The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

While I do wish they’d reduce the amount of effort required to unlock them, I can’t see why anyone would choose to have races with zones once every six years over more races they can put out at a fraction of the cost.

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especially considering many of these races is what the community has been asking for for years but they were never unique enough to be their own “new” race. allied races allows them to take races with a similar design to existing ones and make them playable at a fraction of the work.

I don’t see the logic and I doubt blizzard does either in coming up with entirely new races when they can just give the playerbase the races they are asking for.

Add to all that the fact that many Horde players don’t consider Belfs to be ‘real Horde’ and would rather they be tossed back to the Alliance.
Thankfully, that’s not going to happen.


they did use ‘high’ elves. high elves are even seen talking in secret with void elves in the mage district. they are even seen in the rift. if you want to fanfiction your void elf is a SC elf nothing is stopping you. they likely used blood elves because there are too few actual alliance high elves to use. they likely implemented them knowing a few hardcore players on the forum would reject them but still decided to give the alliance a high elf variant

even if they used ‘alliance’ high elves you would ask for blood elf customization and everybody knows it

high elves are blood elves

high elves are therefore playable

and you dont even have ground to stand on when you say high elves are not playable. all you have is a desire for the pixels you crave that you believe are currently on the wrong in game faction

except there is no high elf state or army in the alliance, but there is in the horde. the SC dont even live in alliance territory and are tied up with dalaran and its neutrality. they are not an AR. they are a splinter faction of the blood elves

the high elves of quel’thalas proper had their name changed to blood elves to honor the deaths of the scourge invasion, which included their king anasetrian, and the destruction of the sunwell

in their withdrawal from the sunwells energy they began to look for other sources. and from the ashes they rose. thats where the phoenix motif and red branding comes from. they also gained a do anything to survive attitude. while a few ‘high’ elves chose the easy path and will continue to rot off screen with lore limited to raising children in dalaran or living in a hut in the hinterlands

regardless, high elves and blood elves are the exact same people. elves live thousands of years. its not as if hundreds or thousands of years with separate populations caused the two groups to evolve divergently. they are the same exact people and they are not neutral. the high elf race is no more neutral then the human race who also have splinter factions that work against them and with the horde

again high elves are already playable. you can continue to deny the lore and development all you want. i can say blood elves are the high elves and you can say they are not and we can go around in circles for the rest of time. or you can accept the reality of lore and development that high elves are playable on the horde and move on


Chows down on a great breakfast of :beer::bacon::fried_egg:, as she enjoys the continuing saga of the two sides trying to convince each other that their apples aren’t oranges.

Beer for Breakfast!? If its not bad have another one for Desert! :beers: Round for the house! I need more bacon! :bacon:

I kinda of like bourbon’s idea for the quest chain unlock for the ARs (I think he is meaning beyond the recruitment unlock.) A better way to work with a given group besides the main story line that they are involved in.

Maybe the AR faction has an ambassador to work with that gives you a few different quests? Such as taking a protege from their group and showing them the outside world, or maybe quests involved in setting up trade and supplies for them, then onto the big recruitment scenario. Trying to have all of this separate of the Rep grind
 and if they have to have a rep grind, set it so the ambassador quests start at honored or something-with no additional rep reqs
 becuase i know blizz would be slippery fellows and make you have to get revered or something silly to get the final unlock.


It seems to me that the questlines we currently have make the most sense for unlocking ars. The Zandalari and Kul Tiran main storylines made perfect sense as a jumping off point for faction membership.

That said, I would say the problem isn’t locking them behind reps. The problem is that they’ve made rep farming physically painful. Like what sadist designed the 8.2 reps?



I forever hate Nazjatar
 mechagon at least has a decent daily rep farm though, and at least you have the anti grav pack to work with.


I feel the same way.:+1:

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Remember when people complained that they thought Mechagon was going to be the slower rep to grind because of only one daily world quest.

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Sometimes I wonder if Blizz wishes they had a do over button for it after players giving them grief all these years and pointing out the flaws and lack of balance. Theyd never admit it of course, but maybe its one of those things they think or even talk about in person.


I am sure all 10 people giving them grief makes them wish they could do a do over.

If anything, they probably giggle.


I think you need to count again. And go over 15 years of player feedback across many platforms. Also, wouldnt hurt to consider the big picture since I wasnt just referring to high elf fans.

Some people’s kids, I swear.


sees a 5k post thread with the same 10 people talking

I counted.



Over your head.


Not at all. I just think the high elven complainers make up a muuuuuccccch smaller community and portion of the playerbase than they think they do.

Thats all.


Considering how I said it wasnt just about “high elf complainers” its pretty clear you missed it.

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Considering we all know that is all that actually matters in this thread.

Being able to play a light skinned elf on the alliance side. High elf being optional.

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Considering that wasnt the point in my post, I think its safe to say you are commenting on something you just cant reach. Try again later.


You’re not using that right, fam