The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Nah, weā€™re all me, and Iā€™m actually 10 raccoons in a trench coat.


So basically:

ā€œThatā€™s like my opinion as to how many actually support High elves so Iā€™m lowballing it to support my causeā€


ā€œThatā€™s like my opinion on what I believe people actually wantā€

Cool. Nice try I guess.

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Waitā€¦ AM I YOU?! Is my life a lie?

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I commented earlier about crunching numbers. If you have any other hard data Iā€™d be happy to review it.

Takes a swig from a horn of Brewfestā€™s finest
This os almost as good as a strandhogg!
A lot less blood but still much fighting!

As to the actual subject:
come home, wandering kindred!
Let us make the amend and ā€¦
NO, not YOU! You went to the Horde, BELF, and they can keep you!

Let this a reunion be and a mending!
and if the Alliance ā€˜KIngā€™ likes you not, to bend the knee, then to the Kalā€™Dorei let you come.
The party alone will be worth it!
sets up many :beer::beer::beer: and :pretzel::pretzel::pretzel::pretzel: and other delectibles from the great holiday!


There is only one choice for post 5000, high elves never.

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You still donā€™t know what a focus is. Iā€™ve explained in several ways, but you refuse to learn.

ā€œAntagonistā€ is not the same thing as ā€œfocusā€.

Focus is not a thing in the story, is a narrative device. You put the focus on things, things are not ā€œa focusā€.

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Count again, my man.

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Is the American Dream a focus in the book The Great Gatsby?

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The outfit looks great!


That rich coming from someone who stoops as low as to insult other players over a forum post on a regular basis.

Nope, but it does wreck credibility to some extent when no one can see your post history.

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It can be the focus of a paragraph, or of a chapter. But it canā€™t be the focus of the story unless the story never highlights anything else in its entirety.

Focus is not the same thing as theme, antagonist, protagonist, main conflict or whatever.

Sylvanas is the motivator of the story, but the narrative because the story has not focused on her yet.

(Or, better speaking, the only moments the narrative focused on her were outside the game: The comic, the novel, the Warbringers cinematic).

Hello pot.


Wrong, its the focus of the entire book. The whole story is about this disillusionment of the American Dream and how it comes to fruition in Gatsby.

No, focus has to deal with elements of the story that progress it. You are using the other definition of focus which is ā€œthe thing that is center stage.ā€

Being a motivator of a major plot line of the story means that there is focus on that element. If she was not a motivator of the faction war, then the faction war wouldnt be a plot element.

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Itā€™s the theme, then. Not the focus.

Why donā€™t you search what focus means in a narrative before speaking wrong things?

Again, you donā€™t know what you are talking about.


Right. Because your foul mouthed character assasination elsewhere is dwarfed by the comments I have made here.

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Theme is a focus.

I have, thats the literal definition of what I am telling you.

No, you dont. If you think Sylvanas is not a focus of BfAā€¦why is the faction war even an issue?

Man, you are trying to be very persuasive about SOMETHING YOU DONā€™T KNOW ABOUT.


No, thats how literature is taught.