The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

All the excuses are pretty much debunked.

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Your use of the word debunked has been debunked.


I see your debunked and raise you a debunk.

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Iā€™m gonna debunk your debunk of Dredeā€™s debunkment

damn you

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Dalaran was declared neutral by Khadgar at the end of Legion, as it was functionally throughout Legion. New lore supersedes old lore, and Jaina poutcrashed out of Dalaran when her anti-Horde bias failed in a Council vote.

Dalaran is neutral today, and will remain so until or unless the writers decide a) have Khadgar die at the hands of the Horde b) have Sylvanas do something monumentally stupid like attack the city and attempt a Teldrassil-level event, or c) have the Council vote Khadgar out as leader for reasons.

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With the way Blizz has been writing things so far, Iā€™d believe it

They should ask for that, they obviously love the idea, they bring it up constantly, it couldnā€™t possibly be for a different more nefarious reason :thinking:.

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You get the tinfoil wound a little tight there? Nefarious, ooooo, spooky.

No, itā€™s an attempt to try and illustrate our objections using the direct comparison on the alliance (Belves being H most populous race, Humans being Allianceā€™s). It doesnā€™t work as well as right now thereā€™s no indication in any way that blizzard is even slightly considering that move so people can brush it off with a flippant ā€œof course we donā€™t mindā€ since they donā€™t think theyā€™ll have to eat those words.


Did everyone see the latest leak? This one has High Elves taking center stage!


They couldnā€™t even go to the effort of trying to fake a logo or screenshot of something? Thatā€™s a pretty weak attempt to fake a leak.


Theyā€™ll say High Elves are neutral until they go into a rant about how evil the Alliance were during Purge of Dalaran and cite atrocities that were specifically committed by High Elves. :stuck_out_tongue:


I donā€™t think that leak sounds real at all, but Iā€™ll give the guy who made it some credit for creativity lol


I dunno, that leak sounds fake as soon as it starts talking about the new class


Right, but the sheer fact that you canā€™t illustrate your objective with a in-game example speaks for itself doesnā€™t it?

There is no comparative Horde unplayable race, that has had as many dealings with them, as the High Elves have for the Alliance.

100% Agree, Dalaran only holds the SC back with Khadgars forced neutrality garbage, i liked it better when Jaina ran the joint, at least it was realistic back then, that moth should go back to staring at his lamp in Shattrah.


For the record Iā€™d support Alterac humans for the Horde regardless if we ever get High Elves or not.

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I am here for High Elves and more of any other kind of Elves!


yes, we know you dont care about faction identity. humans are the heart and soul of the alliance and you want to give that up. faction sanctity is something development has already told you is important to them. faction choice matters. if you pick faction before race you are limited to that factions core races

high elves are blood elves now and therefore playable. saying otherwise is flat out denial of lore and development

if you want to play the hordes most popular race(and most popular race in the game), you should have to play horde. that is not an unreasonable stance. if i want to play a human, the alliances most popular race, I have to play alliance. its really quite simple


Just make those thin human Ashvane pirates go Horde now that she has been turned into a giant crab and killed.

Then what does that make High Elves that arenā€™t Blood Elves?


When did I say that I didnā€™t care about faction identity?

I consider the High Elves that fight alongside the Alliance to be a part of our faction identity regardless of whether or not theyā€™re playable. Just as I consider the Stonemaul Ogres to be a part of the Hordeā€™s identity

Alterac humans sided with the Horde to ensure their own survival, hence why their kingdom was later wiped out. If the remnants wanted to throw their lot in with the Horde again to get revenge Iā€™d gladly welcome it

My muscly 80ā€™s action movie human isnā€™t what defines the Alliance. Iā€™d gladly slay the enemies of the Alliance be they human or otherwise. I canā€™t exactly tell a man from the Syndicate ā€œDude, weā€™re both humans! We shouldnā€™t be fighting!ā€

Thatā€™s not how factions work