The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

No, I needed a Blood Elf.

They were red.

Blood Elf was Horde, they did have a warrior option.

Alliance would have had High Elves that were Quel’dorei.

Not in BC and Wrath they didn’t.

I was all Horde in TBC. First time I encountered a High Elf was on my belf pally. It wasn’t actually a High Elf, but that dragon from the Caverns of Time. I so was jealous of her blue eyes and blue nail polish.

EDIT: This one

I thought they did, but they did have Paly.

Yeah but those are not Warriors.

my velf wants my hairstyle.
and white or black hair option


They were going to have Warrior, and had it in beta I believe, but it was axed for pally when they decided to give pallies to Horde and shammies to Alliance.

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I think the reason blizz is trolling the Alliance is cause they keep complaining about everything, less complaining they would probably do more.

If the Horde was the dominate group complaining I think Bliz would be trolling us instead.

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I want your hairstyle on Void Elves so bad.

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Do you mean the High Elves in the event? I think that’s more a reference to Wrath than intentional trolling.

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Which was silly as all can be considering the Blood Elf campaign in WC3 had Blood Elf Warriors as a unit.

You are probably right, but if you been playing the game as long as I have you realize how much Bliz enjoys trolling its player base.

Those were only a partial group of Sin’dorei, and Quel’dorei that went on to stay fighting for the Alliance.

Races could only have 6 classes max back then, and Warrior was deemed the least belfy of the 7 they would’ve had for whatever reason.

get this:

alliance ask to be able to play their high elf allies.
devs say no and give a variant of high elves, to the horde.
alliance still ask to be able to play their high elf allies.
devs still say no and give a variant of high elves to the alliance.
alliance still ask to be able to play their high elf allies.
devs still say no and instead give their high elf allies to the horde.
:rofl: if i was alliance, and i am, i’d be right ticked off about that


I thought the ones from the Blood Elf campaign were Kael’s forces that went to Outland with him, with the High Elves being the Alliance units from pre-Frozen Throne. I could be mistaken though.

I remember the original Pre Naxx event in vanilla, it was glorious. I want the argent dawn tabard But it’s all on an old Deleted account so now I cannot get it :’(

Sometimes simplicity is best.


See Sin’dorei were basically shunned by Night Elves for dabbling in the arcane magics, later the Scourge attacked their homeland and the Alliance abandoned them to their fate.

However Quel’dorei continued to fight for the Alliance.

That was another partial unit of High Elves but they were part of Silvermoon, not the entirety.