The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

This criteria precludes Jinyu as being part of the Alliance. Sure you want to go down this path?

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yes im more then happy to put things into context for you

Your choice.

Quel’Danil lodge (Wildhammer territory). You actually had a Horde quest to attack this back in Vanilla
Allerian Stronghold (TBC, Terokkar), lead by Auric

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The difference between High Elves and any other Alliance-side allied race that’s thus far been possible is that High Elves have a legacy connection to the Alliance. People are fans of Warcraft and the Alliance because of High Elves. They are intrinsically tied to the faction in a way that they’ll never be for the Horde.


the hermit elves? its not an accident they traveled south of their homeland and settled in unused farstrider lodges and not all the way to stormwind or dalaran. they have no interest in the alliance and endless war. they are more isolationist then their kin back home ever were

this is also fanfiction. with the TBC storyline concluded and the portal reopened, sick of fighting they likely returned to their homeland with auric their captain. who now serves as a high elf ‘representative’ in quel’thalas

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You asked for “An Alliance allied group of elves”. They are an Alliance allied group of elves who’ve settled alongside their allies, the Wildhammer dwarves. You did not want a group who’ve gone to Stormwind or Dalaran, you wanted Alliance aligned.

Stop moving the goalposts.

This is fanfiction. You have just written fanfiction right there.

The last we’ve heard of Auric is there’s a group who call themselves Auric’s Angels who serve the Alliance in trying to stop the Horde invading islands. Much like Gazlowe and various other parties.


they have a relationship with the wildhammer because they share the land with a common enemy; the witherbark trolls. without that relationship with the wildhammer they are vulnerable. its a survival thing. its an alliance of convenience, just like when quel’thalas allied with humans once. the wildhammer are actually aligned with the alliance. we even see them in BFA. what we never see are ‘high’ elves outside of the context of representatives of the kirin tor

this is called an easter egg. auric himself still resides in quel’thalas as a high elf rep. it would be another thing if he showed up in sw(he wont, ever. and we all know it)

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It is not a survival thing. They are part of the Alliance. Hell, let’s just quote a Draenei Anchorite on what they’re doing there, shall we?

“The Highvale have kept detailed records here for years. Deaths, births, seasons
 but also vital scouting information and methods of contact with the rest of the Alliance.”

Huh. “Rest of the Alliance”. Funny that, huh?

Gazzlowe appears with his teammates specifically calling him “The crew” for the Mechagon quests. Doesn’t sound like an easter egg for them.

no they arent. you think the wildhammer would give them protection for nothing?

They’re not giving them protection?

But I mean, you’re clearly not in the market for an actual conversation about this given you just ignored my post from quest dialogue where they’ve said they’re part of the Alliance so.

providing scouting reports of what? the witherbark? sharing their scouting info is one thing, going to war for the alliance is another :relaxed:


look at me

I’m the high elf now.


Hit a fat rip and you’ll be a High^2 elf


Let her dream about Warcraft II, thats the only thing she believes is good.


id rather get low elves instead


Clearly you’ve never been to Goldshire.

You realize you were a high Elf, right?

Only when I fire up a blunt.
and get you lore clear; I’m a NELF! We’re the ones who gave those magic-using twerps their exit visas

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In the end we were all trolls who really got so high that we morphed