The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

This is where the Alliance aligned high elves come in as a request.

A separate group from the blood elves, that have heavy sympathies and support for the alliance. They are not Blood elves, so they politically have not matched up with the horde. They also had a different recent history starting at the ending events of wc3 tft, you could even argue at the dark portal in the alliance expedition/ sons of Lothar.


I’ve got a Farstrider look.

Quit creeping on my style!

  1. I’m not even sure that Anduin could “order” the deployment of a slew of groups we know are officially members of the Alliance (i.e. Night Elves, Worgen, Draenei, possibly Pandaren). :man_shrugging:

  2. If the Silver Covenant aren’t to be considered as members of the Alliance, solely and specifically because they’re headquartered in Dalaran and abide by the rulings of the Kirin Tor therein, does this mean that the Sunreavers are also neutral seeing as they are also headquartered in Dalaran and abide by the rulings of the Kirin Tor?

    As you mentioned, power of the pen being what it is, Blizzard could quite easily contrive of a situation wherein the apparently neutral Silver Covenant and the apparently neutral Sunreavers unify and join the Alliance.

He can’t because that’s not really how Alliances work. Alliances are groups of people working together under a common cause.

The Horde seems able to do so though, Sylvanas was able to boss around the other member nations.


The Sunreavers are actually mostly affiliated with Dalaran. Lorthemar basically has two bad choices in his short story. He has to help Sylvanas or else and he has to let the Sunreavers join with Dalaran, or they’ll just do it anyways and he’ll lose those mages.

The SC on the other hand, their leaders husband was blown up by the Horde, so she’s much more Alliance affiliated.

But Dalaran is also neutral/leans Alliance.


This is an excerpt from In the Shadow of the Sun, emphasis added:

“However, it is my instinct that we should eschew official involvement in the Nexus War. Aethas should report to us periodically, and we should give him a clear set of boundaries. But those who wish to offer their services may do so under the banner of the Kirin Tor—not Quel’Thalas.”

Thus, according to Lor’themar, all of the Blood Elves serving in Dalaran (i.e. Sunreavers) are officially acting independently from Quel’thalas (and the Horde).


Just like some are delusional about blue eyed Blood Elves, there is quite a bit of delusion on the forums on how much power Anduin actually has as opposed to him just being the central figure for story telling purposes.


I cant imagine why everyone is so dialed into lore.

The lore is whatever the Alliance-hate-squad at Blizzard says it is. It can change at any moment and then change back without warning or explanation.

We got void elves for reasons, none of which make any sense or fall in line with anything that has gone before, but whatever. There they are. Go pretend something.

There is exactly nothing fixed or useful about lore. Its just there because people who can’t code want jobs too. And more power to them. But the lore is not the fuel. Whatever they decided on the way in to work that morning, that’s the fuel.

So there is nothing at all to keep the Alliance from having High Elves except for the dogmatic pronouncement of the head dev.

There is no existing reason, no game play reason, no lore reason, no population reason, no silhouette reason, nothing. Nothing except that giant ceramic ego demanding all the paying customers respect his ahthouritie.

I don’t actually think it will happen. I don’t think he will ever allow years and years of requests to be validated on his watch. This is certainly one hill upon which he will choose to die.

But I am not going to let him off the hook.

That moment when Alliance players accepted a quest from Captain Thalo’thas Brightsun and imagined a hopeful day when they too would be able to play a race as elegant and amazing, not among mud huts but within the storied ranks of the Alliance, that moment will haunt him until it becomes reality or he is chased from his office with feigned well-wishes and little plates messy with cake.

High Elves for the Alliance.

Years and counting.


Imagine thinking this decision, beyond far more financially momentous decisions about the direction the entire game is going to take on an ongoing basis, is going to haunt him at all.

I’ll bet tolerably large sums of real life money that he could not care less whether you do or don’t.

I’m curious as to which group you consider delusional; the one saying this can not, will not, ever happen or the one looking at the recent customization announcement stating eye color will no longer be tied to head model and inferring that means blue-eyed options are coming?


