The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I didn’t say void elves shouldn’t get customizations, though.

They should get customizations, but as long as they remain within the disctintions they have. They could have more faces, markings, scars, more/less tentacles, tattoos.

Blue eyes is simply a normal step to display the progression of the story of blood elves, for void elves, to have “regular non blueish” skin it’s just a regression and it defeats the purpose of their distinction.

Yes, this is totally a good choice as well. Even one options to make them look even more “voidy”, let them embrace what they are.

And yeah, I’m currently in a stage when I’m not sure what to wear so I went for the best armor set for a forsaken :stuck_out_tongue:


As we know there are currently both BE’s and HE’s studying the Void in Telogrus Rift, and as we know the Void Elves don’t have access to a Nether-Prince to recreate the circumstance of their own creation, it is entirely reasonable that the next batch of Void Elves would be entirely less corrupted.

Much like blue-eyed Blood Elves, Void Elves being able to be demonstrably less corrupt is “simply a normal step to display the progression of [their] story”. :man_shrugging:

We don’t know any of this. Even if they find the methods, there’s also a possibility they will look similar, or even more voidy. Something could go in an unexpected way and result in that.

And that still doesn’t change the fact that they were made distinct for a reason, most likely gameplay reasons and gameplay trumps lore.

We don’t know that the Sunwell is still capable of causing blue eyes, either, and yet here we are discussing it as something plausible. :man_shrugging:

And that uniqueness wouldn’t be affected, it’s not like anybody is under the illusion that Blizzard would simply give them standard Blood Elf-looking skin color options – they’re much more likely to end up somewhere in the middle, like this:

 you want them to look as if they crawled into a pool of purple paint?


Yes, we do know this. The arcane in the Sunwell didn’t go anywhere. It’s just siwrling along with the Light.

It’s almost like different people like different things. :crazy_face:

The only thing we know, as a matter of fact, is that there is some amount of Arcane present in the Sunwell.

It is absolutely not a matter of fact that, as of this moment, the Sunwell is capable of granting blue eyes to Blood Elves – is it plausible, certainly, but until you can provide an example of any Blood Elf shifting from green to blue (or gold to blue), it is speculation and nothing more.


Metzen himself confirmed it way before his retirement.

And we also have the current dev in charge of the story confirming that those only attuned to the Light are supposed to be affected by the light in the Sunwell and thus have golden eyes. So yes, it kind of is a fact. If anything, it makes sense for non Light followers to have it.

Still that doesn’t look like “pale option” either.

Maybe it’s why we get a discount. :wink:

I think I saw a thread about this once, so there’s definitely the demand for it.


Imo, a think a medusa hairstyle with the void tentacles, considering that they have an animation, would be cool.


Imagine popping Voidform on a Shadow Priest with that hair? Would be sick.


It would be a great visual prior to my impending doom
 which is usually the case when I’m dealing with shadow priests anyway, so might as well give me something cool to look at before I spawn at the graveyard.


He confirmed that the composition of the Sunwell included some amount of Arcane energy, yes, exactly as I just stated.

This is a colossal misrepresentation of what was said.

What was said, regarding golden eyes, is that those who are attuned to the Light will be among the first people to experience their eye color changing – but that, ultimately, everyone would eventually be affected the same. I’ll be glad to link the entirety of the interview in a moment, when I find it on YouTube.

That’s a nice opinion, friend. :man_shrugging:


This is what I’m talking about. What I said wasn’t verbatim, but it was close to the original.

It’s literally washing off one of their distinct features though.

This one?

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I don’t know why people keep talking about pale skin. Something can be pale but not be a human flesh tone. Void elves have pale skin tones already, just in blue and purple.

And we already have blue and purple elves on the alliance, so getting shorter ones wasn’t exactly mind blowingly creative either. They came from nowhere and haven’t done anything since. They have two named NPCs that have done stuff in BFA but nothing significant, one of whom doesn’t even have the same look as the rest of the void elves and went through a different process.

Wanting to be able to play as a race that has a much larger NPC presence, storylines across multiple expansions, and a story we’d like to explore more has far more creative potential than anything done with void elves so far.

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Except, it wasn’t. Let’s review, with emphasis added by me:

It’s not that all blood elf eyes have changed from green to gold. It’s that the potential for golden eyes is present, based in part on the individual’s degree of devotion to the Light.

And concluding the response made by Danuser immediately following the one above:

Priests & paladins are more likely to have them, but others can if it makes sense.

You stated, and I’ll quote you too:

This isn’t “close to the original”, it’s patently incorrect – and though I can’t seem to find the interview where they discuss it more in-depth, which would further demonstrate the falsehood of your statements, the Tweets you’ve supplied are more than suitable stand-in’s.

(Also, do you even read things before you cite them? Asking for a friend.)

The fact that you don’t approve, doesn’t make it any less plausible as a, how did you put it, “normal step to display the progression of the story of [the Void Elves]”. :man_shrugging:

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Why are you attempting to read between lines this hard? The tweet was succinct.

Attunment to the Light requires devotion, it doesn’t happen randomly so yeah, it was not incorrect, I simply didn’t remember the tweet word by word.

Are we getting defensive now?

The point is: We have Ion in the past saying blood elves could get “contact lenses in the future” when refering to blue eyes, we have the lore that confirms the Sunwell still has arcane in it and it’s uncorrupted (and the amount of arcane it’s completely irrelevant, if both energies are sharing the Sunwell in harmony that means neither has overwhelmed the other, that’s what matters). And we have Danuser saying that golden eyes are supposed to be a potential effect depending on the degree of devotion to the Light.
With the last thing in mind, those not devoted to the Light within the Sunwell will naturally be affected by the other part of it.

it’s not a matter of plausibility lore wise. I never denied it could happen. I said that it shouldn’t because it would go against their policy of “gameplay trumps lore”.

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Do their women have beards? If not, no poncy doped up elves float’n about. Bad enough we got those nighty tighty ones bouncing all over teh mailboxes.

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Pfft, is not like dwarven women need beards to be awesome, they have those thighs that can press steel.

But hey, this is what happens when a clearly better race like dwarves ends up allying with hippie elves.

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I’m still not convinced, despite the single reference on the Blood Elf WoW page stating it, that there is enough arcane energy in there to matter. Otherwise the Cataclysm Blood Elf intro doesn’t make any sense. Nor is it referenced anywhere else.

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