The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Glad you appreciate it,

what was the purpose of this message?

Blood Elves came after High Elves, and High Elves came after Night Elves. The lore is correct. Blood Elves were once High Elves just like some High Elves were once Night Elves. :man_shrugging:

Now we also have Void Elves that were once Blood Elves. :slightly_smiling_face:

The circle of life is so beautiful, isn’t it? :seedling:


Dunno you butted in. Explain to me if you would please.

Except this isn’t a proper statement to be made.
The high elf race evolved from the night elf race. This is a case of transformation of individuals.
The blood elf people are literally the high elf race with a name to honor those who died. This is not a transformation of individuals, but a change in name to honor those lost in a tragic event. So your statement suggests that the blood elves and high elves are different races when this is clearly not the case. It is an incorrect suggestion on your part.

Yeah, you needed to get the last word for some reason. Have at it, am going to bed. Both you and Archmage both make little sense to me.


Same could be said about you to. But we understand sleep tight.

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They just want that High Elf Title so bad, so bad to conveniently forget why the gave up in the first place. To Funny. imho


Evolution from high elves?

Blood elves between the Third War and World of Warcraft were physically identical to high elves, save that they dressed primarily in blacks and reds to remind themselves of their terrible losses. Many painted runes or mysterious tattoos on their faces, arms and shoulders for warding off demons or celebrating significant kills or simply to look intimidating — something high elves would never do. As well, they adopted hairstyles that went against the norms of high elf society. Nevertheless, when approaching Alliance towns blood elves would often disguise themselves as high elves to avoid harm.

Separated more by cultural differences than physiological ones, it has since been determined that they are, in fact, beginning to evolve into a separate race, due largely to their consumption of mana from primarily fel sources. This reliance on fel magic causes the eyes of blood elves to glow green with demonic fire. This readily available source of energy also tends to give blood elves a ruddier or paler look compared to their quel’dorei cousins. A blood elf can appear like a high elf bearing odd red tattoos across his or her face and arms. However, his or her hair and skin is much paler than that of a high elf, their eyes glint with a green light, and they wear blood-red robes. These represent signs of evolution from their high elven cousins, and it is believed that, with time, they may become as physically distant to high elves as satyrs are to night elves.

If being just fat (Kul’tirans) is enough to validate someone to be its own race in WoW, I can’t see why those differences :point_up:, are not.


Hmm, wonder what that part means


Fixed it just for you thanks for pointing it out

The eyes and magical influences are changing as we play. Golds the new green and maybe soon blue. The fel that presumably made them red is gone save for warlocks. So everythings slowly being reverted.

Wait that bits from the RPG, wasn’t that deemed non-cannon? LMAO yea it even says at the top. this craps considered non-canon.

Poor form old boy, thats deceiving.

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yes it was

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They’re different cultures. Which clearly is the case.

See, trying to divide what races things are is going to end up messy because we can barely do that in real life let alone in a video game. For example, consider:

What race are the Shatterspear trolls?

Shatterspears have been separate from any other jungle troll for as long as the Sand Trolls have been, as the two groups went with Kalimdor after the Sundering. We generally consider the Sand Trolls a separate race from the Jungle Trolls, their descendants, but the Shatterspears have been split as well. Are they a seperate race? Visually they’re forest trolls and maybe one dark troll of all things, but there’s been no one splitting them off

Shatterspears on the other hand have a pretty clear culture of “Being allied with the Horde” which is the thing people care about from them


I just want blizzard to give us a taste of these customisations, for all the races not shown at Blizzcon!!

I need something to keep going!, my main is a BE Warlock!!

Also would like to know if Allied Races will get customisations after core, cause we all know they need work!

I hope they also add titles, like if you select Wildhammer Skins it says “Wildhammer Dwarf”, that be the dream! THE DREAM


I just wish blizzard would do it for you guys, Just end it already and give them High Elfs :unamused::unamused::cry:


Literally what allied races should have been :slightly_frowning_face:


It’s a shame some of the most iconic races only going to be customisations but atleast they could make it say what we are :cry:

I’m also here to show my love for all our fellow High Elves


High elves that honor their fallen and are glad that they’re not kissing up to humans unite! Highfives :heart:


Sorry, couldn’t resist.