The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

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Doesn’t seem to be the case looking at literally what’s coming in Shadowlands being the culmination of “a lot of community spam”.

When was that said? You should re-read something before replying to it really.


We can’t prove it. We have heavy assumptions. The thing is though this isn’t a court of law. The people can draw their own conclusions and opinions. We don’t have to prove anything. We just have to lay it all out for the rest to see.

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>anti-HElf people whine about threads being "spammed"
>fill threads with so much off-topic garbage they get locked

really makes u think


It is simple. They know they have no logical argument against high elves. All they have is an emotional one which at the end of the day amounts to very little.

Therefore since they have a huge disadvantage they instead resort to shutting down the conversation as much as possible. The request stops if they can get it forcibly shut down through abuse of forum tools.

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Real discussion here. I actually do appreciate Blizzard using High Elf NPC faces a bit brighter and cheerful a lot comparing to Blood Elf npc faces.

15th Anniversary High Elf/Dragon NPC faces do brighten up the event.


To think that vereesa is probably going to be relevant in shadowlands. Blizzard says they are going to go heavy on the cameos and come back characters. Rhonin and vereesa reuniting will obviously be one of them as that is one of the more high profile reunions that are possible with shadowlands.


There was a brief explanation, in an interview that Wowhead covered a couple days ago, of what the Shadowlands actually is metaphysically – the interviewee basically said to think of it as being no different than any other cosmological realm (Twisting Nether, Helheim, Firelands, Deepholm, etc.).

All demons are tethered to the Twisting Nether.
All of Azeroth’s fire elementals are tethered to the Firelands.
Apparently, all living creatures on Azeroth are somehow tethered to the Shadowlands.

The point being that just because our souls have left Azroth and entered the Shadowlands, doesn’t strictly mean that everything or everyone in the Shadowlands is incorporeal.

Well thats a lie.

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I don’t think it even stops there. It is possible all living creatures of reality are tied to the shadowlands.


how so? every “logical” argument thrown out gets debunked. Of course many antis just ignore that because it goes against their agenda.

It all boils down to they don’t want them because of emotional reasons.


I don’t have time between meetings to really engage on this one

If they’re corporeal and we can interact with them there we are therefore corporeal there
which begs the question, since it’s literally the dimension of the dead, where the matter comes from to create a body we left behind.

We didn’t leave our bodies behind. At blizzcon it is explicitly stated we are physically going into the shadowlands.

How so? You are attempting to suggest that the high elf request is equivalent to those of say, Classic, or customization requests. I cannot agree to such false equivalency.

You’re not a gnome, I am not sure how that went over you.


The entirety of this thread is subjective opinions with very few hard concrete facts inbetwee.

Blood Elves are High Elves. Fact.
They were made Horde in BC. Fact.

The Alliance has a minute fraction of the remaining High Elves.

From here we get the usual HE talking points about how big they were in wrath.

Counterpoint, since then it’s been used here and there, sparingly.

For instance BFA is the main course and High Elves are just pepper sprinkled on.

You want the Elves for emotional reasons too, you claim Lore is on your side.

Also to touch on emotional reasons, just because you can physically do something doesn’t mean u should. I could run a red light if i saw noone coming or going but i shouldn’t, the risk isn’t worth the reward.

We could through logic get Arathi Humans, Should we? No, ofc not.

None of this even matters anyways, the closer we get to 9.0, the showcase of Belf customization options will drop, blue eyes given and we will finally ship this puppy to bed. Its comin, you know it, ioo know it, you might not state it publicly but in your heart of hearts with over 40 options comin, eye colors one of em.


I’m hoping for nail polish colours.

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I’d be surprised , i dont remember the last time i looked at my guys hands.

Well of course we want them for emotional reasons. The thing is though logical reasons exist as well such as them already being members of the alliance but currently not playable.

Of course the horde should get them. Albeit blizzard would probably make them forsaken like nathanos for reasons.


Lol no absolutely not, and to make them forsaken
 see? You’re changing the race, and they would no longer fit the bill of a living human. If we suggest changing the remaining high elves to make them not resemble their true form you guys reject it.

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