The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Ofc not , but to willfully not entertain the idea as highly possible is ignorance or just refusing to accept what reality is likely to bring especially considering past QnAs

Personally if I mained an Alliance character I would be pissed if they gave me a playable look alike of a Blood Elf.

Void Elves are actually pretty cool, just wish the skin could be lighter and a choice of eye color.

Also note my Death Knight doesn’t use the Peach skin option I chose Corpse white/grey.

Their QnA wasnt a confirmation nor denial. But they were rather asking themselves to evade the answer to let fans find out for themselves.

This event however just shows that developers know whats going on between the community. Whether they want to take action or not is up to them.

I think though the majority of the community is Elfed out and wants to see something new before they see reskins.

But the high elf npcs on the anniversary entrance (whether they’re bronze dragons or not) are somewhat reasserting the divide between the two groups

with the blue-eyed high elves on the side of the alliance and the blood elves on the side of the horde

Those are all dragons you can tell by the eye color which is not a direct blue its kinda teal or bright blue.

I think thats just another players speculation because we dont know that either. -_-.

They dont even have like some bronze drake names or even have dialogues that they were bronze drakes disguising for this anniversary etc. So it just is more teasing and cliff hangery for pro fans like myself.

Despite that i am just not expecting big thing from this. I appreciate that they are showing message they are aware of this fan wish.

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I’ve seen enough of their High Elf Dragon NPC’s to know the eye color of them.

I did find it amusing at all the Bronze Dragons disguised as a Thal Elf to celebrate.

Just Blizzard trolling us again when they could’ve made them also in Human, Night Elf, Gnome and other forms. As i recall Dragons can’t change their Humanoid forms whenever they want, they have to stick with one.

The worst part is that some of the NPCs are the same High Elves from the Thousand Needles boat party event. They didn’t even changed their dressing.


Personally anytime Bliz sticks it to the Alliance I don’t mind I am laughing my tail off.

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So when I asked “I wanna know what love is
” this certainly wasn’t love from Blizz.

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Great attitude.


Blizzard already joined the trolling train.

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They stick it to us too. For Instance Horde can’t go to the vendor like the Alliance and buy their warlord mount.

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While you might not think it’s the case, consider it a faction pride thing.

They started it to begin with and never left, you mean.

Yeah, Dazal alar is horribly set up, Boralus did get the better layout for sure.

I mean they made Org grand central station for the Alliance, and the Undercity they gave the Alliance an express route to Sylvanas.

Meanwhile Stormwind until flying arrived it was horrible trying to get to the king.

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I’ll open a back door to Anduin for you, I hear the night elves are vacating the pumpkin patch, right there is your in. He is unbearable.

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Orgrimmar’s layout is far superior than any other city in the game. Every establishment you need is right there on your first step into the city