The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Was nice to see Valeera Sanguinar make a appearance to. Wonder what that was all about, noticed she didn’t stay for the funeral, she left with them through the portal.


This is not a Classic thread; go complain there please.
Thank you and goodbye.
Has another :beer:
Let’s see how this thing called
Looks up the word again
‘courtesy’ works.

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One can hope. But I shan’t get my hopes up too high this Blizzcon.


Found that pretty interesting.

I’m sure plenty will say those were Blood Elf ballista, but there’s models for Night elf AND Blood elf ballista, the ones at the gates were literally High elf Ballista.



I thought that logic could work, too. Except for the fact that if they wanted blood elf ballistas, why would they be blue instead of red?

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Hope never dies, in hearts that never falter.
Look at all the nay-sayers for legit Classic servers: for YEARS they scoffed and trolled. And now
they play Classic, like many of the rest of us.

Ignore the trolls.
Keep making relevant posts.
Chugs an :beer:; begins slamming her axe against her shield, while howling battlecries!


Pretty sure they were Silver Covenant, Makes sense since Veressa was there.


Good. I like it when the silver covenant remain relevant


Thought it interesting Devs made sure the Silver Covenant had a representation there.

I am also curious what Tyrande is up to,

Won’t lie: It was nice to Alleria doing something other than handing out upgrades on a boat.

Missed opportunity for some story there: No dialogue between the three sisters before Sylv goes flying off?

They should have Alleria, Vareesa, and the Silver Covenant go after her (since it doesn’t seem like anyone else is going to).

If they’d actually DO something important with High Elves, I’d stop viewing them as an irrelevant part of the game.


I think were looking at future Alliance Heroes, and new stories to come.

Yea. I mean We haven’t seen Vereesa and Alleria do anything in BFA or during the War Campaign so I say its about time we finally have Alliance Thalassian Elves being relevant to the Story and actually do something.

I know right. I mean throughout this expansion Vereesa and Alleria haven’t done much of anything including Vereesa. Alleria only done like Two things Siege of Lordaeron and recruiting Void Elves. That’s it.

Throughout this expansion the legendary ranger just stands and just hands out upgrades instead of being part of the War Campaign or Warfront. It would have been really awesome if Alleria had face down Liabrin in Arathi Highlands.


Still going through all the Patch 8.2.5 Cinematics & War Campaign videos been seeing a few hints here and there

Again just like other people who continue to ignore the fact that Quel’dorei isn’t playable. Blood Elves are not Quel’dorei. Just because they are Horde High Elves doesn’t mean they aren’t the Quel’dorei that people wanted.

That’s not playable High Elves on the Alliance Thank you.

Maybe perhaps there may bit some hint of Patch 8.3 atleast something about a Quel’thalas Warfront taking in the works. We may never know. Throughout this Expansion Alleria and Umbric have been talking about taking back Quel’thalas for the Alliance and so far we haven’t heard much news from Umbric or Alleria in General.

I wonder if Umbric might do something wrong to the Blood Elves within Quel’thalas?

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One thing is clear, Anduin has been getting allot of grief in BFA by the community, but when your Walking into Battle with Thrall & Saurfang and Respected by Saurfang he is doing something right.


Huge missed opportunity to not have Alleria and Vereesa confront Sylvanas. Would’ve been neat to see


That day was the Horde’s, and the final reality exposed to her remaining ‘loyalists’.
Something tells me plenty of opportunity for further confrontations later on.

Kinda, but since it’s not the end for Sylvanas, more is yet to likely come.

We do get Alleria and Vereesa on razor Hill, so they were indeed keeping a close watch, also Alleria’s idea that they maybe should Sylvanas win to face N’zoth was VERY interesting, so IMO it felt like some set up for another face to face.


People seem to forget his comic in which he’s an old man leading the entire planet against the void lords.

He HAS to be shoved into the leadership position of the Alliance, even with all the other more qualified leaders, he’s this overall stories hero.

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