The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The nonplayable zandalari model in mop used the nightborne skeleton. You can see this is blender when you view its skeleton.

Texture is how it looks outside.
The bones, and skeleton is the actual important part.
This is why they look different from playable zandalari.

A dev said, its a troll mode.
I, another professiknal, said its a troll model.
Another blender use says, its a troll model.

You are the only person trying to argue differently because you measured femur length, which is proportion manipulation. Which is an observation those with no knowledge of modeling would make.

Seriously, if you were so dedicated to measurements, you would use ratios, not length.


Im just stating what is fact nothing more.

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A little incoherently?

Im not trying to make it fit a narrative, just stating what is known.

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Okay, World of Warcraft was released in 2004.

Did I imply that?

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That is what I have been saying. Blood Elves are High Elves.


Oh this is cute. You actually think I’m mad about that aspect.

I’m mad that Blood Elf lore got dumpstered and put on the backburner because their story rarely if ever coincides with what the Horde story is. Lor’themar was a meme for the longest time for a reason.

I’m annoyed that they were made so weak, helpless, and pathetic that they had to rely on Sylvanas and Velen to survive. I’m peeved that they are barely if ever in the spotlight. Even now I’m sure when Kael’thas is back he’ll barely acknowledge Blood Elves.

In fact what they are now is just Humans on the Horde. Liadrin is all your holiness and Lor’themar still has a personality of a mannequin despite having Fenris as a VA (lawdy /faint)

Feel free to contest that rather than continue to fail at understanding anyone’s motives but your own.

I’m sure you’ll tell me about all the times Blood Elves were front and center but fail to note that they had High Elves on the other side 90% of the time but High Elves don’t exist so Blood Elf lore doesn’t exist either.


Yeah and Undead are Humans who cares.


Were humans, in the same way my desk was a tree.


Those are inanimate objects. Undead are just dead humans that are raised improperly. They interact with each other and know each other. Their conflict is PERSONAL as it’s human vs human, mother vs children, brother vs brother. They aren’t a different species. Undead can’t even reproduce so that notion of biological difference is absurd.


We are all humans but were not all Called American or Russians, Chinese or any other member of a country.


Absolutely, and the term that encompasses both Alliance high elves, the Silver Covenant, and Blood Elves is high elves.


So the solution is high elves, who are also reliant on humans to do everything. Makes little sense to complain about hlood elves but ask for the exact thing on the alliance.

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Ok nobody contests that.

High Elves are high elves, as are Blood Elves.

There’s a reason the H and E High Elves are capitalized. It’s used in the capital to denote a particular group.

In normal conversion in our species we use the term “human” to denote our race. If we spoke with another alien species, such as like in Mass Effect, you’d notice the “Human” has a capital H. This is because in this case the species is the faction.

So when people say High Elf they mean faction. A specific high elf. The same High Elves that chose to retain their name because that’s who they still are, politically different from the Blood Elves who are named something else.

And for the past couple of dozen years they have been at each other’s throats, and even up til BFA you see Vereesa and Alleria plotting to unite their people.

As I’ve said 30 times throughout the last year, call them “Silver Elves” or “Blue Elves” if that makes it any easier. It doesn’t matter at all. People want them playable for multiple reasons and they ask for the group that Blizzard identifies AS High Elves, not “basically” as High Elves.

And that’s all there is to it :man_shrugging:


Aside from political differences, the only difference is eye color - which is not significant enough to cross the faction lines. As an Alliance player I want something that will diversify the the Alliance, not prettier humans, and not what I already see all the time on the Horde.


Well no Blood Elves specifically rebel against Humans yet are basically acting as them. They aren’t SUPPOSED to be like humans.

High Elves could pretty much have a very interesting take on how they integrate with Human culture, shaping some sort of “mixed” culture that could be very interesting if done right.

Basically if they do it right, they’d also incorporate Half Elf developments into it too. It’s not like we don’t have any rep for that. The Windrunner children are all such examples.


My point is that the conversation is happening here.

An identical conversation he was simultaneously active in.

That’s not really relevant and you know it :slight_smile:

Most of the ARs developed from singular differences. Dark Iron were just red eyed Dwarfs. Kul Tirans were just humans. Zandalari were just Darkspear trolls til MoP. Highmountain/LF are literally just regular Tauren/Draenei with some arbitrary customization.

If they ever chose to make High Elves playable, they’d just need to make some arbitrary customization differences. All there is to it.

And actually, a natural skin tone elf would be UNIQUE in the Alliance so it’s not like they wouldn’t bring anything to the table. And no the one Night Elf female skin that is vaguely pink does not count.


It is relevant and you know it.

All of which remained on their respective faction.