The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

That was in the reallllly old megathreads like half a year ago. I don’t even know where I’d starting looking

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You don’t know what “focus” mean. Let me help you: “focus” is the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest.

The focus of a story changes as the story goes. You can have several characters in the story, but you’ll usually focus on a few at a time.

The moment to focus on Sylvans hasn’t come. It’s very obvious that we still haven’t delved into her goals or mindset. Compare attention given to Jaina, Talanji, Magni or Azshara with what Sylvanas has received. She’s still a mystery in this story.


I do, gifshill bucks rain down on me like mana from heaven. :wink:

But I dont think thats what Cezzan was trying to do, I think he was focusing on Fyre now being on her Alliance toon; which he backed down from after I pointed it out.

So if she is the main driver of the Alliance-Horde war, that means that there is a focus on her. You literally just said she was the motivator of the story.

You can be a major driving element (A focus) and not take center stage. We literally saw this in every expac.

Right? People keep saying “oh fyre said that was an alt from the beginning” but I havent seen that post and fyre has been known to switch whenever one toon starts getting ignored so that people will keep taking the bait.


Buy me a new mouse papa. I can’t do keys rn, ;_;

Theres a helpful search feature. Im surprised more people dont use it.

if i wanted to hide id create a low level and start punctuating

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I’m afraid this is the best I can, brutha:

I had a good joke about not having a mouse and like that mouse wiahing for the sweet release of death, but then i got distracted by all this tasty drama.


My reply was just to bring focus that the ruckus being caused is actually pretty small. And I strongly feel they don’t regret putting Blood Elves on the Horde instead of light skinned elves on the Alliance.

No, I didn’t fail to take those into account. Because the post I replied to was specifically about players giving them grief. If you are only liking a thread and moving on
you aren’t giving them grief. If you are silently supporting High Elves
you aren’t giving them grief.

So. Try again.

Most people don’t care about light skinned elves being playable on the Alliance.

Most people don’t care enough about the issue to be “pro helfers”.

Long story short : You’re few in your spite for other players requests.

I am requesting that you dont screw up WoW by putting a Horde playable race on the Alliance.

Of course better discussion goes on in a place where you can refuse people the chance to participate because they disagree.

Why would Vereesa be needed now that Rhonin is no longer around? Her entire purpose in being created was to be his trophy wife.


Thanos is the main driver of the entire Avengers cinematic saga. He only got focus on the second-to-last movie, Infinite War.

“Focus” is not the same as “main motivator” of a story. Focus is not constant in a story. You can have a chapter focusing on minor characters, you can have chapters that focus on one different protagonist at a time. And you can have focus on the antagonist.

Sylvanas hasn’t been focused yet.

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Thats called a focus.

You are completely and utterly wrong on what “focus” as a narrative device is.

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No, a focus isnt the center stage character Alamara. A focus in writing is an element of a story that keeps the story progression and on track.

Sylvanas is a focus of BfA.

I’d use a gif every time if i could. Emotions thru the expression of soundless gifs.

Two forum alts fighting over forums alts is pretty funny.


I play to win.


What if
 they are alts of the same person and they are puppeteering an entire conversation
 O.o gets tinfoil hat Wear these so they don’t read your mind.

OH NO is a locked again. bwahaha i can still edit.

What if they’re all me?

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