The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

That is the thing though, it doesn’t happen until it happens. No one has a ball which can see into the future of what Blizzard chooses to do and chooses not to do.
If currently the lore is “the only difference between these groups, and that is why they can’t be implemented”, and the response is “but they can make even more differences”, then it defeats the premise of wanting high elves for how they have been portrayed thus far.

Let me give an example.
I like high elves because of X, Y, and Z and that is why I want them.
SOmeone says, well, X,Y, and Z are used by blood elves too. So we shouldn’t.

If I then say “Blizzard could give them green skin!”, it defeats my original premise. Well, that isn’t what made me like high elves in the first place right? They aren’t known for their green skin, they are known for X,Y, and Z. So If I add that green skin, I am giving up X,Y, and Z. I ams aying they dont matter, that the things which made me want high elves dont matter.

Hence, its a bad argument to make. It is a complete disregard for the earlier premise I was using to make my request. It is inconsistent, and I cannot agree with such a logic because it makes the request appear skin deep.

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Can it happen? Absolutely.
Will it happen? 
doubtful. I feel that if Blizzard wanted to implement high elves they probably would have gone that route instead of doing void elves.
But, one never should give up on a dream. There was a point I was against them because I thought we had enough elves but with the intro of playable nightborne and velves, I feel that bridge has been crossed already.

Goodluck to you all.

I agree with you completely
 but the premise of this thread is to make the currently barely possible by making it even more possible.

I mean
 it used to be. I remember when people talked a lot about how to make them playable. Nowadays it’s just about the why and it’s depressing, but understandable as it has been two years.

The thing is, I also don’t understand the focus on why it isn’t currently possible to some (including yourself) when that hasn’t ever really mattered for Allied Races.

Did Void Elves possibly exist before BFA? They didn’t, then they did.

Why set the bar differently for High Elves even when there is a lot to go by in terms of raw in-game context? It seems arbitrary.

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Is she? I see the one wiki lists her as one, but on wowhead she’s using blood elf voice lines as opposed to the high elf ones other kirin tor elves use.

 I’m with you here. I would love to see them and I will always argue for their possibility but I’m rather jaded about it actually happening.

Well there’s this small thread of hope with Forsaken Night Elves (H) and High Elves (A) as the final AR pair (it fits with the previous NE/BE pair in NB/VE) but this has a lot of holes in it, like UD Night Elves being just as likely to go back to the Alliance with Calia and the Horde getting the complementary Undead Blood Elf skins.

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Void elves are a little difference from the high elf request. In the request for high elves, it is a demand for something which is available on the Horde. we can go in circles on how high elves and blood elves may be different, but what matters is the fundamental differences. Those differences are none.

Void elves are a new race, based off an old one. This isn’t a request for an existing race as high elves are, but a twist of an existing race into something different.

This is why the high elf request is dead in the water. The ability to ask them to be different was taken up by void elves.
So now, if you make them different, what was the purpose of making void elves?
That is why void elves killed high elves. They didn’t make them more possible, they made them less.

shes a blue eyed blood elf

Hehe it’s most likely just a mistake but it could also just be another example like Lanesh.

It could also be that they intended to make her a Blood Elf but some designer used the wrong face map. That has happened before (and some argue it’s the same case with Lanesh but I’d like to think he was intentional).

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Yeah Void Elves are some ethereal/Blood Elf mix even though they present as Blood Elves.

I’ve brought up the High Elf twist myself multiple times even with discussions with you.

Why not take the whole human integration thing and double down on it. Make their customization include Half Elves and shape their story to be about it. Make their heritage story be about learning to live among Humans as a High Elf and knowing how to value their traditions (much like the Blood Elf one). It can talk about how the various High Elf “tribes” have survived and maybe make the story unite them.

We already have three protagonists lined up in Arator, Giramar, and Galadin.

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I dont agree with customization including half elves because that is a different race. That just requests 2 races in one, which isn’t really feasible in wow’s current design.
Just make half elves their own thing. Far more customization options for them, such as purple skin.

Void elves can have lore expansion where high elves are willingly becoming a void elf to break free of magic addiction entirely.

I would not be surprised if the new 1-10 makes the lore much more open for RP’ers.

It’s not necessarily. Half Elves still present as High Elves as we’ve seen multiple times. Arator looks like any regular High Elf.

Blizzard would just need to add arbitrary customization options. Ear size, face maps, eye shapes, skin colors, hair colors, ACTUAL beards are all possibilities.

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Arator looks like any other high elf purely because of a lack of half elf model. Keep in mind the only model is being used by Kalecgos. They won’t make models for half elves, especially since they are incredibly rare currently.
The game representation is not there because there has been no need for it.

In this aspect lore can be expanded since its literally just sitting as potential.

And making High Elves playable would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of those placeholders once and for all.

A side benefit would be mortal form dragons especially with that Night Elf voiceset placeholder (and we know that they’re taking some attention in SL). Maybe they are making updates, playable or not? :thinking:

They should regardless. Then you’ll hear me ask to make them playable haha

(I actually want Half Elves more than High Elves btw I just merge the two requests cause I think it would be more interesting that way).


Naw, just make half elves. No high elves just because it steps on blood elf toes too much. Design wise, it doesn’t benefit the alliance at all.

Now if dragons became a playable race
I dont know
I think that would be interesting. Its rarely done in games.


Oh btw we’ve seen canon depictions of Arator in various Blizzard media and and he still looks like a High Elf.

Granted it could also be a placeholder but 

Oh one of the ideas that people had were that High Elves were turned into Dragon Knights of sorts.

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They could have a dragon form as a mount.

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i think currently its all placeholder for arator since he is so poorly represented

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Well maybe in a few years he’ll catch up to Lor’themar and get his own model after 13 years :stuck_out_tongue:

Makes me wonder if they’ll ever do anything with Vereesa’s kids.

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Lovely idea :smiley:

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High Elves are playable though. You got Blood Elves on Horde, and you got Void Elves on Alliance, which is another flavour of High Elf.

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