Whether it happens or not doesn’t really matter. The High Elf request will remain.

Blue Eyed Blood Elves are fine. Doesn’t make lore sense, other than just those elves who weren’t there when they erected all their fel crystals
 but whatever.

Then they can argue that there will be no difference in appearance between High Elves and Blood Elves at all
 and that’s fine too. Pandaren.


I agree with this, there is an admirable level of persistence on the topic which I respect even though I’m on the other side of the debate.


Playing powerless is an easy angle and I don’t blame you for it. It comes natural, especially when faced with the overwhelming sense of inertia connected with this issue.

And perhaps this is just a call in the wilderness.

But one of the things I do when trying to understand a new game is to check out its forums. What are people talking about? What are the issues?

Perhaps the idea that people can easily see that the paying customer-base is little more that clumsily milked subscription herd doesn’t matter to him. Perhaps that is just something a postmortem might embarrassingly turn up.

But imagine telling your money source that they don’t matter.

I think you are absolutely right. He doesn’t care at all, about anyone, about any player, about any subs, about any xpacs, about anything. He is so out of touch that his edicts and ransoms seem almost random now. The emperor not only has no clothes but his trolley is well off the track.

But I am happy to be one more bit of sand in the wheels of his petulant machine.

And like any machine, if he had just taken care of it when he had the chance, the problem would have gone away.

Now he has an ongoing array of threads detailing his lack to the world that even he can’t make disappear. And he doesn’t even care.

Imagine that.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams.

Why is that anyways, I’ve always wondered? haha.

I suspect we will see blue eyes for Blood Elves, however, just to be clear – the fact that the eye color option(s) are being uncoupled from the facial shape option(s) isn’t really an indicator that there will be new eye color options at all.

They’re quite unrelated, really.

Pretty much this.


At the risk of opening a can of “WE’VE ALREADY DISPOSED OF THOSE ARGUMENTS, WE’VE REFUTED THEM ALL, YOU’RE JUST MEAN AND WANT TO DENY US WHAT WE WANT FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN MALICE AND SPITE!” responses I’m going to do my best to ignore: in no particular order

First, from my perspective - and I’ve never had a blood elf beyond a DK I started on the PvP server and never got past 58 - they are traitors: to their leaders, their nation, and their fallen brethren. They abandoned them when they were needed the most, when a shattered and scarred nation began its struggle to rebuild. They chose instead to hang out in Dalaran, Stormwind, or a hunting lodge. Had it been written that way, had they been looked on by the rest of the Alliance with a “damn, that’s cold
they are your people and you don’t care?” outlook then I might feel differently.

Instead, so many people I see around here want the lily white perfect knight flavor of can do no wrong High Elves. It doesn’t work for me - at all.

Second, and again I’m opening myself up to more flames - but screw it - is faction identity. I do feel that identical races - Pandaran mistake aside - do not belong on both sides of the faction wall. It’s an opinion, that one’s mine.

And finally, even though Void Elves have punched a large hole in this narrative, there just are not many left. I was on this side of the aisle a long time ago
and since the Void Elves were rolled out that one no longer seems to be worth any effort to defend.

And that, Callistus, is enough of my inviting people to pile on
and rest assured they will.

I’m not rabid about it, if it happens I’ll congratulate some people on a battle well fought and I’ll be genuinely happy for the select few who have realized as I have, that we can disagree without being enemies.

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Some of them abandoned them because they disagreed with their choices. Some had already left when Quel’Thalas withdrew from the Alliance after the Second War, choosing to stay loyal to the Alliance over Quel’Thalas.

Not trying to argue against your point, this is just the way I see it.

For the record, this isn’t what I want.


Well I think the story about the rift between them and blood elves would be an interesting one to explore. In fact, if I can ever make my high elf quel’danil ranger, it’s part of her story. She had family on both sides, so remaining with the high elves meant abandoning other members of her family and it’s been a huge point of internal conflict for her.