The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You know i’m not. I’d ask you a question but it’s a tad bit offensive to blizzards standards.

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Just find it funny you call it flawed thinking when no one denies that Blood Elves are high elves.

Not all high elves are blood elves though. So no one is asking the Blood elves to abandon the horde Camp and move on over to the alliance.


You find it funny? Oh then i guess your witty comment about Blood Elves was supposed to go over my head with your intent. You aren’t as clever as you think you are. Where are your A-list defenders? Rather respond to them.

You made a “witty” comment and I responded kindly.

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I did not, stated a fact about Void Elves and Nightbourne. If you loook reeeeeeeal hard you cans ee the obvious pattern goin on with ARs.

An ever-increasing amount of emphasis for you, since three times wasn’t enough.


  • A stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.

In this case, using the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of breed, that’s exactly what these fat people are – a different breed, owing to 2,000+ years of different selection pressures alongside immediately discernible social, cultural, and linguistic distinctions.

Just because you didn’t know something, doesn’t mean it ain’t the case. You’ve learned something today, friend.

Also, you won’t find me claiming anywhere that they’re not biologically humans – but, rather, that they absolutely qualify as being a different “race” (i.e. “type”, or “breed”) insofar as World of Warcraft is concerned.

Not sure why this is addressed towards me, I’m pretty candid about my preference for High Elves to be either a) absorbed into the Void Elves or b) similarly inundated by some other type of energy. I’m one of those rare types that actually cares about the narrative more than having the ability to play as something that looks like a 14-year old baton twirler from Norway. :man_shrugging:

Why the change? You’ve seen the light that is little baby Anduin? :laughing:

They’re referring to all Kul Tirans, specifically, but he’s right that they’re all biologically human – what he’s wrong about is the textbook definition of “race”.

This doesn’t make sense as a response to my statement – which refers to Stormwind Humans and Kul Tiran Humans, both of which are on the Alliance. :man_shrugging:

5 out of 7 for effort.


Look closer, its in response to #3. You’re welcome.

  1. I know what it was in response to, it still doesn’t make sense as a response to me talking about why it is entirely accurate to describe Kul Tirans as a different race from Stormwindians.
  2. You’ve failed to convince me that two different groupings, of similar biological origin, cannot be placed on opposing factions in the first place – so, you’re either going to have to try harder or
 I don’t know, fade back into the hedges like Homer?

Sigh, were in a thread about High Elves, everythings gonna be in reference to High Elves why am i explaining this to you? This is school level kinda understanding.

Ok so if you take a look at all the ARS every single one is on its Home faction. Zandalari, Maghar, LF, KT, etc etc. Void Elves are completely distinct so are Nightbourne. So much so they aren’t their original races anymore so its ok to have them on the opposite side. Now the High Elves you want vs the ones we already have are only differing in political ideaology. If you go back and look at the developers pattern you will see from just straight observation a pattern in requirements. This is also complimented by Ions “the Horde is there waiting for you” Discussion. There i think i explained that good enough

And now that i settled that I’m off to play some War Thunder or Fortnight, i havent decided yet.

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  1. That clearly isn’t the case.
  2. Why are you attempting to explain something that clearly isn’t the case? Doesn’t that make you a basketcase, by definition?

I’m going to stop you right there, and refer you back to something I said not an hour ago

So who exactly are you talking to? Definitely not me. :man_shrugging:


All of a sudden your name makes sense. :laughing:

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What? That i’m a Baker in my 30s? You got that from my name and Fortnight? In any case i was forced to change it after a brigade from Puregamefuel. I was defending LFR and why its good for the game and they disagreed and openly called for everyone to report it. So if you are implying I refuse to die inside and remain a child at heart? You got me. I made a poop joke, you can find them all over in WoW, via quests.


Also in a stunning reversal, over a cup of coffee and my best friend I’ve came to two conclusions. One, you can have the High Elves. The devs are gonna release what they want and if thats in their plans then im sittin here screaming into the Void. I apologize for any hostility and i hope you have a good evening. Cheers :coffee:

To expand on this, i sat down and to my best explained the situation and he thought this was ridiculous. He convinced me that it doesn’t matter how i feel about it. If they are gonna release High Elves then they were always gonna do it as soon as AR’s became a possibilty and that the only thing i can do is A. Make peace with that and B. Let it go.

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Not going to lie, it still feels like you’re having a discussion with yourself.

You do you, though, fam. :man_shrugging:


In plain terms i said have your High Elves. No need to be rude.

Thats what I think, but Im not sure. It probably had to do with the request for thin KT?

It was never really about the high elves. :wink:






:man_health_worker:It’s terminal :woman_health_worker:

Thats a lot of thinking, whats your conclusion Doctor?

this is exactly it. The saving grace is that they didn’t use high elves to make them albeit most in our community have said that if void elves had come from high elves we would have been largely satisfied because it is the elves we want with that same background lore. It would be the progression of their story. Instead they are blood elves.