The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You used to see it at every blizzcon and it was a huge driving factor for BFA’s massive day one sales.

“For the Horde.”
“For the Alliance.”

People were pumped about BFA
 and seemed less pumped when they realize the other team wasn’t going to eat it.

I don’t really think that’s true actually. I’ve had friends genuinely be upset that I play on both sides.

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Blood Elf players have no place having any faction pride for the Horde. It’s literally an Alliance race given to the red faction to tempt Alliance players over.


Huh I’ve had the opposite experience, or if they do joke about it it’s done ironically. Also there were quite a few threads on reddit denouncing the decision.


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Most Horde players are Blood Elf players so some are the kind of player that wants to play on the Horde but doesn’t actually want to look the part.

It’s especially funny when it’s a Blood Elf female screaming Lok’tarogar in slutmogs.

Then there’s people like you who just enjoy the aesthetic and are more interested in Blood Elves in particular rather than the Horde identity. I’m one of those people as well but as WoW has become more tribal I’ve found it harder to play a Blood Elf. Void Elves basically skewered anything that was left.


Is it a crime?

So on top of trying to use the non true Scotsman again and again, you’re telling people what they should do with their pride?

Still thinking you’re an authority of anything, hm?

Not really, he’s trying to pick at any single straw he can find related to something he’s salty about (blood elves being in the Horde) so he can attempt to put them down.


Blood elves make up about 20% of the population for the horde. They are the most popular but do not contribute to the majority of the horde which is 80% everyone else.
You really shouldnt throw any shade when you are just one class off from a stereotype.

You also really harmed the atgument for high elves by stating joyeuse likes the aesthetic, which applies also with salacious mogs btw, because it means you have the aesthetoc already and dont need to duplicate it.


No on blood elves for the alliance. Otherwise, void elves are pointless, and that isnt healthy design.
We need unique races, not more pretty ones.


I know you’re serious
so I won’t ask if this ridiculous statement is serious.

You’re actually saying that people who came to WoW without WC3 experience, who have come to the game post TBC, have no business having any pride in the faction they play because they chose to play Blood Elves?

I typically don’t waste the effort to respond to you - but this one?


For the Horde!

Seriously, Joy. Out of all the nonsense you’ve spouted, this really takes the cake.


As I’ve said before, for me the story of High Elves is one of betrayal and a lack of honor. I know the “they stayed loyal to the Alliance!” argument, but to me that says “We decided that staying with the Alliance outweighs any loyalty to my Sovereign, my people (they were all one people at the time, those not living in Silvermoon or its environs were simply ex-pats at that point in history), honoring my fallen brethren, and it outweighs joining them in their struggle to rebuild.”

Had it been written that way; had the Alliance High Elf story been written in such a way that it’s acknowledged - up front and prominently - and that they are viewed by other Alliance races as “Yes, we appreciate your loyalty to us
but damn, you left your own people high and dry when they needed you. If you’ll do that, can we really trust you?” then maybe I could see it. I would still struggle with cloned races, but at least from a story perspective I could have gotten behind it.

This is, of course, aside from the “what the hell, Blizz
you could have just had the story of the Void Elves being one where they are all former High Elves who were forcibly converted instead of Blood Elves and this whole thing could have been over with.” issue. It would have been so easy


I guess you missed all the Alliance players that chime in and say that it won’t happen whenever someone escapes the containment areas.

Let me guess
 fake Alliance players, right?

EDIT: Wait, why did it make me reply to Murg


Got to really yell it, that helm of his looks thick.


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The traitors to their race narrative doesn’t apply particularly well though.

You could say it’s true of the Mage-Priests that decided to ignore the recall to Silvermoon, at the beginning of the Third War because they felt like Azeroth needed their help.

But they’re not forsaking Silvermoon, they’re just altruistic.

Then there are the High Elves from Dalaran, which was a Lordaeron city-state. They’re part of the Alliance. This is where the High Elf Sorcerers (Sorceresses) in the Third War were from.

So, not only were they attacked by Arthas first and evacuated, but they’re also not completely affiliated with Silvermoon either.

Then you’ve got the Quel’danil elves, they were actually trying to evacuate Children from Silvermoon to Quel’danil during Arthas’s invasion. But, those guys live with the Wildhammer Dwarves.

I think the only real, “Traitor Elf” narrative you could find would be the Quel’lithien Elves, they’re the ones from Silvermoon who refused to drain mana.

This bit happened after Arthas’s invasion. So they certainly weren’t forsaking Silvermoon. They were with Silvermoon through the slaughter, but afterwards just refused to be a part of the bad things going on so they got exiled.

Blaming some Dalaran Elves of not being there for Silvermoon is like blaming some Kul’tirans for not being there for Gilneas. They’re different nations.


 as far as fake Alliance players are concerned, maybe.

It’s not hard to have a low level alt. Also, with level boosts available every expansion, it’s not particularly hard to have a High level alt.

But like I said, it’s kind of part of a grouping.

  • Horde Loyalists who don’t want the Alliance to have stuff.
  • Sadists that happen to play on Horde and want to troll people and see them in distress.
  • Sadists that happen to play on Alliance and want to troll people and see them in distress.
  • Alliance Outliers like Murgatroyd who just aren’t into it.

Are kind of the majority that we see. It’s not like Alliance doesn’t have trolls and it’s not like the High Elf request isn’t a juicy target for that.


Yeah, that’s all I needed.

First the one that thinks they are an authority on what one should do, then you declaring who is or isn’t a “true Alliance player”, what a piece of work.

And you double down with assumptions

And by labeling them as mentally unsound based on one article that you cherrypicked from Google.

But the real question is

Did you measure it?


And this is the part where we agree to disagree. :slight_smile:

The story is, of course, a matter of perception and point of view. You have one perspective on it and I have another. From a Night Elf perspective though - I actually don’t care much for any of you, regardless of faction. :wink:

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Haha. I didn’t declare anybody a “True Alliance Player”

and it’s ironic to see you talk about assumptions. You spend all your time here trying to demonize people who make the High Elf request.

You’ve also, “Decided” that it’s because they want elves with “Snow White” morality. But that’s because you feel like if High Elves are playable it’ll make the Blood Elves, “The Bad Guys.”

and then, finishing off with the tease. laughs

Man I love that
 Throw some meme animated gifs at me while you’re at it, or call in the boys to dogpile me. It makes my day. You guys are so obsessed with me. :black_heart:


I respect you a lot and enjoy discussing it with you. No worries.


I main Alliance and I for sure do not want playable Alliance high elves. I assume most of us play both and go back and forth.


“Maybe” it’s not the same than saying “No, of course they’re not fake Alliance players”.

And there you go, doubling down with the assumptions.

What in the blazes are you talking about?

What can I say, it was beautifully hilarious.

Careful, that ego might get a little heavy.

Well, I have bad news for you.

You’re not a real Alliance player.

Sorry, I don’t make the rules, but apparently, he does :rofl: