The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

This. My scoliosis is as bad as a dang Worgen. Maybe worse.

sorry this fanfiction was flat out debunked. ion said there are no major settlements left and the SC was always described as a small militant force, not a people, not a civilization, not a race. if they were alliance and not kirin tor pledged he would not say this

alliance high elves are not playable, because their brethren, their people, their race already is, the majority of their race is aligned with the horde

if you cant stand the horde then you get void elves and void elves will never get blood elf customization. if they go back to the ARs expect more tentacles and mutant claws ala garrosh :relaxed:

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You donā€™t have scoliosis. If you had scoliosis you might have a rib hump and your spine would be rotated.

Youā€™ve got really strong hamstrings and glutes and really tight hip flexors.

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Off topicā€¦Blizz, would you please put my damn armor back on? Itā€™s drafty in here.


Iā€™m not sure how weā€™re supposed to take you seriously to debate if youā€™re not wearing any pants.

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Sounds like Void Elves!


It could be worseā€¦I could be wearing just a banana hammock.

man I havenā€™t read a Fyre post in such a long time. Maybe back in March or April?

ā€œIā€™ve been away for a while. And Iā€™m back to kick some butt in Wild Canyon!ā€

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Oh myā€¦

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The Zandalari use the Night Elf Skeleton.

Two NIght Elf Races for the Horde.

Obvious the Alliance deserves two races based on the Blood Elf Skeleton.


I wish I could play blood elves on the alliance. I dont like contributing to the balance problem but I have no other choice if I want to play fair skinned blood elves


I almost expect that we would get blood elves on the alliance before we get the alliance high elves.

And Magā€™har and Lightforged.

And almost extinct races like Gnomes, Draenei, Darkspear Trolls, and now Night Elves/Forsaken.


ill bite. if you want to be a human, dwarf, gnome, troll, orc, or tauren you also only have 1 choice. play the faction they belong too :woman_shrugging:

if you want to be a high elf proper the horde awaits. as it always has


Can I join the Illidari and be a naga? :pleading_face:

Agree :frowning:

It may be unpopular but I wouldnt mind any race on any faction. I love the alliance. Even though I adore trolls, tauren, and blood elves they arent as fun to play because I dont care for the horde.


i played alliance exclusively in vanilla but went horde in TBC for blood elves

i just started farming nighthold for the green eagletalon set for that farstrider look :grinning: