The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

But Arcane doesn’t cleanse Fel the same way Light does to replace the Fel green in their eyes.

And also, blue doesn’t match the Blood Elf visual identity. Blizzard cares a lot about visual and color identity of the races.


The way I see it void elves getting high elf customization is fine if they stop being void elves.

Change the race to exiles and have them both as options under it. Add in paladin as a class and have an option between 2 racials for thematic purposes.

I also believe this would work better for the story as the void elves could be integrated into the silver covenant as the primary fighting force of the “race”.

High elves provide the majority of the rangers and the paladins/priests while void elves provide spellbreakers and specialists. They both provide mages.


I don’t believe it’s a matter of “cleanse the fel”. As I recall, once exposure to fel energy stops then their eyes should - over time - naturally revert to “some color other than green”. Unless of course, someone had naturally green (not fel-green) eyes to begin with. Bottom line is, of course, Blizzard’s gonna do what Blizzard’s gonna do and I think they’ve given themselves plenty of lore room to go either way
or both.

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Except that Void Elves are now canonically members
not allies of
the Alliance. That’s not the case at this point in time with the SC.

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It turns out it didn’t returned to their original state (so far), and it seems Blizzard think Fel green eyes are too iconic for the Blood Elves to remove them outright, even in Warcraft III reforged they gave them despite the fact they weren’t using Fel magic back then (assuming the lore is not being changed).

And i’m not discarding the fact that, well, Blizzard do whatever they want, and that includes a sudden stance change on that.


the silver covenant are not just “allies” of the alliance. They are a full member of it.


No, they are not. They are still Dalaran-based and until that changes they are - at least officially - not members of the Alliance, and therefore allies - not members.

Dalaran is absolutely not a member of the Alliance
or the Horde
it is officially neutral.


Proof they are “Dalaran-based”? And what does that makes them any less Alliance? Using Dalaran, a Neutral city, as a reason why the Silver Covenant members aren’t part of the Alliance would also imply that Sunreavers aren’t members of the Horde, which doesn’t make sense either.

They are listed as part of the Alliance Vanguard on Wrath and had appearances as the Alliance representatives in the Argent Tournament and Isle of Thunder. In a Legion event Vareesa appears with all of the other Alliance leaders in Stormwind. Silver Covenant mages maintain the portal to Dalaran inside of Stormwind.


That they were created specifically to counter the Sunreaver presence in Dalaran?

The Silver Covenant is a militant faction of high elves led by Vereesa Windrunner. They reject the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor and have taken it upon themselves to serve as a military deterrent for any potential Horde uprising. KT are Dalaran and neutral, SC was formed specifically to counter potential Horde actions related to Dalaran.

Please find anything canonical that states they are members of the Alliance (not, “well they give quests to Alliance players and they’ve shown up to help the Alliance”

since other factions we alliance people can get rep with exist which are not formal members of the Alliance. This is one debate that’s been had before - and in fact it’s been stated (and by pro-High Elf people, not me) that one way to push for High Elves in the Alliance would be a falling out between the government of Dalaran and SC leadership resulting in them leaving neutral Dalaran and formally joining the Alliance.


they are based in dalaran because they are pledged to the kirin tor not the alliance. if they were pledged to the alliance they would be based in stormwind not a city open about its neutrality. the sunreavers were a part of the kirin tor as well until jaina kicked them out and they integrated into the magisters under rommath. since she was forced out they came back

the alliance vanguard was abolished with the conclusion of wrath and they returned to dalaran. all of the appearances you listed have already been put into context for you multiple times but they all come down to the SC appearing in the context of kirin tor representatives aiding the alliance with an existential threat

last time i was in the discord they were wishing blizzard to kill khadgar


Define what is a member of the Alliance and what is just affiliated with it.

I will wait, because there’s no definition. Another debate that dances around things that were never clearly defined by Blizzard.

Regardless, they fought and died under Alliance banners and represented them in various occasions, and the fact they are a Alliance-exclusive faction is a proof to me they are members of it, or at least very loyal.


An easy definition: Can Anduin, as High King and leader of the Alliance, order
not request or accept aid from, order
the deployment of Silver Covenant forces as he sees fit?


only a few high elves are aligned with the alliance and they have never had their own story or been given development

they dont have a seat at the table, and the majority dont even live in alliance territory. alleria after being back for 5 minutes is clearly aligned with the alliance, represents the void elves, and has a seat at the alliance table

That’s something you’ve made up.

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nope only the council and khadgar. dalaran does not answer to the high king of stormwind

Hardly, Mowa. All of the Alliance forces are under his command, he can and does order mobilizations of them. Or are you saying they can all just say “Nope, not going”? Member races of the Alliance all serve under the Alliance Banner, and he is the leader, not a member of some Alliance High Council, of that Alliance.

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Can Anduin, as High King and leader of the Alliance, order
not request or accept aid from, order
the deployment of Night Elf forces as he sees fit?

Answer that. Your argument, defend it. By your definition are Night Elves not members of the Alliance?


High Elves are Blood Elves


Yes he can, what pitifully few of us there are left, of course. Tyrande, even when she rebelled against his “I don’t want you going to Darkshore”, didn’t mobilize all the Night Elf forces left to go as an organized military force. She, her faithful, and us were pretty much it.

You’re breaking new ground - I must admit - with the “No, SC are not Dalaran based” argument. So there’s that.

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It’s my head canon that I supplied her with the orc head. Separated his miserable head from his miserable body. Savage af