The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I find it interesting that these are the grind completion numbers yet Void Elves are the most played AR.

Blizzard can make mistakes and they have acknowledged some mistakes in the past. Hence, thats why the High Elf request exists.

They dont need to have crazy changes to appearance to be playable. Pandaren exist on both sides with the exact same appearance and it hasnt hurt a thing.


I have a 120 Ren’dorei, but I didnt make him because he was a void elf, I mad him cause he can kinda look like a Quel’dorei that was the only reason. If they had a Quel’dorei option I would change him in a heartbeat.

It hasn’t hurt a thing because they came into existence available for both factions on the same day. They were not a situation where one faction had them, ergo part of that faction’s identity, and then they were given to the other.

Apples and oranges, Kirela. :slight_smile:


The fact of the matter is that if what Blizzard wanted was, “something unique, something different”, this could’ve been achieved without many of the blunders that are today associated with Void Elves (i.e. them not actually being derived from the High Elves, and those same High Elves continuing to co-exist within the broader Alliance).

These things could, of course, be redressed if the intent were to do so. The issue, as perceived by the Alliance playerbase, is a lack of interest in redressing said things by Blizzard – why should they care, they’ve already lifted billions of pennies out of the pockets of their playerbase because of Void Elves. I said it earlier in another thread, the era of “good ol’ Blizzard polish” is over.

Sad, but true.


Oh yea, the achievement % for allied race unlock is low; its pretty pitiful.


Classic sunk the fangs in me. :stuck_out_tongue:


Annnnnnd? :wink:

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I’ve made it 3/4th of the way, friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Showoff. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It honestly seems like Blizzard knew that High Elves were the ones they NEEDED to add when they were doing the first round of ARs but didn’t take enough time to think around the issue of them looking exactly like Blood elves.

So they made Void Elves thinking the skeleton would be enough, forgetting the fundamental reason people wanted High elves in the first place, even connecting them back to Blood elves and Silvermoon, making them doubly far removed from High Elves.


Blizzard polish has nothing to do with you disagreeing with the way they went with their story.

And yet a void elf literally rips off the horde by slapping some purple skin and a few tentacles on a blood elf and giving it to the alliance. Or nightborne handed to the horde.

My point about pandaren is that the game already has shown that the game and players have survived with identical copies on both sides.

Also, no where have I seen where horde owns the model or the appearance. Its up to Blizz.


The Blizzard of 2011 wouldn’t have dreamed a releasing a playable race, under any name, with 1/3rd of the customization options of the existing playable races. :man_shrugging:


Sorry but the story still there when it comes to Quel’dorei & Alliance always has been.


Yea it showed how bad the neutral race idea was, and thats not talking about customization.

Again but the story moving away from something youd rather do is nothing to do with blizzards polish, that refers to making sure things arent broken on release.

No, it hasnt. You are stuck in Wrath. Were in BFA now, they are used as sock puppets to give variety to the background. If at all.


To be fair, Pandaren are more popular than EVERY Allied Race – including Void Elves.

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