The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Half Elves plz, make it happen Blizz!


they already told you no. could they change their minds? yeah sure, but you severely overestimate the importance of this issue and the number of people who genuinely care :woman_shrugging:

blizzard noticed enough to throw the alliance a bone in void elves. but void elves themselves make alliance high elves less likely, as alliance high elves would usurp the place void elves now have in the alliance as well as infringing on the horde and blood elves

take the damn bone, youre not getting another

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By the same logic, mag’har orcs have always been playable.

“They’re all just orcs, you’re the ones putting labels on them based on their skin color.”

People want to play as the group of elves that call themselves High Elves. Not “High Elves” that call themselves Blood Elves, or Blood Elves that call themselves Void Elves. That isn’t hard to understand, but misconstruing a point makes it easier to rail against.


What you have been asking for is to make the same race nuetral across both factions, regardless of what they call themselves.

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plus everybody already knows, including the devs, its about aesthetics and not the lore

blood/‘high’ elves are identical in every aspect but a political opinion


And for them to have Elven Paladins. Hey, the Horde doesn’t have Elven Druids.

They’re only that way because people insist they stay that way.

People in the helf megathread have made numerous suggestions as to how they could be aesthetically unique from Blood Elves (WC2 style tattoos/older Celtic inspirations, unique hairstyles, darker skin tone options due to being comprised of mostly Rangers, etc.), suggestions that are likely just going to be taken and tacked onto Blood Elves and trotted out as customization options.


whenever they say “its about the lore” what i actually hear after listening to their side for years is “let me play what I want to play” with no regard given to the games story. that WoW never should have broken from traditional tropes so a few can be legolas killing orcs while high fiving gimli

and when after a decade of complaints blizzard finally gives them the damn model, they have the nerve to turn around and screech that its not good enough :woman_shrugging:


I get so tired of seeing “difference in culture” as something to promote High Elves.

What culture? The last few scattered High Elves HAVE no culture. They have no sense of joint purpose, they have no racial leader, they have no home, etc. Players don’t know one bloody thing about what “High Elf culture” is now other than they didn’t answer the call of their people, chose to be exiles, formed the neutral SC in neutral Dalaran, and hang around Alliance cities and ports handing out some quests or keeping a portal open.

My pet turtle has more culture than High Elves do.

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Man, all the arguments I have heard

  • “because they’re already on Alliance”
  • “because they are the indentity of the Alliance”
  • “a true Warcraft fan”
  • “Alliance core race”
  • “We shouldn’t be forced to roll Horde to play a High Elf”

They make things up more than the entire internet itself

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Dont see many Horde Sen’dorei mating with Alliance Humans.

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It’s all the Tolkien/DnD influence. They can’t resolve that there isn’t a fair skinned, fair haired pretty elf on their supposedly “good guy faction” and that doesn’t make sense to them.

Personally, I place this on Bliz. They need to just resolve the story (as they should have back when they left 1% of the remaining elves refuse the call or when they made Void Elves former Blood Elves).

The only thing I’ll concede with this whole disaster of a discussion topic is that it does seem like Blizzard is legit trolling Alliance with High Elf NPC’s when they’ve said they have no plans to ever make them playable.

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LOL, now that’s funny,

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So, there is 5 well known “Half Elf-Half Human’s” NPC’s in game. Can we say that is no excuse for Fair Skinned High Elves on the Alliance, the same way as the Pro-Helfers said several Blood Elves with Blue Eyes is no excuse for Blood Elves to have Blue Eye options?

So that accounts for all of them in lore?? Two words Game Scale.

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Dude, in lore, Half elves are rare. There is only 5 Half Elves in total (Though not sure on which elven side is Kalecgos considering he is also a Half-Elf).

It even says that Half Elves are rare in here.

Wonder if any of the children Rhonin died saving at Theramore that Horde Bombed were Half breed. You know Veressa’s husband. You know Veressa,Silver Covenant leader.

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According to WoWPedia, it says they are alive

Rhonin is alive??

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No, his children.