we’re Horde.

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Still don’t know what the difference between a Sin’dorei & Alliance High Elves yet huh?:disappointed: Keep working on it. Allot of info in this thread.:face_with_monocle:


A name change must be a huge difference in a lot of people’s eyes. Oh boy, this is going to end well.

What do you think of the Taiwanese? They’re culturally Chinese and speak Mandarin Chinese as their first language.

You gonna say that they’re Chinese? I imagine a good chunk of that population wouldn’t be too happy with that.