The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°


Read the discussion from yesterday.

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He’s talking about Sarallesta. I quoted her above as well, since her premise is wrong.

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First, as someone who has a wealth of experience in digital modeling as an inckme maker, you are wrong.
Take the zandalari model and put it into blender along with the darkspear troll model. it to the night elf model.
They are very different, and your argument about limb length is in a word, ignorant.
Anyone with the knowledge has a means of verifying the truth of the matter, amd anyone with such k owledge knows better than to doubt the creator.

It is an insult to the people who make this game for you to enjoy, by calling them a liar.
You are wrong. Get over it.

Maybe is again, not a logical answer. You are wrong in this aspect.
If you cant have an actual discussion civilly, then you will get called out everytime.
Like now.

Programming wise. You are wrong.
People wise. You are wrong.

I dont need to parse every person, because that is not possible.
You either are a fan, or you are not a fan.
Maybe is short for “i dont know.”.

So stop veing vague, and just own up to not knowing and thus, being wrong in your assertion


I’m a wizard.

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I feel “doubling down” doesn’t apply anymore, a new term should be created at this point.

But they

Let me reply with your own words:


Yes. Stop saying Blood Elves are not High Elves when they infact are.

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And people wonder why these threads have responses numbering in the thousands easily.

Yet, I’m the one being responded to.

your mistaken, Im talking to Sarallesta and those who agree with her. I fisrt am accused of bumping a thread, then ignorant, then Disturbing because I disagree and have a different view on the lorr.

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citation needed

high elves are blood elves. alliance players asking for a core horde race should count themselves damn lucky they got anything as close as void elves :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yet, I received notifications for replies from you.

I have. The joints of the Darkspear Troll are in different locations from the joints of the Night Elf or Zandalari model.

Transforming the Darkspear model into the Night Elf model would take significantly more work.

You can make as many ad-hominems as you want. You’re wrong.

Moving on.

That’s not how logic works, at all.

Sorry dude.


Make Fyrebusche Fyrebusche again.

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No matter what is said, name calling, false accusations, Quel’dorei is Allied with Alliance and Sindorei are Allied with horde. Nothing more needs to be added thats how the game & lore sits now, Blue eyes and fair skin and blonde dont change that fact.

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Blood Elves are High Elves, but not every High Elf is a Blood Elf. Especially those currently aligned to the Alliance like the SC.

  • I am not accusing you of bumping a thread
  • I said “I find your ignorance quite disturbing” considering calling out an actual fact to someone an opinion
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There was an hour gap between posts and you bumped it while active in this thread. I know Callistus had the spotlight, but nobody needs 2 of these going at once.

Did not mention you on that specially, but i was accused of it today. For the record i could care less about name calling or false accusations, & I dont flag people.

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People not understanding phrasing leads to being easily offended, I’m afraid.

Btw I found the NPC, Yvera Dawnwing, her quest gives rep for the 7th legion, found nothing in the Darkshore one, though.

The only difference between a Blood elf and a High Elf is their political association. Like one shops at Nike but the other prefers Addidas.