The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Hey, I mainly play Tauren, it doesn’t stop me, it’s just an annoyance. At least they got rid of the mount restrictions. (And if you do get them, I’ll just say Arcanist’s Manasaber is pretty handy)

Blizzard: Hey kids, I know you have been asking for these quel’dorei
but but but but but
how about these Forsaken but with light?

Honestly, just why.


Guys, what if the void elves can have a spell akin to the worgen’s “two-form”, so they can be high or blood elf outside combat. That’ll be very neat.

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Or a toy

I take it to simply be their representation at the siege. It is also possible the silver covenant and void elves were out scouting with vereesa and alleria.

We know blizzard can’t show everything and everyone in game that is canonically there. They try to limit the amount they have to put in.

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vrykul would have been a much better counterpart to nightborne. sylvanas already did enough to make them go against her. The alliance just had to make friends of them.

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I just can’t see Blizz doing this. Not in regards to High Elves, but adding playable lightforged undead. I don’t think Calia is here to set up a new allied race

Forsaken AR hasnt been done yet. And it just so happens this new lightborne forsaken NPC shows up in game.

Alleria and Vereesa were following Anduin’s orders. Wonder if that means anything for the SC.


I don’t see Blizz forcing themselves to use the forsaken model as an allied race. I think maybe Calia will become the new leader of the forsaken with Sylvanas gone, she is the rightful heir to Lordaeron after all

Or maybe the whole “lightforged undead” stuff is Blizz’s way of bringing back old characters. Uther, Lothar, Arthas, they could bring back some pretty big characters with this nonsense

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I have accepted them as inevitable whether they are wanted or not. That is why I have already made a thread detailing how I believe they should be done to to make alliance players more accepting of them after being shafted again.

I don’t believe they will go horde because it seems undead elves are being set up as their pairing which will definitely not go alliance. I also do not believe Calia will become the new forsaken leader because that would essentially strip the current forsaken playerbase of all their thematics and identity because Calia would definitely not be okay with how it is currently.

They have to. They’ve already set up that every AR is a subrace of the core races (minus pandaren). So Forsaken is coming, and there really is no other alternative that works than LFU.

Honestly, that would be worse.

Nothing compels them to do this for every race.


The problem is they are a lore abomination, flat out. Because not only does it blur the line of Horde/Alliance
it also straight out deficates on the Holy Light lore more.

Even more than what they did in Cata.

that isn’t a rule that is just what has been added so far because those are the races we have met. Races like vulpera wouldn’t be a subrace but would use the goblin rig.

I mean they are literally making mechagnomes. If you dont take that as telling there is going to be an AR for every core factioned race, youre lying to yourself.

If Blizzard is going to try this hard, then give us a race with actual history AND that people want!
‘‘I wanna play a blueberry elf with tentacles’’ said no one ever.


Don’t get me wrong I don’t even like what I suggested. I don’t see “holy zombies” being a big win for anyone, seems pretty meh for both gameplay and the story


thanks for proving it really is all about the skin tones. not that we didnt already know as a void elf is still a void elf and not a ‘high’ elf

even development recognized this when they told you the fantasy of being a light skinned and majestic elf is a blood elf and the horde is there for you :rainbow:


Unless there is new information as of today for this, we don’t know if they are going to be an AR