The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

But I gave you multiple examples where it hasn’t been relevant. When they make something playable they give it unique customization even if it just had a singular difference before.

Do you disagree with the examples I gave cause otherwise you’re just being a contrarian.

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how did they appear front and center and in what context

That is an arbitrary rule that you made up and you know it. Void Elves actually are copy pastes of Blood Elves minus the skin tone variances so this isn’t even true.

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All of which remained on their respective faction. Light Forged Draenai didn’t join the Horde and High Mountain Tauren didn’t join the Alliance.

So yes, faction identity does matter.

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Blood Elves?

BC is the only situation where they played a major part (this was their expansion after all) but even then they were pretty much balanced by the Draenei with Velen ultimately saving them from extinction.

After that it’s all downhill.

Blood Elves get a novel. It features High Elves as well.

Blood Elves were used in the Argent Tournament and Crystalsong Forest in Wrath. High Elves were their Alliance complement.

Blood Elf Sunreavers were used in Mists of Pandaria. High Elves from Dalaran were used as their complement.

Blood Elves had a very minor role in WoD with some blood anima experiments. This is the 10% I was referring to

Blood Elves were used in Legion. In this case Night Elves were their complement but the High Elves were also there. Blood Elves also appeared in multiple class halls with High Elves as their complement. You had them in both the Hunter, Mage, and Paladin class halls predominantly. Then you had High Elves appear in Argus along with Liadrin (to recruit NB).

Blood Elves were barely used in BFA. Lor’themar appears as many times as Vereesa and Alleria did and the two even got their own novel. In this case Void Elves were the main complement, however. Naturally
 they needed context
 barely got any anyway RIP.


The chief complaint the community has is the spam. Trying to reign in the conversation is doing you the favor

 and you’re being aggressive.

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But by all means, get one of these two threads deleted.

The issue will correct itself.

The issue is your perception. How are you expecting them to act?
They are haughty, proud, distrustful of humans, and self serving.
Your displeasure with the stories direction doesnt mean they act human.
Meanwhile, you want high elves, who associate with humans regularly. Do you not see the contradiction there?

You want a race to not act like humans, but also want the part of them that do.

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Blood Elves present as Humans when they SHOULDN’T.

High Elves present as Humans when they SHOULD.

That’s not a contradiction. High Elves reject Blood Elf culture and embrace their unique take on it with Humans. Blood Elves reject the Alliance culture.

My issue is with how benign Blood Elves are now. Liadrin talks about the Light as if she’s a human. Where did all the zealotry go? They lost their edge.


the SC were working for the NEUTRAL kingdom of dalaran back in wrath. alliance sympathetic just like the sunreavers, but not alliance members

the prominent role in MOP was really dalaran joining the alliance under jaina. not the SC alone. they were used as props

the hunter class hall role in legion? oh give me a break. farstriders for the next hore AR pair in 6 years!(you know since ARs are dead for the time being)

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So you’re actually dismissing that the Alliance hub in Dalaran was a High Elf one? That we interact with them in quests? That they rep Alliance in Argent?


And yes, naturally Jaina was the lead she was the head of the Kirin Tor which was Alliance. Props or not is irrelevant they were against the Blood Elves. Don’t change the goalposts. They were part of the main force against Blood Elves (which had other races too

And yes they appear in the class halls what are you refuting? Vereesa assists the hunter in retrieving Alleria’s bow, is the Alliance representation vs the Undead High Elves in that hall, and their units number as much as Undead High Elves in the class hall.

Did you even do it?


Not in canon as far as I know, but there were in the RPG.

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let me know when alliance ‘high’ elves get their own story

the ‘high’ elves are NOT a major alliance race and havent been since they left the alliance


Except that Liadrin was a priestess of the light. Now that she recovered her faith, and went back to their former culture, why would she not do so after escaping the terror and pangs of addiction?

High elves also dont reject the culture. Vareesa styled the SC after the farstriders and even took the title of ranger general.
The only mixing of culture that occurred was dalaran, and they still assosciate with silvermoon.

You dont want blood elves to act like humans, which they dont, but you want high elves to blend intk humans and act like them. Even though you scorn the blod elf story for supposedly doing it since it makes them look weak.

What do you think high elves would be then? If they reject blood elf culture, which contradicts your earlier assertion of blood elves being like humans, and blend into humans, is that not the very thing you dont want to see?

If it was half elves sure. That makes pkenty of sense.

My point is that your complaint of blood elves can be made of high elves. In turns, no point having high elves if blood elves do the same thing.


 that’s the point
 they’ve featured so much for not being a playable race that we want to play them
 this means they’ll get their own story.

Again, they aren’t playable, yet they are featured in as many situations. Doesn’t that seem weird to you at all?

I’m still puzzled at the one High Elf in the Alliance Island Expedition team. All of the expedition teams were from playable races (well one was a steroid infused Orc but the point remains).


theyve never been ‘featured’

never gotten their own story

the sad remnant who remain are not going to be made an AR. ever. void elves ensure that

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Er you’re referring to the High Elf culture from before the Blood Elf situation. Ranger Generals, Farstriders, etc
 come from High Elves from before the fall of Silvermoon.

That’s their shared culture. The Blood Elf culture is different. It’s why they split.

In fact High Elves are still called High Elves because they’re traditionalists
 even though I’d argue they’ve moved away from what it means to be a High Elf in many ways with their human integration.

That’s something that can be explored. Have I mentioned Half Elves?

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Well, now Kirela is the one who bumped it. In her mind it’s a trap and by responding in that thread she’s gotchya! It’s weak trolling barely 1:10.

With customization to come in the future, never know who will join the Ren’dorei especially with the Sisters hanging together.Imho

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Why can’t you give and take? I’ve written multiple paragraphs to explain myself and you just retort with one liners and then tangential arguments that don’t mean anything.

Void Elves have their own story that can differ from a potential High Elf one. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Why would you make that assumption?

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