The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

They almost did back in Pandaria. Then Jaina happened and they went back to being very much Horde

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Perhaps I don’t remember that part.

There is that “vaguely” in the comment. It doesn’t mean much if there is that word in there.

However I should point out you did get Void Elves what is wrong with them? I Mean we got tweaker Night Elves and you don’t see the Horde begging for actual Night Elves.

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It doesn’t change anything. It was remembered.

The difference is that High Elves are a legacy Alliance race and are part of the reason that a whole generation of Warcraft fans are here at all.


A Legacy race that broke off from the alliance

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It actually does not say alot. Considering on Reddit, he says “he vaguelies remembers”, while on his Twitter, he says they were added for multiple reasons.

There is no strong answer on Reddit considering the Twitter post actually contradicts it, as he does not say “he vaguely remembers them being added for multiple reasons”.

EDIT 3x Later: Dear Sara, type correctly!

High Elves are those elves who broke off from the Blood Elves (Who went off with Illidan and the Horde), so they’re breakoffs of breakoffs


the high elves of quel’thalas are blood elves now, and therefore playable. the elves who went with kael were his most loyal followers and would become the felblood elves. theyre the ones the high/blood elves of quel’thalas rebelled against when they learned the truth of kael’s betrayal

actual alliance ‘high’ elves include a single mage trainer in SW and a hunter type in the keep. remnants of remnants, literally a few individuals. they are as relevant to the story or the alliance as the goblin in SI:7


Fyre, you should know by now having these discussions with me is going to only lead to a smackdown.

Hello, thank you for apparently never playing Alliance? Or missing most of WotLK?

The Silver Covenant forces broke away from their nation entirely and stuck with Dalaran in an attempt to get them to ban the Horde from entering. You can go and play Wrath on Alliance side and confirm this

And the entire Silver Covenant (who are part of the Alliance despite your constant claims they’re not). And the forces in Outland.

Being as relevant as Renzik means they’re more relevant to the story than Void Elves, you do realise? Or don’t you remember the Undercity Battle where you had to stop him and completely failed at such? Renzik’s surprisingly relevant.


Big cringe.


If she stops forgetting that WotLK happened and pays more than five seconds attention to previous things on these, I get to stop coming into these threads

but I don’t.


Do you know what the one thing the High Elves in SC have not lost connection off?

The Sunwell. They are all connected to the Sunwell, so technically in Lore, they should now also have golden eyes. You see, the High Elves can all loose connection of there homeland, but just like the Blood Elves, they are also connected to the Sunwell.

Okay tough guy.

hugs and kisses <3

Blizz haven’t really gone too deep into how much of a connection they have with the Sunwell at present. We know in Wrath they did go there, but there’s been nothing since despite some Big Stuff (IE: MoP) happening between there and now

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Well, even if they don’t go there anymore, they are still connected to it.


Thanks Guzzle.

They still go there, we saw them in the NB recruitment scenario at the Sunwell.

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i do play alliance?

what about wrath? all they do is make a safe space in dalaran and guard a tent. kinda says everything when you cant point to an alliance ‘high’ elf army in the actual alliance

again. all you did was, as expected, point to dalaran elves because there are no alliance aligned ones besides a few individuals. if they were alliance aligned and actually a part of their military doing things for them they would not be allowed to remain in the city. just like how jaina kicked ALL sunreavers out of dalaran for turning a blind eye

the SC only ever appear in the context of representatives of the kirin tor. in other words no dalaran, no SC :relaxed:


I can’t even point to a gnome army in the Alliance and I post on a gnome. Or a Dark Iron army prior to BFA where they said “Yeah, Dark Irons are part of the Alliance forever, we just forgot to do the paperwork”

Or a VElf army.

If you’re criteria is just armies specifically then that does mean that there are no more regular Draenei in the Alliance, given their whole task of having armies has been picked up by the Lightforged in this expansion?

I mean, I’m just applying the same rules that Void Elves have to High Elves. Void Elves only have a few individuals but are an Allied race, so why not apply it to HElves while I’m at it?
Interesting interpretation implying they’d be kicked out of Dalaran, the human city formed by humans and high elves, if they were Alliance aligned despite Dalaran being fairly Alliance aligned in the past and a certain Sylvannas Windrunner having attacked settlements of Dalaran for being Alliance aligned.
Lovely misinterpretation of Jaina’s motives during that whole quest incidentally. She didn’t kick the Sunreavers out because they were a military force aligned to the Horde, she kicked them out because they turned a blind eye to Garrosh using Dalaran to smuggle the Bell.

Dalaran, one of the seven human kingdoms, formed by humans and high elves, that Sylvannas attacked the outlying territories of, being important to the High Elves.

Hrm. I wonder why that is.


oh, it can be anything in actual alliance territory and aligned with them. anything as small as the sc militia in dalaran even. doesnt have to be an army. point to anything ‘high’ elf in the alliance please beyond a couple decorative NPCs. ill wait