The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

 have you read his posts? Nonsense would be a step-up.

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So then garbage? :slight_smile:

What differences are there between the Blood Elves and High Elves? None.

Blood Elves are just High Elves who renamed themselves to Blood Elves to honor there fallen.
High Elves are just a small percentage of the remaining 1% that did not change there name that are actually scattered across Azeroth.

But a name change does not indicate that Blood Elves are any different from the High Elves as what people claim them to be.

The ones that did change though

Blood/High Elves that succumbed to their hunger became Wretched. Blood Elves that overindulged in fel became Felblood Elves.

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These are not signs of evolution, and this isfrom the RPG which is non-canon. It is stated by the devs, and the lore, that the two group are the exact same race. This is purposefully perpetuating false information.

Kul tirans are not their own race, they are humans. They were used as an opportunity to create a new model. per the devs, the kul tiran appearance is going to be used for ALL humans, just as the skinny model is used for ALL humans.

Kul tirans are human, they stay on the alliance.
Blood elves and high elves are the same, so you don’t need high elves because that is what a blood elf is.


:heart::heart:Good day to all Just stopping in to drop off some Love & Support for all those who support those Playable Alliance Que’dorei & the Alliance Quel’dorei that are already in game and in the Alliance but are unplayable. Just like the OP Started the thread for!!:heart::heart:


The post is up, like every post on the forums, to allow for commentary on the subject matter. We don’t get to enforce an echo chamber ruleset here, that’s what discords are for Valarian. No offense, and I work at keeping my disagreement with people asking for High Elves on the Alliance respectful, but both sides - on these forums - have a right to express their opinions.


So stop showing my support each day is that what your saying?

Hardly, don’t put words in my mouth. I can communicate as clearly and concisely as anyone posting here, if I wanted to tell you (and I don’t) that you should stop posting that I would say it unambiguously.

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:hugs::hugs:I misread it then, my mistake. Sorry!!:hugs::hugs:


Serious question for the antis. Many of you often cite Ion’s statement that “Blood Elves are High Elves” as a reason why we should shut up and up put up with it.

Yet, by that same logic, would you put up with the microtransactions of Battlefront 2 being a “sense of accomplishment”? Or J Allen Brack believing that we think we want Classic WoW, but don’t? Or the Xbox One having an always on Kinect bundled?

I’m of the belief that while devs might know more about the games they’re making than us lowly fans, they are human just like us and are capable of saying stupid things once in a while. And as a fan I think it’s a moral obligation to call my favourite developers out if they do. We have to hold our favourite companies to the mark, otherwise we’ll be subject to some really awful business practices


Those comparisons dont work because your request is a demand for what the horde has, and what the alliance has a different flavor on.

The circumstances are very different.
I can give you my opinion on those if you want it but I do not wish for it to be misconstrued.


Go on, I’m listening.

Also, what do you think about the Nightborne? They have an (urban, more magic-based) Night Elf aesthetic but it’s still kind of based on an Alliance race.

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I mean. You are basically the one who comes into an appreciation and love thread and chowing down on people who are showing support and clamining this thread is a spam.

I’ve recently seen so far 20 threads about Sylvanas and Sylvanas vs Bolvar and Sylvanas being mary sue and No more faction wars threads vs high elves.

So i am not sure you are intentionally ignoring them and only reading the word “high elf” in general discussion, or you are just oblivious about what spam threads really are.

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Haha, no.
If you guys want something and want to argue for it go nuts.
On the other hand, spamming the same sentence of “OMG I SUPPORT HIGH ELVES 100% HEART HEART HEART!” isn’t arguing for what you want or contributing to a discussion.
Its spam.

And they’re all spam too. So
justifying spam, by pointing out other spam, is just admitting you are spamming.


So basically, you came here to be toxic. I see.


I like how you made absolutely no effort to disprove the accusation of spam and instead, aimed for an ad hominem.


Because i am posting in a thread about high elf love where i do love high elves, as to you, who is coming in here how you dont like em?


When you post in a public forum, expect someone to disagree with you. If you are wanting an echo chamber, then I suggest using discord. People disagreeing with you doesn’t make them toxic. If that is the way you wish to view things, then I suggest changing it since it is an unhealthy way to view others.


I havent seen a viable post about it and you definitely are posting it in a wrong thread to disagree with them.


High Elves are cool.

I think High Elves should be a playable race for Alliance IMO.