The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

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I have to go with Ely on this one. Night Elves got shafted in BfA every bit as badly as the Horde did
and arguably worse. Near-genocide followed by a) Anduin declining (sure “when we can spare the troops” didn’t mean “no help for your people”
right) to aid Tyrande, b) Devs so massively plot armoring Nat & the Girls" that one the most powerful mortals on the planet and the living avatar of a God’s wrath couldn’t take down a mildly powered up undead ranger and a pair of Val’kyr who 5-mans treat as nothing more than speed bumps on the way to Odyn, and c) Anduin declaring peace without payback.

It sucks.


Me, I like mine, a lot. I think the heritage armor is completely over the top - and I like it. :wink:

(Murg-alt confirmed)


i like the Velf Heritage Armor for their Popped Collar of Arrogance.


Ugh. You look like a busted version of a paladin.

Get better tastes.


Get better mogs

Says the person hiding their profile in private because they are too ashamed of their own mog.

Sounds to me like you suffer from a case of jealously and lack of creative imagination.

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Was quite mood when Post- War of the Thorns literally ignored Night Elves afterwards. But also I was quite disappointed when Sira became dark ranger/warden because she was such a key character and had a role back in Legion.


I tried wearing the heritage armor on Somand for a bit, but it didn’t gel with me. The wings look awkward with the bow shoot pose, and really it just made me wish I was playing a Dark Ranger on the Horde.


I hide my profile because I am a secretive person. >=(

Just become
a blood elf.
We get a nice heritage armor set.
We have a pretty sunwell.
No humans.

I can carry you through +18’s if you required.




Anduin can bite me.

The whole expac has been a garbled mess. I feel pretty bad for the forsaken in particular, my first interpretation of them before wrath was a group that had a chance to be different, doing some questionable things, but not explicitly evil. Then they made them and Sylvanas nutso and no one can trust them. To make it worse, they get Calia and Derek?


My Horde Hunter is a Darkspear Troll. I’m sorta considering a race change, but I can’t afford it right now and I don’t really wanna pay to give up Berserking for Arcane Torrent. =P


I completely agree that the Night elves got shafted, they got shafted from the moment they decided Tyrande “I lived for thousands of years yet I still behave like a teen going through a phase” Whisperwind should lead, and bfa was the last straw in more ways than just one, I don’t even like them and yet I can see this. But there’s no way to measure in an objective way if the shafting was “worse” for them, this is entirely subjective since there’s not an universal scale of what quantifies as “shafting”.

And yet, to claim that offing an val’kyr, which is what is keeping the Forsaken from extinction (quick tangent: It is clear in their story that they’ve needed them specially after the fight with Arthas, so it’s not true that they’re fine without them) it’s not a big deal, it’s indeed minimizing it and ignoring plot points that have been shown.

Was it worse? That’s debatable and depends on the point of view, of course that for me it will seem worse because I love the forsaken. Objectively, though? No.

We’re all getting shafted, blue side and red side, it shouldn’t be a competition about “who has it worse” because in the end, no one wins.


Berserking isn’t nearly as good as people think it to be, though it is useful.
I’d recommend staying a Darkspear troll for hunters instead of going blood elf.
Even if our mogs are sweet and amazing and better in every way.

Yeah, if I was gonna race change, might as well go Orc. Best PvP racials by far.


Pfft, the orc pvp racial does not do nearly as much as people think it does.
If you’re pvping, the blood elves are quite effective for it. Purging off key buffs is significant.

Yeah, but then as a ranged character I have to run into the enemy’s face to do it. =P


You don’t want to become an orc because of the racials, you want to become an orc because they’re racially superior.

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That too. My Horde Warrior’s Mag’har for sure (giving up green racials for superior Mag’har-ness), just need to find time to level him.