The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

It was in a video a few months ago. I was still neutral on the issue before then.

I think they believe the High Elf cause died with the addition of Void Elves, if I remember correctly. Couldn’t tell you which video to watch

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Well, judging by their constant jibes at Blizzard in the intro about High Elves, the debate clearly isn’t over


The amount of High Elf threads that keep popping up shows us the debate isn’t over lol

Their story is incredibly similar to the Worgen’s own. Plus we’ve fulfilled their oath

Or rather some people cant let the past go.

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It’s never over until Alliance gets the race it deserved to have since forever. I will never stop fighting for high elves.


The Alliance needs an overhaul. It’s a snorefest. I don’t think their immediate addition would help that image. Lots of people would play them but mostly just the current Alliance as they are now.

High Elves stopped being in the Alliance during WC3 bro.


Not-tolkein elves would be a snoozefest

Except they havn’t. Sigh. No. I am not gonna waste my time debunking this crap again. You want to see my arguments that prove you wrong? look at my forum history for the old high elf megathread. I’m not retyping that essay again.


The debate isn’t over but it’s an exercise in futility.

The pros want them cause reasons and the antis don’t want them cause reasons and both sides are speaking from a place of hopes, wants, desires, and how it would impact the game for them.

There is no debate in how Blizzard feels about them and what the lore says about them. From those two perspectives, I don’t see High Elves happening any time soon.


Even after Blood Elves leave the Alliance in WC3 you can still recruit Thalassian units. Maybe that’s just for gameplay purposes, but even into vanilla WoW High Elves are still seen among the Alliance, so it’s accurate to say they’ve pretty much always been with us

Edit for clarification


Could just Copy+paste.

“The Alliance is boring!”

“Let’s add a boring, uninspired race to fix it!”

I wish Helfers would come out and flat out admit they just want to play a pretty, stereotypical elf and lore and development be damned.


True, but isnt that considered spam? I’m abit shaky on forum rules

Not at all, just paste it as a reply. Plenty of people challenge each other on crap they said forever ago. The fact u can actually find yours is amazing in of itself lol. So so many posts to go thru on some of my other characters. I really should just stick to posting on one.

Nice over-generalization of every pro helf player. No. All my arguments have stemmed from lore. My best friend wants ogres to be a playable race in horde and I totally support them. Or are you gonna say ogres are a pretty race too?


Not sure what race they could add to help that image. Blizz could make a race of mutated holy frog zombies from an alternate universe and it’d be interesting, but they’d probably be played less than female Dwarves… So we’d still see nothing but humans and Night Elves

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They need something Like a Tauren or something fierce, viscious but obviously has a code of conduct they adhere too. At the moment i’d say Worgen are the most un-alliance thing. Werewolves have a history in media and in game as being blood thirsty. Genn has anger issues but little more than that.,

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