The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The Battle of Thorns thing was just something, I swear on my future ranger tats honor someone brought up in one of these threads. But I know that the High Elf NPCs in the 7th Legion are SC tagged.

and not all humans serve the alliance :woman_shrugging:

it simply doesnt matter there are too few. out of game, they are identical to blood elves and bring nothing new to the table. its never happening :dancer:

No, you havemt, because if you did, you wouldnt make such a statement. Their joints are in the same place. When you straighten the back out, you get the zandalari model.

It was stated by the devs the work put into zandalari was the same as kul tirans because it is a straight backed model.

The joints of the night elf are different from both zandalari trolls and darkspear trolls. You would know this, if you knew what you were talking about and not stating yhings such as “i measured”.

Ahain, maybe is not a logical.answer and I have explained why. Your co stant attempts to dismiss are indicative of the sjbstance of your arguments. Which is to day there are none.

But you know what?

Since you think you are right.
Pull a red shirt

Go tell the dev who worked on the model that she is wrong and that it is a night elf model. Put some validity to your claim.

You clearly know you are right after all, and that she is a liar. So
send that tweet. ill do it for you if you need it. Ill even link to your post.

Sound good?


There are cultural differences between the two.

But then there is also the issue where “High Elf” and “Blood Elf” are names of groups of Elves rather than their species. So when Blood Elves changed their names they stopped being High Elves.

Blood Elves aren’t High Elves. They are Elves.


I don’t know if someone bringing it up in a thread can be taken as fact though.

And that shouldn’t happen. It doesn’t mean the SC is Alliance alligned, it just means they’re being lazy for and not changing that.
If the SC has been involved in actively assisting the Alliance, like, officially, there should be something somewhere that says they are, but I’m not finding anything that even implies it.

But still distinct from other elves such as Night Elves and Nightborne, who are also elves? Alliance high elves are an informal group of high elves and Blood Elves and the Silver Covenant are formal groups of elves but aren’t both high elves?

How on earth do you take something that isn’t as it is?

That is not name calling anyone.

I’m not. If people are easily offended by something that is meant in no offense, then I don’t know why they are on the internet?


Look at the models. Darkspear trolls have higher waists than Zandalari trolls, but their knees are lower.

They also have long humerus’s.

You’re wrong dude.

Nah dude. I’m busy. But I tell you what. I don’t mind if you want to take my argument to her. So if you’ve got the free time go right ahead.

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Let people decide what you implied its not about me or you its about Quel’dorei is Allied with Alliance and Sindorei are Allied with horde. Nothing more needs to be added that’;s how the game & lore sits now, Blue eyes and fair skin and blonde don’t change that fact.

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With that logic, the High elves are also “elves” and so are Night elves and Nightborne.


Are there any half human half night elf hybrids?

Sin’dorei are Quel’dorei! Ion even said it himself.

If there is, I don’t want to find out.


Don’t be so sure of that.

It shouldn’t, I know when to admit when I’m wrong.

Blizz forgetting stuff again, like forgetting they have them tagged.

I wish I knew why people with Skin thinner than a piece of generic hippie made paper got on the internet.

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Are you really using limb length manipulation as an argument? That is laughable in itself.
Realize the orientation looks different because of the curved spine yes? So of course, the joints of the waist will look that way. Orientation affects perception.

You are factually wrong. Like I said, if you dont believe me, to tell the dev who designed it they are wrong. You know, you know better than professionals who do this to make money.

In fact, since you are so busy arguing about pixels and psychology while knowing nothing about either, ill take time out of my professional time to appeal to you.

Hey, when I get a response, I expect a lengthy admittance of being incorrect.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sob: Dammit, I think I wet myself


This alone it’s enough to doubt their alligment.

Again, this is being handled by the ones that are having Tyrande foaming at the mouth about her goddes abandoning them, let’s ignore the black eyes, though.

I could make a joke here but I really shouldn’t XD

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Oh man, I needed a good laugh today, that person admitting they were wrong, that’s hilarious.


lol high elves are just politically confused blood elves. If you want to play a high elf so badly, roll a blood elf. a blood elf IS the high elf experience

seriously when i think about it, what is an alliance high elf at this point :thinking:

Clean up on Aisle 5.

I can’t doubt it, not when everything in the game prior to all this has shown me that the SC and SR both have faction biases.

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