The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Now why do we want to do that? Is it because the Night Elves are inferior to the Void?

Lore. Lore. Lore. Blood Elves are High Elves.


Then why do we still have High Elves?

Because they are already made playable on the Horde. Why do you think we have the Void Elves? So we can have the Thalassian Elf model made on the Alliance. Though, yeah, doesn’t make much sense, and was a last minute choice, but as long as:

  1. Warlocks which they are
  2. Looks fabulous
  3. Beautiful in purple and blue.

We don’t need a fair skin elf on the Alliance when we have something more superior.


Wrong. We need High Elves as part of the Alliance because they’re one of the faction’s most iconic and easily-identified races dating back to the RTS games.


Because Blizzard will never admit they made a mistake, in giving the Alliance Nelfs instead of PAHEs.

with tentacles and blue/purple skin, which was NEVER asked for AND makes no sense in this lore you love you think you know.

Only thing you wrote that I agree with.

We got them already.

if you luke smurfs.

Nelfs, so we got that already too.

you have just stepped in it; if you think that is the only reason, then your priorities need reassessing.

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That always seem to be the only thing? “Because they’re already on Alliance”. And you do have them on Horde as well. The Blood Elves, yeah, they are actually High Elves, just with a different name. When Kael renamed his people, he did not declare them that they are a new race or a different race.

As for them being an Iconic Alliance race, I am going to point you out on that, the Iconic Race of the Alliance is actually the Humans. Just like how the Iconic race of the Horde is the Orcs.


The Alliance is and has always been Humans, Dwarfs, and High Elves. The Horde is Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres. Both respectively had Gnomes and Goblins in smaller roles. And then Blizzard ruined that in WoW by giving the Blood Elves to the Horde in TBC to pander to China (which is obviously one of Blizzard’s favorite pastimes). But some developer had the good foresight to put non-Horde High Elves in the Alliance as NPCs for that whole time. We should finally be able to play those.


False. The High Elves have not been always Alliance. And back during the second war, there was many different factions of the Alliance.

The Alliance we know of today, was the Alliance of Stormwind. During the Second War, Quel’Thalas sent a few rangers down to help the Alliance of Stormwind push the Orc invasion back. The High Elves also seeked to join the Alliance of Lordaeron to help them push back the Amani Trolls in there kingdom.

If you were an actual True Warcraft fan, you would’ve actually known this.


None of that changes the fact that the Warcraft I became a fan of allowed me to play High Elves and High Elves are what immersed me in the game’s lore and story. They were part of the Alliance regardless of the retconned lore technicalities and business-driven developments. They still exist and you can see them in every expansion since TBC with a little Alliance shield on their portrait to denote their allegiance.

Those are what I want to play because I am a true, lifelong fan of Warcraft. Blood Elves shoehorned over to the Horde to increase player participation and short Night Elves just don’t do it for me.

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Dude, Blood Elves were added to Horde for a number of reasons, not just 1.


Tbh. i hope you guys get highelves soon.
Id kill for some shanlayn aswell


Blood Elves were added to the Horde to increase player participation in the faction, and the decision was motivated in part because of Blizzard’s beloved Chinese market needing a pretty race with the Horde. Those other “reasons” people are fond of citing are easy things to say in retrospect, but certainly did not factor into the business decision to give an Alliance race to the Horde.

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  1. They are not an Alliance race.
  2. It was said, they were added to the Horde for multiple reasons.

We can both quote Xelnath. His later tweet doesn’t overwrite that he said the Asian market was a “STRONG” motivator for Blood Elves going to the Horde.

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You left out the “that he vaguely remembered” in between he said and the Asian market.

For all that certainty it could just be he remember a discussion about adding high elves to the horde for story reasons and someone piped in ‘Oh good, we’ve been getting lots of requests from X market for an attractive horde race so two birds with one stone.’ and that was the main thing he remembered.

“I vaguely remember this thing” is not a strong proof of anything.


Whether a remembrance is vague doesn’t change that it was remembered. Just because you don’t like evidence doesn’t make it invalid.


For the longest time I vaguely remembered Biggs Darklighter showing up in A New Hope on Tatooine, but that’s because I had the Star Wars Storybook as a little kid that used a still from the shoot and mentioned him even though that bit was cut from the movie.

That statement is not evidence of anything no matter how much you want it to be.

Hilariously, them already being part of the Alliance actually works against them becoming playable because, so far, every playable race introduced after vanilla has joined or rejoined their faction through in-game events. High elves would have to suffer the redundancy of joining a faction that they’re already in and never left, unless something happens that shakes up things between them and the rest of the Alliance, but of course, the Horde is the only one allowed to have constant internal conflict.

So here is the deal why would Blood Elves join the Alliance? I mean maybe a very small number since most would remember how the Night Elves condemned them for arcane use.

They would also certainly remember how the Alliance ignored a plea for help when the scourge sacked their homelands
 I mean how do you get past that?


Gratz guyyyyss, datamined blue-eyed pale skinned Void Elf DK! You did it! You just gotta die and it’s all yours!