The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The blood elf culture is literally the high elf culture. They are the same thing. Lorthemar even states that they wish to preserve their culture and ways.

The schism was due to politics o ly. That isnt a cultural shift.

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You know we have an entire team of ren’dorei, right? And it is our playable thalassian elves. But, of course you will look to only one npc ‘oh my god, he is white!’.

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Politics is THE culture. Look at the USA and see how the political landscape has altered their culture forever.

Now if you want to argue that they can present similarly?

 but they don’t. As far as we know there isn’t much resemblance to what we know from before. Farstrider attire for example has been updated to reflect the modern Blood Elf.

Perhaps a High Elf farstrider could look like how they look like in Reforged?

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if blizzard had wanted void elves to have normal skin tones, they probably would have given it to void elves as options :pensive:

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We’re seeing additions to base customization come as part of SL.

By your logic, that shouldn’t happen because the original design is all that will ever be.

We do know that Allied Races won’t be getting additions in SL though so that’s off the table for now, unless they’re made an exception. We’ve seen that happen in BFA with BE getting glowing yellow eyes out of turn.

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Woah, woah, no.
Politics is an aspect of culture, it does not define the culture.

People in oklahoma have their own culture, and that culture usually means they will be a certain way politically, but not always. Some can be liberal or democrat based.

This is the same with BE.
Their culture has them lean a certain way, horde in this case, with some disagreeing politically while having the same culture. This is commonly seen

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You are telling me that political differences don’t reflect cultural ones?

I’m sorry but that’s just wrong, especially when it ultimately involves exile.

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They aren’t mutually exclusive.

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Tell you the truth think they a were rushed out with little effort like most Alliance allied races as a possible fix to this whole problem they created. imho

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Just look at Nightborne. RIP.

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Culture are those large over arching themes to a people.
Politics is an aspect of culture, it is anpiece of it thay can diverge while the individual still practices the same culture.
You are incorrect on this mattee.
You are suggesting if someone disagrees politically they are not of a certain culture anymore, which is not correct.

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They pretty much are when depictions are limited.

Remember this isn’t IRL. What you see is intentional, always.

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Politics is social aspect, things like laws and organization. Culture is more like things that we do and how we do them.

No you conflate High Elf culture with Blood Elf one.

Their shared culture is what you have mentioned, only.

Yet you haven’t really brought up what makes a Blood Elf a Blood Elf, and that’s what I refer to as what High Elves have rejected.


Other than ‘Blood Elf’ culture, Alliance high elves have what, human culture?

They don’t have their own thing going on.


Yes, for one. They are pretty much mixed at this point. I find that very interesting.

And your edit is wrong. The infusion of cultures IS unique. That is what I want to see embraced.

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Oh and I’ve brought up High Elf shaman via Wildhammer in Hinterlands as another approach they can take. The Highvale have their own nature-attuned arcane-resistant culture going on.

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Not really, and certainly not where it’s at now

and I don’t. I want something unique.

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To be fair, their conexion with Sunwell is the key to say if they are the same race or not.
Their political views is pretty much irrelevant.

Really just something for the Alliance that isn’t more other humans.