The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I dont believe anyone is obsessed with you, but you have a habit of saying outlansish things. Or denying that you made a claim of true alliance players, while ignoring your claim of false ones.

Or trying to use a scholarly article to label people which is a big no no.

I do not believe you should make comments of obsession, while spending most of your time labeling others.

Anyway, high elves wont happen because blood elves exist. Lets focus on this desogn argument, and not smearing.


I declare myself a true Alliance Player, Only horde toon I have is a 120 Horde Sin’dorei Hunter I made because I was mislead by Ion when he said if I want to play Quel’dorei make a Sin’dorei character but it wasn’t true they only get Sin’dorei and horde equipment.


Your previous comments.

Hey. Here is one now.

P.S. I miss the twintails girl.

Not only have I seen them talking about me on discords, they’ve admitted to talking about me on discords. They also show up as a group.

Sorry I’ve got a cult following of anti’s.


I know right?

Forum posters get talked about on all the Discords, but you’re the first poster I’ve seen to spin it into how great you think you are.


Which one?

Not only I didn’t mention morality at all but also, the tendency of obesssing over the “morally perfect” high elves comes from your side. I don’t think that no matter how you try to twist it, the blood elves are not the bad guys.

Man, the no true Scotsman it’s running rampant today.

 don’t see the irony here, do you?


Dont say outlandish things


I haven’t made any claims of thinking I’m great. I’m just pointing out I’ve got a cult of anti’s obsessed with me. You’re subject zero.

It’s alright.

Anyways. I’ve got work to do. Have a good one Hecatone.

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Looks like you guys have a new member. Haha. Give him the discord info.

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I feel weirdly complimented to be central to your grandiose delusions.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? Hang out for long enough and he’ll begin declaring how smart he is.

Maybe the real downside of the two faction system is the weird tribalism.


Cool if that is your interpretation, I was just referring to I only play Alliance. With the Mistake of making a horde toon cause a dev suggested to.


I don’t even think it’s that.

I’m Horde through and through, there’s no denying of that but even i wouldn’t call someone a “fake Horde player” and expect that flimsy argument to hold up.


No, because he estated something simple. If you want a blonde, majestic elf, the Horde is waiting for you. If you want to get specific and think “but they have a different name!”, that’s on you.

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Your keep mentioning looks, i want whats in game nothing more.

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He did, not me. And in any case, it still doesn’t change the fact that Sin’dorei are simply Quel’dorei that honor their fallen.

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I play a belf to look pretty.

I wouldn’t bother.

She’s misattributing the fallacy.

For instance, when making my previous examples I actually made sure it wasn’t a definitive statement but then she straw manned it into “Fake Alliance” players.

It’s all just a disingenuous outrage machine. shrugs

Same. Bishounen or bust.

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Speaking on the subject of Fake, how do you feel about a certain user, saying Blood Elves have no right to Faction Pride?


Sin’dorei are High elves that renamed themselves and changed factions, Quel’dorei are High elves that didn’t change name & faction is all nothing more simple as that. Looks have nothing to do with it to include blue eyes & blonde hair and fair complexion Horde seem to want to protect since they bring it up all the time kinda makes you wonder who has the purity thing going. imho

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The projection
 it’s blinding! Hiss

How could have they change factions when the kingdom of Quel’thalas was not alligned with anyone at the time? They became factionless after the end of the second war.

So they don’t honor their fallen and they didn’t help the majority of their people.

Again, that’s what Ion said, not me. Other than saying “They are kind of like High elves” before that, he didn’t mention High elves specifically when he mentioned the looks.

And like it or not, they are High elves, I thought you were at least willing to admit this.

You’re not pretty, you’re handsome.


Technically Lorderon is part of the Horde now.

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