The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°


“What we showed at the end of Burning Crusade, like during the whole Sunwell event, was that the warped naaru M’uru was kinda transformed back into his purest self, purest light that Velen used to reignite the Sunwell, as a fountain of Holy power, as much as it is arcane.”

From the mouth of Metzen himself.


“In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.”

It’s also stated in “The ART of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King”, but that I can’t quote.

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Elves and dwarves are both awesome.

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there isnt ‘some amount of arcane’ its arcane as much as it is holy. thats literally from metzen himself as midare mentioned

the green glint was always temporary and tied thematically to TBC and golden eyes proved their eye color can change. the video doesnt disprove anything, danuser just says in the name of player choice they gave all classes access to golden eyes while the lore reason IS only priests/paladins with a strong devotion to the light will manifest golden eyes from the holy part of the sunwell. likewise, mages with a strong devotion could very well manifest blue eyes from the arcane part of the sunwell. even the generic blood elf citizen should be back to blue at this point as they all use arcane in some capacity in their everyday lives

getting excited over the literal scraps of a race is odd when you have the actual civilization as a playable option. alliance high elves arent happening fyor, blue eyes i see happening though. if you limit yourself to faction then the closest you will get to being a blood elf on the alliance is an inky blot on the screen


Nah, dwarves are awesome and the only Alliance race I like. The only elves I like are blood elves.

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I like dwarves, all kinds, DiD are the only alliance AR I like on any level but I am looking forward to wildhammer customization. I love night elves, high elves, and blood elves.

Edit: Oh and Nightborne. Horde side I only have belfs, nightborne, and trolls.

There isn’t any reading between the lines, his statements were in direct contradiction to yours; you stated that the only individuals who would develop golden eyes would be Paladins and Priests, Danuser intoned that this is patently false.

I don’t know what to tell you, read your own citations more closely? :man_shrugging:

An individual isn’t required to be attuned to the Light in order to utilize it, if said Light is being channeled through an external source, such as the Sunwell, as evidenced by the fact that non-Priests and non-Paladins are presenting with golden eyes. Again, read your own citations.

Why would I feel defensive, after you directly contradicted yourself with your own citation? You’re the best player on my team, at this point. :laughing:

This was a jest. It may well be that blue eyes are on their way for BE’s, but this isn’t a citation that is indicative of it being a fact.

We don’t have confirmation that the Sunwell has Arcane in it that is swirling around independently from the Light, like yin and yang; instead, what we have confirmation of is that in re-igniting the Sunwell, both Arcane and the Light were utilized.

This means that if we presume the composition of the Sunwell to be ~50% Light-based and 50% Arcane-based, when any individual draws upon the energy of the Sunwell they’re getting approximately ~50% Light and ~50% Arcane – this regardless of their own particular specializations (i.e. a Priest, drawing from the Sunwell, is also employing the use of the Arcane; a Mage, drawing from the Sunwell, is also employing the use of the Light).

As we’ve yet to have any confirmed instances of a Blood Elf shifting from green to blue, or gold to blue, it is currently not a matter of fact that the Sunwell can actually serve as a catalyst for blue-eyed Blood Elves.

(And, do note, that it is also entirely plausible that the Sunwell is ~51% Light and ~49% Arcane. In which case, it’s extremely unlikely that blue-eyed Blood Elves would ever present.)

You’ve seen Blood Elves, in-game, that look like this?

Please, point them out for me. :man_shrugging:


Since you’ve seen it and can cite it, why not do so?

Maybe, like Midare’s citations, it’ll help my argument more than yours. :laughing:

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It’s cited in Chronicles. So it’s accurate that Alliance and Velen aided Horde and the Silvermoon to purify Sunwell once more.

It was also later shown that Alleria unintentionally opened the void gate in Sunwell when she touched it. Due to this, Alleria and Alliance Farstriders were banished and no longer welcomed back in Silvermoon again.

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My long dream of having DiD on Horde is gone and it will never be a thing sigh

No, I didn’t. But you know? I could have, because who are the ones that usually are devoted to the Light? Warriors? Rogues? Warlocks? And guess what happens to those devoted to the Light? They are in harmony with it, they are acclimated to it and are receptive and aware

I do find funny that at least you quoted me the first time, but the second you just decided to not even paraphrase me, you simply added in things I didn’t even say.

You realize you’re trying to headcannon percentages for a fount of magical energy
 all because you refuse to accept that both word from the devs and the canon lore supports the eye color of a race.

What matters is what it’s been repeated by Metzen and used in the official sources: “As a fountain of Holy power, as much as it is arcane”

Don’t hurt your arm with that reach, please.

