The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And yet we see these little chestnuts from your side. :thinking:

So tell me again how your copy-paste “arguments” aren’t derailing the thread.

When the topic is discussion of High elves, not the discussion of the possibility and method of implementation of High elves.

When I had brought up blue eyed Sin’dorei dont make it a Quel’dorei, Should have seen the uproar.

Can’t say I’m surprised, hypocrisy is often lost on the issue.

Thats where the argument is shifting to now that all the other reasons are pretty much debunked, They look to much alike to be both Alliance and Horde, So now Half elves/ and void customization stuff has been popping up. The High Elf Wayfarer elves have me curious now though. Apperantly they are coming in from Stormwind.

Or attack them because they are strategic military targets who have placed themselves in the line of fire. If you sign up to be a 7th legion soldier, why should you not be attacked? So I fail to get the idea of the horde “liking” to attack them given the high elves having a minor presence.

You mean the bomb built by Thaeln Songweaver using a stolen focusing iris? The same guy who was a spy for Garrosh?
You know
the guy responsible for the tragedy and not the blood elvees?
You’re leaving out the important details of the matter to create this suggestion that the horde goes out of their way to attack high elves.

Quel’danil was attacked because of the registry and refused to hand it over.
Same for highvale.
Same for theramore where the alliance put their military forces.

You can’t claim you’re being specifically targeted if you stand in front of the bullets


Horde are killing them, Make all the excuses you want, and Sin’dorei dont seem to care, forgot the Rhonin Question to cut and pasting there.


This is a good scenario, even if it were time gated, it definitely wouldn’t be a rep grind and the player(s) would have an outline on the time required vs a rep grind. I’ve laid out a similar scenario in the mega thread
 but now that we know the story direction, mine wouldn’t work unless Sylvanas was trying to convert some high elves to UD elves, Or something. Thanks Bourbon!

Then dont use the pandaren argument. Simple


BTW Folks I would recommend reading about all this stuff, for the people who haven’t yet, Its great, fun reading that is easy to look up and then come to your own conclusions if Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei are different and if that difference is enough to make playable on both sides. Allot of fun History and Lore to read. Don’t go by what you see in these forums.

I mean the difference is mostly politics. Its why a high elf death knight can become a blood elf based on oath.

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I agree With the politics but I also believe with the current history of the death of Quel’dorie populations and certain characters, that political divide has become wider. Bad blood has been introduced into the politics. Just my humble opinion.

But I also dont believe that different politics is a good differential between two groups to clarify them as different races.

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I will to agree to disagree, I do believe its enough to make them playable on both sides. Bows

And I will agree to disagree here, since the void elves had to go through a whole different transformation to become a separate race from the blood elves.


Again has nothing to do with the Quel’dorei story.

No it doesnt, but it shows that there has to be a degree of difference physically for allied races to come to light. I also am a firm believer that high elves were considered for the allied race system but didnt make the cut for void elves.

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They had to been considered and trigger almost pulled, with the Mounts, Tabard and Reputation, but then a decision was made by some that took the matter personal, and cancelled it. imho.

I wouldnt say that. I say why does the same game developer during a question in Legion talk about the idea of a subrace system while blatantly mentioning high elves off the bat
then goes with void elves when they make a sub race system?

Hehe why do they do anything nowadays, they assume its what we want and how we want play mayby?? I dont know.

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MY honest opinion about Ren’dorei was a bad attempt to appease the Queldorei fans and they really believed it would suffice, again imho