The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

The silly thing is that most of the Blood Elves and High Elves that appear in WoW are retcons. The Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas being retconned back to life when they were made playable (everyone in Quel’Thalas died in WC3), and the Dalaran High Elves being retconned back to life (the evacuation of Dalaran being a retcon as far as I understand).

Not the way I understood the Lore, Sylvanas was a high Elf before she became undead she was the Ranger General of Silvermoon who fought and died to the scourge.

Also when I made my DK the class story line you meet a fellow Blood Elf and she talks to you asking what did they do to you? Don’t you remember fighting for Silvermoon so forth.

I mean the original lore was that all the elves in Quel’Thalas died, with only Kael’s band surviving. But when they wanted Blood Elves playable, they retconned it so that there were survivors in Quel’Thalas.

The way I read the lore there were some survivors.

you can when naxx patch comes out in classic. but ya gotta get it while the patch is live, which means leveling a char to the range …i think eastern plaguelands levels so 50-ish. that will presumably lead to a remake of tbc, after that. so now you’ll have the tabard for tbc also, but no transmog, no account wide sharing.

Could you imagine the outrage if they removed transmog from the game and you had to go back to looking like people on drugs designed and painted your armor?

are you insinuating my armor looks like it was designed by someone high on drugs?

Some of the armor sets made me wonder lol.

Iam wondering if that will ever be a feature? I’d play classic more if I had the ability to earn old mogs that you can no longer acquire on retail. That and the enchanted thorium stuff for instance.

Anyway, they haven’t started to release any info on when they will drop the pre naxx stuff right!? Lol I better move on it.

oh you would never be able to use it on your retail account but if you kept playing the classic versions of the game,you’d eventually get back around to expacs with account sharing and mogs. i think mogs came out in cata? dont think you could mog tabards at first.

“What do you mean i have to put on a shirt again!?”

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I know that, Iam just wondering if they will ever create that incentive to play classic, items you earn on classic that are no longer available to retail, and unlock that mog.

The argent dawn tabard for example.

you’d think so, once the expacs were more varied. i personally dont think they should attach end to end (meaning progress into each other), but i do think if you earned something in one expac of classic, you should be able to have it account bound to another expac of classic. for example the tabard. i have always wanted that tabard. my daughter got it but i didnt.

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Because it made me laugh…

Apparently a Morman Church put up a picture of Obi wan Kenobi saying he is Jesus Christ.

well mormons think you can become a god, so there ya go.

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There was an official quote somewhere (I think in the WoW instruction manual maybe?) that stated something to the effect of “not a single living soul remained in Quel’Thalas”. They were originally going to retcon survivors as an Alliance group, Silvermoon Remnant, but these plans were scrapped.

Yea, but they also say the Alliance won the war even though the Horde be guarding almost all the old Alliance towns in-game.

All I meant was that’s why the survivors of Quel’Thalas are a retcon, because Blizzard had previously stated they were dead.

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Nah there were survivors Chromie saved a few that is my story and I am sticking to it!

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Everyone knows Bronze Dragons are masters of retcon. :sunglasses:

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