The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

They just need to add cultural options now. And Iā€™m not talking about ARs.

Like with no factions how will you choose between the two groups of Pandaren? We will need this on the character creation screen.

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That the Elves are being made the chorus of slightly relevant NPCs.
As usual.
Garbage writing.

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Now you are just being stubborn to try and hold your point. We know they are in line for the AR treatment along with Vulpera. Weā€™ve known since last Blizzcon.

I meanā€¦there really isnt a true difference between the two groups anyways.

Then they went and gave a positive response towards giving fair skin to Void Elves, which pretty much destroys every argument against High Elves because Void Elves would literally just be Blood Elves with blue eyes if they had fair skin

Honestly, none of us know what the heck Blizz is going to do


I support every thread and every form of love towards to High elves.
I know theres a lot of debate about this topic, but i want to express myself. I have played WC2 since i was a child. I played WC3 a lot of years of my school-life. I have played WOW every year of my life since i joined collegue, and every year i play, i miss the High elf race in the alliance. I KNOW what Garithos did. I KNOW what Kaelā€™thas did. I KNOW why blizzard did what they did in TBC.

Some of you thinks that asking High elf for the alliance is just a whim, but is it not. Since i was a child i dreamed with playing a high elf and making it just like a WC2 high elf ranger, having another character doing role play as a High elf priest, just like WC3. This is not just a whim, is a wish that comes from childhood, and a lot of people feel the same. Of course there will be people that just want high elf because they like how they look and theyā€™re alliance, but for others, like me, this is just not a superficial matter.

I KNOW that some guys are possessive about their race, their faction. But this issue about the faction is no longer that strict, especially as how the events of the end of the war campaign were.

Blizzard said they were open-minded about allied races, and they are always looking at forums for suggestions. Thats my little hope. You guys (Helf supporters) writing topics about High elves shows what persistence is. That is hope too.

Time has passed, time changes things. But what time hasnt changed is my desire to play in a future (near future iā€™d like) an Alliance High Elf, not a Void elf, just as a WC2-WC3 High elf.

PD: in any case, i dont see why Void elves couldnt return to a Helf aspect, since Alleria does and just turn void in combat mode, and since Alleria is teaching them to control the void, this could be a thing in a future.

PD2: Thanks for your time reading my feelings, and thanks to both Helf supporters and anti-Helf for debating this topic respectfully.


essentially the way I see it is if they are going to be done blizzard should be giving the alliance the kingdom of lordaeron back with them. Not just the land but everything along with it.

The scarlet crusade and Uther the lightbringer I believe would be good choices to be raised as part of this race. I donā€™t see it as heresy since it is being done by the lightā€™s will. Some like to think that Uther should be left alone and that his story is over but to be honest he never had much story. He was just as the core of one of the best stories in warcraft. His tomb was updated for a reason and I take that as a sign.

But how do they utilize the Forsaken skeleton to create a race out of nowhere. (This has zer parallels with the Hogh elves) we have only worked with Calia as of Tuesday as a lightforged undead. So unless they take a bunch of forsaken and redeem them in 8.3 or 9 I just donā€™t see it happening, itā€™s possible, and itā€™s their story.

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Well, between Vereesa and the Alliance SC portal keepers in Stormwind, Iā€™m thinking somethingā€™s up. lol. And theyā€™re 100% not neutral. Blizzard went out of their way to make the SC portal keepers hostile towards Horde players. IF you wander around the portal room, youā€™ll find actual netural npcs, who will do nothing to the Horde. The SC npcs are Alliance npcs.

This may just be wishful thinking though. Lel


The only way to do that is they can do something with the blight, which would then be a retcon of lore.



Void elves?

well factions will never go away because despite what some think it would kill the game. Half the playerbase would be happy but half the playerbase would quit WoW for good.

You know what they sayā€¦ You canā€™t kill hope :slight_smile:


They are all already manifested in a physical form because of their stories in game, what form are they going to use for the Forsaken AR? There are no other beings that are light forged undead to go off of, yet.

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I think Blizz clearly intended for mechagnomes to become an allied race, but Iā€™m not so sure that they will. They had to go out of their way to say that they donā€™t want to talk about mechagnomes as an allied race, they may be rethinking their decision for whatever reason. Point is, no other allied race that are as likely as them have gotten a response like that

Maybe theyā€™re just getting more time in the oven, who knows?

Void elves didnt exist in game in their current form in any shape; and they were created from the blood elf model with customization that didnt exist in game either.

You have a point, and unless they make a forsaken AR that is derived from the actual forsaken themselves, then they wonā€™t be restricted to using that model and skeleton.

Void elves were copy pasta of blood elves.

If i remember, I think during somewhere either in 8.2 dataming or 8.2.5 datamining, someone found a file of an unused forsaken skin color that looked like it could be used for lightforged undead.

Lol was that wowhead?? They put them out there on April fools :wink:

I thought there was one before that, not on 4/1

Maybe?? Idk lol

Hereā€™s the April fools link though :stuck_out_tongue:

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