The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

Where you go “HERE TO SHOW SUPPORT STILL!” every couple of hours. That would be bumping. There isn’t a need for it. If people want it, let them speak up. If you’re the sole voice, then it won’t provide an accurate representation of support. Do you not agree?

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Once a day is shameless bumping,

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Furthermore, it is more than once a day. You had more than two bump posts 1 day ago.

As shameful as trying to bully people off a thread or killing a thread cause you don’t like it?

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This is simply a red herring which has nothing to do with the current discussion we are holding.

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Because you say so right? I mean you get to make this code up and rules and definitions up. So why not say If you say so.

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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff High Elves つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


This is just a provocative baiting statement. Are you unwilling to stick to the discussion point? Which is your desire to repeatedly bump a topic?

They are available through the Horde.


Those are Blood Elves. I want Alliance High Elves, thanks.


:heart::heart:Me To! :heart::heart: Playable Alliance Quel’Dorei For the win!:heart::heart:


They are the same thing Tashari, it is purely semantics. I understand you desire the blood elves who refused to honor their fallen and stayed with the alliance, but this does not necessarily mean they are not playable.
There are humans who have worked alongside the horde repeatedly in the past, but this does not mean humans should be playable on the Horde side.


Yah nothing to do with the deadliest thing to Quel’doei is the Horde. Might be why the Quel’dorei wont join the Sin’dorei.

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well then it is a good thing no one here is asking for blood elves to be neutral. the sad thing is that blood elves are already on both factions because blizzard made void elves all come from blood elves which is strange when you think about it. It leaves the existing alliance high elves open to be used in the future instead of being void elves now.


Alliance Quel’dorei are not playable. I would like to see them playable.

So let me rephrase my other post:

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff Alliance High Elves つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


How are the Horde the deadlist thing to the high elves?
For one, the only ones who ever had a significant interaction with them in combat was the blood elves, their own people.
We already know that the reason the high elves stayed with the alliance has nothing to do with the Horde.
The only one with such a reason is Alleria, and she recognizes she has made the choice to attack the Horde after her exile.

A neutral race in WoW, is a race which is available to both sides. Your request makes the thalassian elf race neutral regardless of how you wish to paint it, this is the end result.

Okay, I understand that, but they have as great a chance of being playable as humans do on the Horde. There are many barriers involved, and those barriers are not easily broken without the possibility of significant friction within the community, on top of making void elves redundant.

I am sorry, but I do not see your request occurring.


Highvale, Theramore , 7th Legion Quel’dorei, Horde and races of the horde likes killing Quel,dorei. Horde have killed plenty of them. Heck it was Sin’dorei that helped build the bomb for Theramore killed Rhonin, you do know who Rhonin was right? Hope this isn’t considered shameless bumping, if it is my apologies


I see the request occurring quite easily because money. High elves are money and actiblizz loves money. If the current dev leadership doesn’t do it the ones that come after them will which going off of the average time a dev lead is in that position it should be changing sometime soon.

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I wouldn’t say their chances are equal at all. Sure, humans have worked with the horde before, but High Elves are still relevant to alliance lore.

That friction would last about a week tops.

They already have little lore. They’re barely elves at this point anyway so the fact that they exist matters little. However, if Blizzard adds High Elf themes and customization options to Void Elves and made them their own thing then I’ll accept it as a fair compromise.

That’s why threads like this exist. We’re giving Blizzard our feedback. :slight_smile:


on the whole void elves vs high elves topic giving high elf customization to void elves would actually detract from that race and take away what they are about.

On the same note the high elf story does not tread on the void elf story. the void elf story is however slightly treading on the high elf story.

The high elf story is to oppose and retake silvermoon and carry on the legacy of the quel’dorei. The void elf story is that of experts and scholars of the void mastering the power of this mysterious and often dangerous magic.


Yah I dont see much peace with Veressa Around with Silver Covenant and Horde, Not after what Sin’dorei helped do. Not the One Loving race that people want you think they are.