They look like blood elves that are sleep deprived and slipped into a pool of paint and yet, at the same time, they look like void elves wearing immese amounts of make up to try to “go back to normal”, it’s strange.

Yes, that’s why the Void elves were vanished, but I’m not sure how this fits with the current argument about the energies in the Sunwell.

Metzen comment - February, 2009.

WoW Race Page: Two Sentences Later: Although some elves remain hesitant to abandon their dependence on arcane magic, others have embraced change for the betterment of Quel’Thalas.

Cataclysm Intro - December 2010 - States Lorthemar is trying to stop them from being addicted.

You just told Fyorsing not to reach with the distribution of magic in the Sunwell, but all the evidence so far is pretty compelling.


Alright, who was it. Who created the High Elves thread on the reddits. Show yourself.

Let’s reexamine what you stated, for the third time – emphasis added:

Let’s reexamine what Danuser said, for the third time – emphasis added:

Priests & paladins are more likely to have them, but others can if it makes sense.

His statement directly contradicts yours. :man_shrugging:

If your position is so fragile and baseless that even suggesting that the Light and the Arcane within the Sunwell are found in equal parts offends, it speaks to how little evidence there actually is for blue-eyed Blood Elves becoming a thing.

Which isn’t to say it won’t happen, because as you say, it does seem like a natural choice for customization direction – but to suggest it is guaranteed as a matter of fact, corroborated by existing lore, is simply a lie. :man_shrugging:

That makes blue-eyed Blood Elves plausible, as a matter of speculation about their future, not an eventuality as a matter of fact. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t realize you’ve known what the exact composition of the Sunwell was this entire time. Would you be so kind as to enlighten the rest of us with your knowledge?

An interesting way of not answering the question, here, let me repeat it for you:

You’ve seen Blood Elves, in-game, that look like this?

they look like blood elf DKs :woman_shrugging:

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They really, really don’t. :laughing:


The Sunwell was built on Leylines, so there is arcane magic there
 additionally Anveena was a character that had some of the power of the Sunwell in her. However, it says that M’uru purifies that power
 theoreteically it could have been a lot of arcane power from the Sunwell. But “Purified” spins that too. So it’s really hard to tell.

However, if you’ve been to the Sunwell
 its color makes the power in it pretty obvious.


There has no been evidence of this happening anywhere outside of that page, though.

Also, you sure that’s the road they should take? Were will the “moral ground” of the traitors be, then?

What evidence? There’s no way to meassure that, it’s a fountain of magic, all we have as “meassurement” is the word of Metzen saying that is as much Holy light as it is arcane.

let’s see how you read through lines



past tense: attuned ; past participle: attuned

  1. make receptive or aware.

“a society more attuned to consumerism than ideology”

  • accustom or acclimatize.

Now, let’s see
 do devout people or not devout people become attuned to the Light?

Fragile? You’re the one trying to use percentages for a fictional fount of magic :rofl:

And you’re the one refusing to accept the words “as holy light, as much as it is arcane” right from the guy that made the story.

No, that’s just you wishing real hard.

They fought for the purification of the Sunwell, they earned it and like it or not, it’s the logical outcome of what they’ve been through.

As I said, it’s impossible. I’ll simply stick to Metzen’s words.

Since it seems the point went right over your head, I guess I’ll be clearer. They might not look exactly like blood elves, but it makes them look even more similar than without the blueish/purplish skin.

I need to go make myself productive but I’ll give you kudos for not trying to (futilely) turn the gameplay argument on me. But then, it wouldn’t have worked, because blue eyes doesn’t interfere with any relevant playable race.


Who cares?


Considering Teldrassil was described as a morally grey action there’s plenty of wiggle room in the morality department.


How have I refused this notion, when I specifically discussed the Sunwell as equally 50% Light-based and 50% Arcane-based? :man_shrugging:

So, then, you’re asserting that it is corroborated by existing lore that a Blood Elf can experience his/her eye color changing from green/gold to blue – I’ll patiently wait while you provide an example of it happening.

That’s an interesting opinion, but it’s hard a fact. :woman_shrugging:

and this affects you, or Blood Elves, precisely how?

All this back and forth over trivia

There is obvious an equal enough mix of Light and Arcane energy in the Sunwell to support a decision granting Blue Eyes, while there is also enough Light to support Golden Eyes. It’s all sufficiently clear about this
while being fuzzy enough
to allow Blizzard to go whichever way they choose without being overly vulnerable to “But my Lore!” attacks.

Unless y’all are just bored, in which case; carry on.