The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

Except they don’t. You are basically trying to digress and trying to kill topics. So technically, you are being toxic and trolling. The thread itself does say “High Elf Love Thread”. Not “High Elf Hate thread”


Eh at least they’re all stuck in this one thread.


Muir gave a rather good example of it.

Hardly, I am here to debate that what you desire is a bad idea.

None of my action fit the suggestion Lirica. You dislike it, but that does not make it trolling.

Go on discord if you want an echo chamber/

That’s the thing they’re all in like 4 of them. One of which is being ignored by the mods. It i rather displeasing

Except you are exactly flaming and trolling from your history of posts in every High Elf thread related. So That does not convince me one bit.

Sounds like you want to go there more than me. Again, this is “High Elf Love Thread”. Not “High Elf Hate Thread.” You are still trying to flame this thread.

Except this part, you could have done yourself and save yourself the breath and time from not posting in any of those threads and be on topic that actually pleases you. Obviously, you have proven yourself that you are the type of person who is pleased when someone feels miserable because you personally could not feel majestic in real life, so you have to bully those who show support in something in this game. You don’t have to like it, but you don’t have to post to tell other players you don’t like their opinion and going every. single. threads. related to High Elves and troll/flame them about what you don’t like.

You’ve been pretty proven yourself that you are Anti-High Elf person. Also, mods haven’t “ignored” the threads. They did listen by locking the Megathread which several Antis have caused to flag it down.

Your so-called “High Elf Thread 2.0” isn’t even a thread to support the cause. It was made so that people would stop making threads to shut them up. So I don’t find your actions pleasing considering your purpose doesn’t show good will.

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Flaming would be insulting you, youhaven’t been insulted. I stated the spamming of topics is a childish behavior that should not be tolerated. You only consider it trolling because, and I quote pocohantas, you only like people who think like you.

This did not make any sense as a retort. Why would I go to echo chamber discord, when I am advocating for different views on a public forum. If you don’t want a dissenting view, go somewhere that the dissenting views are not allowed.

Well…yes…because that is what the mods wanted. They don’t want you spamming the forums. They want you to pick a thread, stay in it, and quit annoying the community with your decade old request for a horde race. Oh and

Practice what you preach. If you’re going to try and wag your finger at someone, at least don’t be a hypocrite within the same sentence. Fact of the matter is you’re now trying to make m be quiet because I don’t agree with you. Irony.

If you are too busy people making same threads and spamming same thing, then go bother something else. There are more Sylvanas hate threads about Mary Sue with people unsubbing because of Shadowlands than High Elves thread. So, yeah. You are 100% Wrong. If you look at first page of General Discussion, there is really 1 which is this, because you are still coming in here attacking the High Elf fans.

We don’t have to agree in something. But at least don’t act like a trolling tool trying to pour salt and laugh at High Elf fans who clearly want to show support on it. While I dislike Horde, you obviously dislike Alliance especially High Elf being in Alliance.


So does that mean you’re going to stop spamming?

I have a ticket that disagrees with you. Sorry.

oh no i like the alliance. I just dislike whiny alliance players.
Worgen is my fave race after all

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I am definitely not spamming when I am in the right thread to show my love and support for High Elves and where they belong: Alliance.

Where as, you on the other hand: Dislike the fans and High Elves - and don’t belong in here.


Sorry, you don’t get to dictate whether or not people can or cannot post in your topic.

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It’s like she doesn’t understand we’re on a public forum, it’s kinda silly.


This is what happens when you surround yourself with only like minded people.

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On that same note, this is the High Elf Love thread tho, not the love or hate thread. So while everyone has a right to be here, It’s mostly for fans who love High Elves imo.


God I love High Elves.


It’s the anti thing. They troll and bring up debunked arguments and flag to silence the thread. Then when we have no choice but to bring up new threads they say we are spamming when we had 1 forum to keep this discussion on and they flag bombed it. I dont bother responding to antis anymore. All they attempt to do is bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Xeno, why is that the only posts you ever do is accuse people of flag bombing, flame bait, and call people trolls? Wouldn’t you get bored? Or…you know…start being rational?

Because I bring facts (just like i do when talking about why high elves are valid). You can be disingenuous and lie to everyone else here by saying you are being reasonable but the antis’ arguments against high elves have been debunked countless times by me and others before and yet you continue to harass us in underhanded ways.

With that I am done talking with you. I dont bother with antis anymore. Long ago I tried to explain why their arguments are flawed but you guys dont listen so I am finished speaking with you.


But here we are not surrounded by like minded people :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We all tussle more than we should though.

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I’ve never seen you do anything but make claim dude. So…not sure why you’re lying now.

Elysarria no one takes my offer for mythics


Everyone has the right to be here, except the people who accuses and complains about others of doing the things they selves do.

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