The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Forsaken, the OG allies of the High elves, yo!

I disagree. I like the Blood Elf faction.

I like their crazy post PTSD Arthas invasion phase.

But I also like their new redeemed by the light, maybe a bit too much phase.

If, “Doing Bad Things” like the oddities of the formation of the Blood Knights means you’re not allowed faction pride then no faction should be able to have pride.

Sin’dorei are a cool faction. I miss the Blood Mage stuff, but I like them and I like the direction they’re going.


I quite liked how the Blood Knights were formed. Gave them a bit of flair, until well
 you know

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Haha. Let’s not pretend like a trolls first reaction when being caught isn’t to pretend like they’re being sincere. That’s been a thing since prank phone calls.

I like debate. Have honest conversations with me. The Faux outrage is pointless. As is pretending like I’m saying something outrageous when I’m having a discussion. As are the ad-hominem attacks.

I think it’s entertaining.


Yeah. They basically built the Blood Elves into something new and different and then retconned all of it.

I think it’s the source of a lot of problems and makes them less interesting. Hence my comment about the Blood Mages. Etc.

It wouldn’t be as bad if they’d spend some time developing them. But they just haven’t. Blood Elf lore is pretty nebulous and has practically stopped since BC.

A shame Liadrin’s bit got cut in Warlords, because it probably would have been the most compelling advancement.


I strongly disagree. I felt they’ve had a strong presence and progression thruout the story so far way past BC.


How could have they change factions when the kingdom of Quel’thalas was not aligned with anyone at the time? They became factionless after the end of the second war.

Are the Sin’dorei in the Alliance or Horde are the Quel’dorei allied with Alliance or horde, simple

He did, not me. And in any case, it still doesn’t change the fact that Sin’dorei are simply Quel’dorei that honor their fallen.

Don’t think mentioned you, but there are plenty of post by the community besides ION’s great wisdom and input about looks making a difference. For the record I think Ion been totally wrong on this matter. People who read lore and play the game and care, sit there scratching their heads when ren’dorei show up and Alliance Quel’dorei are sitting there in game being ignored. imho

So they don’t honor their fallen and they didn’t help the majority of their people.

Who cares it dont negate the fact they are still in and allied with the Allaince depending on group and unplayable.

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You botched those quotes.

Dont really care, people get the point,


And why do you think they are unplayable?


They’re definitely present. But I feel like the only thing that’s done has been to make it well known that the Blood Knights are their primary force. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that their splinter factions aren’t the Blood Elf whole.

Like, The Sunreavers are part of the Sindorei, but they’re not the Sindorei.

So I wish they’d focus on them in the story more. Lor’themar has been pretty prominent in BFA, but it hasn’t done anything for the Blood Elves either. We just know he’s still a nice guy and that he didn’t like Sylvanas, but he didn’t do anything about it either.


Why on earth are you doubling down on the assumptions my dude? Why?

Then could start doign that yourself. I’m simply responding in kind.

But I’ll humor you, again. Let’s go back up to where everything started, shall we?

I asked:

And your reply was:

A maybe. It wasn’t a “no, they’re not fake”. It was a big, fat, maybe.

Did you downright say it? No, of course you didn’t, you used a vague statement on purpose because you couldn’t deny it and yet, maybe (yes, maybe) deep inside, you do feel they’re “fake Alliance players”, if not, you would have said so.

So, maybe, try to actually not use dishonest arguments for once and then maybe I won’t simply banter.

The kingdom that seceeded was the High elven kingdom of Quel’tahalas, they were very much factionless.

A handful of leftovers in Alliance cities does not contitute as the entire race being part of a faction.

I disagree with him in many aspects, but not on this one. We’ll have to agree to disagree (you and me, that is) in this one.

I’m not sure why you’re bringing Void elves into this

And that still doesn’t change the fact that blood elves are indeed Quel’dorei that just honor their fallen.


Can you play a High vale, Silver covenant, High Elf Wayfarer as or any of the the Quel’dorei that are with Alliance forces or in Alliance cities and strongholds throughout the game and lore a Alliance player,

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Well, he did team up with Jaina and strike an accord with the Alliance, which in part lead to a joint rebel and Alliance force showig up at the gates in Orgrimar.

The whole character focused story telling is problematic because it fails to advance the parts of the game world central to the player’s identity in the game world.

I agree.

BFA lets me know that Lor’themar is the same guy. But it doesn’t tell me anything more about Blood Elves other than they’re doing really strange stuff in Nazmir.

I’d personally like a lot more explanation for that.

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Nice job adding opinion instead of fact, no matter what is said, Quel’dorei is Allied with Alliance and Sindorei are Allied with horde. Nothing more needs to be added thats how the game & lore sits now, Blue eyes and fair skin and blonde dont change that fact.


What opinions did I add exactly?

Let people decide, not going to side track off the main topic.

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Nothing is really explained. Horde players cant see them.

There was more after that quote and I quantified it.

Because the answer is: maybe.

Is it a player with a level 20 Alliance Alt that doesn’t really play Alliance? Maybe.

Is it one of the outlier Alliance players that is for some reason against them having High Elves, for instance, Murgatroid: Maybe.

If you want a less vague answer then you’d have to ask a question with a less nuanced answer.

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