The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The joke was that factions of High Elves have been helping the Alliance in just about every expansion.
One crew of pirates in BFA is hardly equivocal.


you can go back to the second war as well where the alterac humans played a crucial rule in aiding the horde. while the elves you fanfiction are aligned with the alliance are sitting in dalaran raising children and the high elf state and its armies are aligned with the horde. all you have is alleria and void elves now and 3 individuals fighting for the alliance

oh and a blood elf named valeera

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There’s no comparison between the pirates and the high elves in terms of faction loyalty and length of association.

That said, I see no problem with adding a human pirates to the Horde. Introduce a rogue nation of brigands from the South Seas, give them some unique piratey customization and emotes straigh out of Pirates of the Caribean, and make them playable! It would be awesome.


BC: Allerian Stronghold and WC2 veteran high elves (Terokkar Forest).
Wrath: Silver Covenant (Dalaran/Argent Tournament).
Cata: Silver Covenant again (Zul’Aman).
MoP: Silver Covenant again, alongside the Kirin-Tor (Purge of Dalaran/Isle of Thunder).
WoD: Silver Covenant (Trueshot Lodge/Suramar).

They’ve had a bit more recent, active involvement than a few pirates.
They’re literally the foil to the Horde-aligned Sunreavers. It’s not headcanon in any way to say they are Alliance-aligned.


sorry ive put this into context too many times to retype a response. but all you did was list appearances with zero context

The fact that people are still trying to pretend High Elves are neutral with literally every namable group save for a few Kirin Tor/Argent/Random ones is Alliance kinda shows what kind of junk we have to deal with and why these threads get so heated.


if they werent neutral then they wouldnt live in a city open about its neutrality. they wouldnt team up with the farstriders/blood elves in 2 different expansions. they wouldnt sit on the sidelines during an all out faction war. bfa is going to go down as the 4th war and the alliance had no high elf army in its ranks. get real


How many times have the Horde teamed up with Malfurion only for there to be a cinematic where Malfurion destroys a caravan full of Horde like the Predator?

There’s been multiple times where factions have had to work together for the greater good, but when the chips are down the Silver Covenant will always favor the Alliance.


It’s inarguable that some people really want this, I haven’t seen anyone say otherwise.

No. Not only no but hell no. My thinking there are valid reasons not to introduce playable High Elves from lore, story, and faction identity perspectives isn’t cruel nor is it done with a need to hurt others. The fact that there are people adamantly opposed to the concept doesn’t equate to them hating you personally and wanting to hurt you. At all.

May I suggest you back away from that one a bit?


No sense in arguing its to the point no matter what people say and show they say no.

Syndicate humans would be a much more organic way to implement a faction of playable humans into the Horde, which I’m totally all in favor of

And let’s not kid ourselves, the High Elves of the SC are clearly Alliance. We’ve seen them fight alongside us multiple times in opposition of the Horde (even in BfA), and they’re literally a part of the Alliance Vanguard


And to be fair, that should earn the Silver Covenant an expulsion from the neutral city-state of Dalaran.

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Yah lets forget the Mounts and Tabard we as Alliance get.

It really should. It’d be interesting to see Vereesa get scolded for allowing any of her soldiers to get involved in the faction war


We were allowed to stay there and we certainly weren’t neutral. And the Kirin Tor definitely wasn’t acting a neutral capacity in MoP when Jaina held the reins, so there’s that.

theyre no more part of the alliance in wrath then the sunreavers with the horde expedition. they are both elven factions working within the kirin tor and bound by its neutrality. also the horde expedition and alliance vanguard were dissolved with the conclusion of WotLK :roll_eyes:

the high elves were an established race, but since wc3 the overwhelming majority became blood elves. the SC only exists(existed?) as a foil to the blood elven sunreavers in dalaran

kinda says everything when the response to only a few individuals exist in the alliance is pointing to the dalaran high elf population. which is neutral


It was neutral except when they were slaughtering all the Blood Elves they could find in Mists of Pandaria


Considering these exact same people literally used to say “High Elves are already Alliance so you can’t recruit them!” you can tell their word has no real value.

They are just scraping the barrel for any kind of reason to deny the request.

And even if they where neutral, we would just recruit them lol.

Here’s a breakdown of every Allied Race before their recruitment.

Nightborne - Neutral.
Highmountain - Neutral.
Mag’Har - Enemy Faction/Expansion Protagonist then Neutral

Zandalari - Neutral and an Enemy Faction.

Lightforged - Neutral.
Void Elves - Opposite Faction.
Darkiron - Enemy Faction then some join Alliance then where recruited.
Kul Tiran - On bad terms with the Alliance.

This argument is so bunk lol


yep, you gonna add the context as to why they were allowed to attack/arrest dalaran citizens?


We don’t know the extent to which the SC are bound by the laws of Dalaran. It’s not as though we can read about what it means to run a faction inside the city

For all we know they could be allowed to freely engage in the faction war so long as it’s outside the city walls and they’re not in uniform