The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

No. Unlike Helves the ogres are interesting.

I’m at the point to where I think the Helf thing is just a quasi-racial thing.


The Worgen are visually distinct sure, but they’re still just humans. Vrykul would fit the bill, I’d definitely play one


Part of the reason I like High Elves is because they’ve chosen the Alliance over their own kin and kingdom. That’s some seriously intense Alliance pride right there, which I find interesting


Is there a certain date you can scroll back to? I literally annihilated my scroll wheel going back to find my old post but it stops after awhile.

I guess im just tired of seeing variations on humans

Worgen= Furry Humans
Kul-tirans= fat humans
Dwarves= Short humans
Gnomes= Even shorter humans.

Space goats = holy dogooders

Night Elves= hippie treehuggers with no bite

Dark Iron = Short humans who lived in a coal mine.

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Not that I’m aware of and its entirely possible that thread got obliterated. Might have luck googling your name and high elves together.

Great and that is your opinion and you are allowed to have it. Just stop disputing that we are wrong to want high elves. As far as the game and lore is concerned they belong in the Alliance.


That’s not something that’s interesting. That’s disturbinf.

Fair enough I guess. Vrykul would just end up being big humans as well. While variety is nice I don’t see many animalistic races as a good fit in the Alliance

Sadly, the word of Ion says no. So no pretty little Blood Elves for you.


Well they’d need to invent some or add in Arrokoa, Gnolls, furbolgs, Sethrak/Naga/Mantid. Idk, i’m not paid for my creativity.

And its closed.

well then its a good thing I don’t want blood elves then huh? Oh you silly antis are all the same. Its ok tho. I am done conversing with you. You are just like all of them. Trolling for the sake of trolling.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 14 days.

Source? Links? Citation?

Oh, and…


Let’s stick to the megathread shall we?


Probably best to let this thread die for now. The mega thread is back up

Edit: Someone always beats me to it lol

True…but they opened the door so I strolled through it. You’re right though. :slight_smile:

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high elves are blood elves, therefore high elves are already playable

if you didnt play the wc3 expansion the frozen throne, or dont know the lore, the high elves rebranded themselves blood elves after a national tragedy. the high elves were almost wiped out after arthas’ death march through quel’thalas. some of the major casualties included their ranger general sylvanas windrunner and the high elven king anasterian himself. in honor of everything they lost the high elven prince, kaelthas sunstrider, changed an adjective. if you want to be a high elf the option is already available to you. saying otherwise is denial of lore


Let our voices be heard!
Let our words be read!

No they aren’t.
Prove me wrong by posting on a character with ‘High Elf’ in the descriptive next to the avatar.
More Skäl!
MORE :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

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