The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

This has to be a joke.

Please, let it be a joke.


Just let it be.
Arguing with people over what they feel is fruitless.


Well the Horde has gotten ARs that have been popularly requested, like Mag’har Orcs, Vulpera, and Zandalari trolls.

Then again, I don’t play Horde, so maybe you could enlighten me on your perspective?


Then mybe don’t ask for Horde races and you might have better luck?

But sure, because of those you claim we’ve been “attentively listened to”
 all based on what’s entirely a matter of opinion?

“Hey blizz, can you please not have another warchief going nuts?”

“Hey blizz, can you please not have the Alliance saving our sorry rears again?”

“Hey blizz, can you please not have our leaders caring more about Alliance than about their own?”

Should I keep going?

But no, they didn’t give you a copy pasted Horde races and and suddenly they don’t care.
They shouldn’t listen either if Horde was asking for a copy pasted race from the Alliance.

If I only could


Quel’dorei Steed
Quel’dorei Steeds are unicorns used by the high elves of the Silver Covenant
Comes from a lineage of fine horses that once grazed near the shores of the Well of Eternity.

Silver Covenant Hippogryph
Silver Covenant Hippogryphs are fiercely loyal, both to their riding partners, and to the Alliance. The Hippogryph is the adopted mount of the high elves after they separated from the rest of blood elven society, this is why the Silver Covenant (a high elven faction) have different mounts than their rivals, the Sunreavers (a blood elven faction), who have retained the use of Dragonhawks.

Although Hippogryphs are an intelligent species that gave their allegiance to the night elves, the reason why the Silver Covenant high elves use them have not been explained.


Because the alliance story was super good in comparison? It’s been fun having night elves get crapped on and then to have the high king of the alliance carry Saurfang into Orgrimmar and sign a treaty as if Saurfang didn’t make Teldrassil possible and is if the rest of the horde weren’t following Sylvanas’ orders right up until she called them nothing and left.

And the night elven moment of revenge was a supposedly already powerful Tyrande getting a massive power up and killing a spare val’kyr. Woohoo.

And then on top of that, we got one allied race that was previously asked for, compared to the horde getting zandalari, nightborne, maghar, and vulpera.

But poor poor horde.


They shouldn’t listen either if Horde was asking for a copy pasted race from the Alliance.

Yet the Horde has an Alliance race: The Nightborne.

“Hey blizz, can you please not have another warchief going nuts?”

Ok, fair enough, you guys don’t like being painted as the bad guys and you guys hate constantly being unstable. Yet you guys burnt down a capital city of ours and committed genocide agains the Night Elves while we weren’t even able to retake Lordaeron City.

The Alliance isn’t allowed to win anymore. Even Battle of Dazar’Alor felt like a pyrrhic victory. Yeah, we dropped Rastakhan, but we’ve united the Zandalri under the Horde banner, Mekkatorque got messed up, and Jaina got injured.

Storywise (beyond the levelling in Kul Tiras, which was awesome), BFA has been a complete bust for both factions


Was it good? No, not by a landslide.

But at the very least the Alliance has not been left in disarray again and it has saved the Horde from itself, again.

But I guess considering that you guys have a tendency of minimizing things like these, it’s not surprising this is the reaction

The val’kyr are literally a pillar of the Forsaken, they will wither and disappear without them, but no, killing one of those pillars it’s not a big deal

Again, this is your opinion.

Void elves are the most played AR. DiD have super strong racials and look amazing, and whether you want to accept it or not, there are plenty of people that enjoys Kultiran and LF draenei.

You’re free to complain about whatever you personally don’t like, but don’t try to act as if we have it better just because you didn’t get the announcement that blizzard would copy paste a Horde race to your side.

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It’s actually true that void elves are currently the most played allied race from census. But I feel like certain percentage players are just forcefully playing void elves because their anatomy is same as Blood Elves but in Alliance. But we would never know how some void elf players would feel.


The forsaken existed before Sylvanas got her extra plot armor in the val’kyr, and she used them to inflict the condition she and the forsaken constantly whine about on others. She still has three left and they only need to sacrifice themselves to raise her, so they can still raise plenty of forsaken anyway. Though they are bound to her so I guess the forsaken doesn’t have them anymore regardless, so it really wouldn’t have been a big deal to throw some wrenches in sylvanas’ plans by having Tyrande take out both Val’kyr and sylv’s lapdog. It would also have been nice to fight horde bosses in darkshore instead of night elven heroes freshly raised from the dead and already blindly loyal to the witch that burned their home and murdered their people.

And where did the alliance save the horde? I remember a cut scene where Anduin lends Saurfang his sword and then Saurfang tricks Sylvanas into revealing her true feelings and she leaves. Then the alliance leader helps carry Saurfang’s body into Orgrimmar.

Just because some people play them, that doesn’t mean they were actually requested. DiD are the only race that the alliance actually asked for previously. There were plenty of requests for Broken, but we got shinier draenei now with more light! Nightborne were asked for, wildhammer, vykrul, naga, etc. And all we got was DiD, everything else has been a buttpull. The fact that some people play them doesn’t change that fact.


I think allot peeps made up a Ren’dorei and waiting for customization to follow later. I know thats the only reason I made mine, Ren’dorei was not wanted or was asked for. imho


I think it would be interesting to see the comparison if we get high elves. How many will race change from velf to helf.


My Warrior will remain a void elf. My paladin, on the other hand


I actually unlocked Void Elf recently. And honestly, the introduction and the way they delivered void elf was quite disappointing.

But considering how they let players to look at void elf appearance before unlocking it, I was aware of how void elves had limited customization. The fact that people say “allied race was never meant to be focused core race, so it would not receive further customization” makes it sound like it’s rather an insult for those who put effort to unlock them.

Though I do want to see more customization for void elves whether it’d be high elf customization what not. That applies to god awful limited Nightbornes and Highmountain Taurens and Lightforged Draeneis. Seems like Legion Allied Races have lesser options to customize vs BFA allied races though.


I would keep only the void elf I made because she looks like a my little pony so my daughter likes her. I don’t play her though. I have some others because I’ve tried to get into them, but they will be high elves so fast if we get them.


Worry not comrade Midare, despite all their complaining next patch with the removal of the searchlight eyes belf dks will be the literal blue eyed belfs these people demand while in 9.0 the same option will be added to the rest of the race.

What if they converted all remaining high elves into void elves on alliance, I wonder if it will stop the requests

What’s that from :joy::joy::joy:

With both the silvermoon scholars(labeled blood elf) and high elf wayfarers(labeled high elf) inside telogrus rift studying the void right now
I like to think that we are poaching potential recruits from both silvermoon and the displaced high elves.

But for now I call this headcanon


They’d need to give me a High Elf voice patch for my Void Elf for this to work.