The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

? what suggestions have been made on how to change them? Void elves isn’t valid as they are all blood elves.

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You don’t have to, that’s the best part about it. They are happening.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Yay more High Elf threads :partying_face:


I do think a new Megathread is in order.

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I think its still running, though its a bit large. But it’s been locked for awhile.

To be honest with the Post Count it has and the amount of time locked, I feel it’s done for.

I agree with you.

Of the many things to disagree with in my post, that’s the one you chose? Thanks for the softball. :slight_smile:

As I’m confident you are well aware, there are plenty of spirits from many races wandering around Azeroth outside of the Shadowlands. Some want to help us, many want to hurt us, and some don’t care either way. But they’re there. Existing. Outside of the Shadowlands.

Maybe you want a reason besides “because there are thousands of spirits already doing it” for why these ghosts could be outside of the Shadowlands?


So the living do not belong in the Shadowlands, like, let’s say,
 men don’t belong on Themyscira. So after we help, the Arbiter says “Thanks, now get out, and here are some guys to make sure you don’t come back.”

So there we go, another reason for them to not just go *poof*, and we’ve introduced Wonder Woman themes into a game where the main factions are supposedly modelled after Captain America and Wolverine. Let the Marvel vs DC battle rage on!

I’m gonna make my blood elf look like Alleria. Some nice tattoos n blue eyes. lols

You’re welcome. As you say, they’re spirits - so other than casting classes they’re not going to be much of a bother to the corporeal, are they? :slight_smile:

I mean yeah as long as antis quit false flagging threads and getting them locked. Wonder if Blizz does anything about people who abuse flagging?

It’s not all cause of False Flagging. There are other flags that go off.

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So you they did say that they won’t be doing Allied Races for customization at launch.

That sort of implies they might do that in a later patch. You think they will implement a pale skin option for Void Elves?

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Well, being a spirit never stopped all those other spirits roaming Azeroth from punching me when they got close :slight_smile: and it won’t stop the denizens of the Shadowlands from doing the same :slight_smile:

But you can also look at the movie “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg: In that movie, the dead can interact with physical objects and people. It’s better explained in the movie on the “how”, and I can’t find a good quality version of the subway scene where it’s explained to link to, but give it a look if you can find one.

WC3 Reforged has some nice High Elves banners and settings. can’t wait for this game at least.

No and they shouldn’t, they were made distinct for a reason.

Have you ever noticed that the OP of the megathread has only been hidden once or twice (which is what happens when a thread gets flagged)?

I have the feeling that if they do start taking action towards those abusing the flagging
 then well, we’ll see a lot less people supporting high elves, if you catch my drift.


You could apply this to every race, including the core races.

“The BE’s shouldn’t get blue eyes, and in fact the option of yellow should be removed, because they were made to be unique with their green eyes for a reason.” :man_shrugging:

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Didn’t recognize your toon for a second lol

But Void Elves may be getting additional skin colors. I wish it weren’t so, but the only response from Blizz towards this was pretty positive
 But at that point why even make Void Elves in the first place? Seems like a step backwards

If anything I wish they could have skin that looked closer to ash, something with no hint of blue/purple. At least then their skin could be a neutral color and would work well with more mogs. All while still being distinct. As of right now if their mogs aren’t blue or purple it doesn’t look right. It’s a shame really, makes their transmog discount racial limited

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