The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Iā€™d take your offer if I were still playing retail. Right now Classic has most of my attention


I would but I am alliance, I cannot go along with horde. #nightelfforlife

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Mowa, no offense but even they have a right to be here. Itā€™s a public forum. The thread might not be for them specifically but they do have a right to be here for as long as they are allowed by Blizzard.

Even if high elves are fairly boring as a race while blood elves exist (literally, just political alignment and disposition, alongside eye color), I wish they had been added instead of void elves at this point just to stop the overwhelming amount of drama that has transpired over it.

Not that I am accusing this thread or anyone in it of that (Iā€™m not, in any way), or that void elves are a deeply interesting race (they are okayā€¦), but high elves are never ever going to happen at this point. I know itā€™s hard to accept, and I sympathize with people having a hard time with this.

The best we could hope for is more ā€œhigh elvenā€ skin tones with void elves, so that they can be like Alleria, but even that is a stretch at this point. We are more likely to see blue eyes on blood elves than that.

Of course, when we all go back to Azeroth theyā€™re going to vanish becauseā€¦wellā€¦theyā€™re the souls of the dead. So you want an AR that only exists in the Shadowlands xpac and then force people to reroll?

Come to think of it, are we going to run into the 90% of the High Elves that were killed by the scourge in the Shadowlands?

50/50, Iā€™d say.

For that reason iā€™m slowly moving away from the forums and seeking places that are more focused on friendly conversations with like-minded people rather than abhorrent discussions. Public forums are terrible because they are public, allowing the worst people in the community (from both sides in this case) to be around everywhere almost freely and without consequence, ruining topics and conversations, reducing the quality of them. The forums are a place that people usually go to complain, itā€™s inevitable that they are going to be surrounded by negativity.

There are pro High Elfers that donā€™t do any favor to the request, they just undermine it by their attitudes, while some Antis are just undefensable and unbearable.


Only if we get to rough up Garithos.

Would Be appropriate, so the horde can have a turn at what they perceive to be ā€œAllianceā€ honestly the scarlet crusade would have been more believable had it been led by Garithosā€¦ come to think of it. Would have been a great narrative that the SC openly attacked alliance because they felt abandonedā€¦ and not that they couldnā€™t discern that alliance members were or werenā€™t scourge.

There are sanctuaries if they wish to avoid the discord that is the public forums. Otherwise, it is hand wringing over differing opinions.

Would be neat if we do. Or the dark trolls or Cairne Bloodhoof.

Iā€™ve met like two of these since coming back.

I can think of more than two Reno.

Btw, where is my quote Mowa?

There are so many characters that we could meet up with. Like why not Grom, Lothar, Doomhammer, or King Teranas?

On one hand I would love the inclusion of these chars, but the other tells me to just leave them be! Lol or else they will get the Turalyon treatment, which was major league disappointment.

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I hope I can meet my sanity after Blizz took it from me for giving us BFA.

BFA could have been good, but the underlying hidden story supplanted the faction war. Sylvanas and her dumb hidden intentions.

Just noā€¦ woulda been great to have been a pure unadulterated faction war.

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I even recognize i may fit my own description to some.

And there are some who donā€™t do favors to the Anti side either, but instead of receiving criticism they gain a shower of likes when they make topics to troll High Elfers, a shower of likes coming from the same ones that complain about High Elf spam.

Oh, talking about unbearable antisā€¦

I just want you to admit you accused me falsely Mowa. It is your pride that gets in the way.
Alsoā€¦shower of likesā€¦hue

Blizz sold me on the BFA opening Cinematic for a faction conflict and then proceeded to produce BFA.


No one is flawless on either side. Except for me, since Iā€™m neutral.

Since lore has been thrown in the garbage can, i almost donā€™t about what and who we will see in the Shadowlands.

The gameplay and the systems seems promising and better than BfA and it will be what i most care about. I hope they remove the GCD in a lot of spells or at least reduce it.

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