The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Both Alleria and Vereesa have cooperated with the Horde before. And the most recent atrocities have been commited by their own sister. It makes a ton of sense for them to get involved. Family matters more than faction.


Yes I remember Argus where Alleria was screaming about Sylvanas leading the Horde. So neutral amirite?

Alleria.exe has gone missing after Lordaeron

Thats why
neither of the sisters have had an active role outside of the first scenario of the game? Come on Alamara, you are reaching here.

How does family matter when one of the sisters isnt even in the expansion?

How does family matter when one of the sisters is barely a supporting character in the expac? Sure, shes in a cinematic
but she hasnt done squat after Lordaeron except “heres Umbric.”

Calia wasn’t in the expansion yet, but she will appear now.

Thrall wasn’t in the expansion until 8.2 brought him out of exile.

Characters are drawn from the character backlog as needed.


But how can you say family matters when neither character has been utilized, you didnt answer my question.

We know 8.2.5 is the conclusion of the War, so where the hell are they gonna appear?

Because it’s not the moment to focus on Sylvanas yet. We focused on Talanji/Jaina, then Azshara. Sylvanas’ moment will come, and her sisters will be part of it.

We’ve focused on Sylvanas for a majority of BfA. Isnt that the point of the Alliance-Horde cooperation in the war campaign? Isnt that the point of half of Stormsong Valley? Isnt that the point of 8.1?

Like when is the alarm going to ring? 8.3, when the war is officially over in 8.2.5?

I dunno, in game her counterpart has been Anduin and it seems to me any reckoning she faces will be from a mixed Alliance-Horde team. Once we add the sisters that’s like 6, 7 people including the player.

good morning fellow asylum inmate. :wink:

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Blizzard says the war ending is 8.2.5, so if there’s a patch with a resolution this one should be it.

Lol dunno what you’re trying to get at by continuing to flame bait by using my other toons name. Kirelia was never wrong, by the looks of it.

But I mean you’re the pinnacle of behavior I guess :man_shrugging:.

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Yikes/10 if your main issue is trying to flamebait and not responding to why I said Tyrande isnt in Naz.

Also Kizzan, how is me saying the account i know you from flaming? Dont you do the same thing to Starla?

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There will never be resolution while Sylvanas has my beloved knaifu.

Knifu got rezzed into a void elf.

I agree - so take it away from her. I’m sure Green Jesus and Friendsℱ will be happy to help. :slight_smile:

No, Xal’atath is a velf. The sensual knife is still up for grabs.

Thrall is the OG, Alliance filth have no right to mock him.

Thats who i mean by knifu.

Difference is Starla and Fyre we’re pretending to be someone else, to the “benefit” of your “numbers”.

But I guess when all you see is red, you can’t really tell the difference between apples and oranges.


I’m not enamoured with the lass in the blade, I want to tenderly stroke the knife.

they arent. Didnt Fyre literally say she was Fyre on an alt like two posts in?

i wasnt pretending anything. i just changed my avatar. i want you know you are talking to me